Do You Remember…

…when you didn’t dare question the patriotism of those who dissented from a rush to war?

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is questioning the priorities of lawmakers criticizing the U.S. intervention in Libya.

She’s asking bluntly, “Whose side are you on?”

Remember when that kind of question would’ve earned a government figure (or anyone) a curt “don’t question my patriotism!”?

6 thoughts on “Do You Remember…

  1. Congress holds the purse strings, they can stop this comic opera war tomorrow if they wish to do so.

  2. “Whose side are you on?”
    That depends on whether or not the “sides” can be adequately defined, now doesn’t it? I wish I had a dime for every left wing drone who asked “What is our national security interest in Iraq/Afghanistan”.
    Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, you are both hypocrites.

  3. “Whose side are you on?”

    I realize that this comment was made in a close-door session between the Secretary of State and members of her political party but did no one think to ask the question – “if one of the leaders of the rebels in Libya was also leading the fight against US forces in Afghanistan, are any of them really on our side?”

    FWIW: I haven’t made up my mind about Libya. I did make up mind about Afghanistan, Iraq and Kosovo but back then the President went before Congress and laid out the mission and what our role and objectives were so we know what we’re trying to do and what our level of commitment might be. Note: I was never one of those who demanded a timetable or an “exit strategy” as broadcasting those publicly may only embolden our foes to try and outlast our resolve.

    At this point I suspect that the reason (besides arrogance and ineptitude) that Obama didn’t do this earlier and is now trying to skirt the requirements of the War Powers Act is because he or someone in his administration realized that they really don’t know what they’re trying to accomplish or what the US’ role is going to be and trying to persuade Congress would only make that even more apparent.

  4. Without an expeditionary force, what are our war aims? Obama has the most liberal of vices, he learns incorrectly from the experience of others. While he may look back at the Clinton “bombing only” campaign in Serbia as an example of success, in Serbia we purposely bombed civilian targets in order to erode support for Milosovic. That strategy is not only a war crime (if you will), it cannot work in Libya.

  5. I wonder if France is using regular Army & Air Forces or Foreign Legion?

    When I was young and bulletproof, I actually thought about joining after I got out of the Air Force. I had several interesting offers about that time, including an opportunity to work as a contract aircraft mechanic for the Iranian Air Force under the Shaw. Glad that I didn’t take that one, but ever since I saw Beau Geste as a kid, I’ve always liked the Kepi Blanc.

  6. Back in the 80’s I saw a 60 Minutes expose’ on the FFL. The story they were pushing is that the recruits were scum kept in line only by the harshest discipline. They interviewed a former FFL non-com who had been kicked out for various crimes including drugging the CO’s wife and selling her as prostitute.
    I remember the reporter repeating this last charge incredulously, and after the non-com confessed that it was true, the reporter asked him why he did it? Was it some kind of joke?
    The non-com waited a long time before answering while he gave the reporter an odd, reptilian look and finally responded flatly that yes, it was a joke.

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