Words To Live By

In the comment section of yesterday’s post about the Wisconsin Public Employees’ Unions protests against Govenor Walker’s bill to elminate collective bargaining, regular commenter “Terry” wrote something I think every Conservative group in American that faces a similar fight should put on T-shirts and picket signs:

I, for one, will not work until I am 70 so public employees can retire at 55.

Not that Governor Dayton wants to give lil’ ol’ me any choice in the matter.

Groups?  Start printing.

7 thoughts on “Words To Live By

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Shot in the Dark » Blog Archive » Words To Live By -- Topsy.com

  2. I still can’t get over an episode of “Househunters International” I watched with my wife about a year ago. A public school teacher from California–single, mid- to late thirties and female–bought a vacation home in Italy. Now maybe the woman had inherited wealth or a big divorce settlement to use for the purchase, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the taxpayers of California may have had something to do with it.

  3. Funny that you mentioned that episode, doc, but that show is full of teachers, both single and married couples, that are buying vacation homes in exotic locales!

  4. “teachers, both single and married couples, that are buying vacation homes in exotic locales!”

    Let’s expatriate all of them, and after they’ve left cut the purse strings. I guess I’m not feeling very benevolent today. (sheesh)

  5. Thanks for the kind words. I am just stating the obvious.
    I hate it when one group of citizens tries to leach off of another group of citizens. That ain’t what America is supposed to be about.

  6. Pingback: Shot in the Dark » Blog Archive » Question For Union Supporters

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