Two Massacres

Has it really only been two weeks since the Tucson Massacre?

Yep.  Two weeks and two days.  The media coverage has been so all-encompassing and intense, it feels longer.

Part of it is Rep. Giffords’ miraculous recovery so far.  Miracles fascinate us (although I have a hunch if it were a black guy, or an unattractive unelected white guy, we wouldn’t be getting the hourly updates).  And as disabled as this nation has been by Obama’s regime so far, I think America wants to see something recovering quickly.  Goodness knows the economy isn’t.

On the other hand, as Dr. Jonz at the Dogs points out, there is another massacre story out there – one we’re barely hearing about:

However, an even more gruesome, horrific, unspeakably evil, beyond-human-comprehension, massacre has been uncovered the last few days, and I believe that very few in the nation have heard about it. I am referring to the Philly abortion / infanticide / drug OD operation run by Kermit Gosnell – for over 30 years! The details are very grim, and are hard to believe, how any one human that has any heart, soul, or conscience, could perform such atrocities. The clinics’ acts included killing hundreds of live babies outside the womb, (including a procedure of snipping babies’ spinal cords in the back of their necks, like one would cut a string with scissors)…. but he also over drugged his patients who were in such intense pain, or had second thought about the procedures.

He also ran the most filthy, infected, unsanitary clinic imaginable, with blood, urine, discarded fetuses strewn everywhere. Finally, he engaged in every and any sort of criminal deceptive activity, to ensure he could perform any abortion at any stage, despite laws against late term abortions (falsifying addresses, falsifying medical records, etc). Think of the worst horror show / nightmare imaginable, and that would look mild compared to the depths that this monster carried out for 30 years. He did everything humanly possible to squeeze every penny out of his pregnant clients – regardless of patients’ pregnancy stage or mental and physical state – to the tune of about $1.8 million per year.

While abortion has never been my main political topic – I’m personally a pro-lifer, and think Roe needs to be reversed as bad law – the Gosnell story is enough to turn any libertarian into a pro-lifer; enough to make me want to grab some of those leftyblog/leftymedia hamsters who point to the murders of two abortion doctors in two decades by lunatic fringers and tell ’em “the score has swung waaaay past even”.


Again, though, I am sure that most will hear almost nothing about this story. Why? Because the babies were mostly minorities? Because the babies were only 24 weeks from conception? Because abortion is a taboo topic in the US? None of these justify allowing such horrific slaughter to go unrecognized in our society.


Know what “justifies” it to the left and media (pardon the redundancy)?

Knowing that this story is going to impede the mission of safeguarding the civil sacrament of abortion.  Because human life – that of minority and poor mothers, as well as countless babies – just like fair and equal treatment of women, all go by the boards when the left, and “feminism”, feel that one of their political goals is in danger.

And so people just can’t know about it.

I am more concerned with what happens in our society beyond the prosecution of Gosnell and his accomplices. How did the Pennsylvania State Dept of Health and Human Services go 30 years, with either no – or inadequate – inspections? More people need to be held to account than just Gosnell. What makes this Philly massacre more tragic than the Tucson massacre, is that if people had done their jobs, many innocent lives taken in Philly easily could have been saved. Why as a society do we not value those lives, as much as the lives in Tucson?

Oh, that’s easy.

Tucson involved an elected, photogenic Democrat official.

Philly unphotogenic crimes and non-jet-set victims involve a judicially imposed “right” that’s more important than human life, than individual womens’ health, than the rest of the entire Constitution to a good chunk of our society, to its supporters.  To the hard left, protecting abortion is a civic jihad, more important than any individual (especially the declassé brown women who were Dr. Gosnell’s customers and victims.

21 thoughts on “Two Massacres

  1. Michelle Malkin also wrote about this horrific situation on Friday on Townhall.

    Another great article, also on Friday posted on Townhall, was the fact that to further point out the left wing nuts bias, was written by Sandy Rios. Yes, the liberats have again used tragedy for egregious political opportunism and only focused on the liberal demonrat that was shot, yet ignored Federal Judge John Roll’s heroism.

    I guess because he’s got the (R) designation, it doesn’t matter that he saved a liberat staffer of Rep Giffords. This further illustrates the moronic leftists in the media.

  2. This story is not going to receive much oxygen from the MSM. Even Hollywood won’t touch it. It illustrates, however, how callous we have become as a culture when this doctor can operate in the shadows, plying his deadly craft without any reasonable oversight.

  3. In the period between January 1 1975 and December 31 2009 539,655 abortions have taken place in Minnesota.

    In a state that is 87% white, in any given year the percentage of abortions to non-white mothers falls between 34% and 38% – in other words liberal doctrinaire middle-class white women are supporting, encouraging, foisting off, what can charitably be called a slow-genocide of non-white children.

  4. The Tuscon slayings were NOT politically motivated. The Phily genocide is most certainly political. Kel cites the number 539,655 in Minnesota. One state. What was the average cost of each execution?
    Killing the unborn is big business in America.

  5. Kermit

    in 2009 MN taxpayes paid for 140 out of state abortions for a total cost of $29,156.76 or roughly $208.26 on average.

    to give a perspective on the total number of non-white babies executed between 1975 and 2010 34% is equal to approximately 183,000. Where are the cries of racism?

  6. Kermit

    my memory of abortion prices in 1976 was in the range of $275 to $350 at Meadowbrook Clinic so assuming that the $208. represents a “wholesale” price, the abortion industry in MN has grossed in excess of $112,388,550.30 since 1975. I suppose the liberals think of that as job creating capital.

  7. When someone takes a crack at a politician, it is said to be an attack on our Democracy.

    When someone taps a copper, it is said to be an attack on law and order.

    You won’t ever hear it from the MSM, but everytime Dr. Frankenstein hacks up a baby, it is an attack on our very humanity. And every time some stinking leftist celebrates “choice”, it moves us one step closer in a regression back to mindless animals squatting over a fire in loincloths.

    It’s the worst aspect of the leftist moral relevance agenda.

  8. $112,388,550.30 since 1975. Multiply that by 50 and you get a sense of why this “right” is so jealously guarded. It breaks my heart.

  9. Want to annoy a pro-choice liberal? Ask for stats on the race of the aborted babies. For the record….African Americans make up 11% of the US population (or is it 13%?). They make up 40% of the abortions. In NYC, 60% of all black pregnencies end in abortion.

    Some states, like Wisconsin, have racial profiling laws where all police stops and contacts, the officers have to record the skin color of the people stopped, then send a report to a bureaucrat, who then reviews it to see if it is acceptable. Wonder if this (race of abortions) can be considered racial profiling.

  10. Even if you are one who doesn’t really get into the abortion debate, you have to be troubled by the one-sided reporting. This story is one example. Another? In close succession, we had 2 murders related to abortion. An abortion provider in kansas was killed, and a pro-life protestor in Owosso Michigan was murdered. In the latter case, the killer said he can’t stand pro-life protesters, so he went up to the guy and shot him in the head.

    Why did MSM only report on one of these killings?

  11. think Gosnell’s “mistakes” aren’t happening in MN? In 2009 the following postoperative complications were reported:

    Cervical laceration requiring suture or repair =1

    Heavy bleeding/hemorrhage with estimated blood loss in excess of 500cc = 5

    Infection requiring inpatient treatment = 6

    Heavy bleeding/anemia requiring transfusion = 1

    Failed termination of pregnancy (continued viable pregnancy) =12

    Incomplete termination of pregnancy (retained products of conception requiring re-evacuation) = 43

    Other complication = 11

    Total Reported = 79

  12. “Pro-choice” hate speech killed those 8 kids. Let’s see if they are ready to accept responsibility and scale down the rhetoric…..

  13. Here’s a sample of what happens when humanity is torn asunder….PZ Meyers, calm deliberative spin:

    “Much noise is being made about the ‘horrific’ killings, but late term abortions, even the ones done in clean, properly maintained facilities with well-trained personnel, are always necessarily bloody and unpleasant affairs, like most surgeries.”

    Note the scare quotes around horrific…see, to PZ and his simian ilk, this is just another “surgury”…feel free to note my scare quotes.

    I think I may send a crate of bananna’s to PZ.

  14. Of course it just surgery. Abortion is “womyn’s health care” after all. That’s just a 7 pound, 7 oz. mass of unviable tissue. Especially after it’s spinal cord has been severed by a pair of scissors.

  15. Not only is the practice of late-term abortion barbaric, but too many woman have come to view the very process as merely another form of birth control.

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