Found In The Files Of Every Single MSM Editorial Writer In America Today

“Although we don’t yet know the official cause of yesterday’s [Fill in terrible event] in [Fill in location of terrible event], it seems obvious that the irresponsible and inflammatory [Pick one:  “vitriol” or “anti-government budget proposal]” ] coming from [Pick any three from the following list:  the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, the current GOP majority in the House of Representatives, the Taxpayers League, Christian fundamtntalists, the NRA, extreme pro-lifers, Fox News] are the prime suspects.”

“We don’t know officially know exactly what [Pick one:  “Put the gun in [the suspect’s] hand” or “caused the [natural or man-made disaster]” ], but vitriol from the right, which polluted much of American politics from 1992 to 2000, and started again in 2009, is surely the prime suspect.”

“We only know one thing for sure; it is for us who remain to speak for the victims; “[Pick one:  “Quit your dilly-dallying and approve the Democrats’ budget proposal” or “take a fresh look at sensible gun control]” ]; while you’re at it, perhaps it’s time to look into reinstating the Fairness Doctrine, to make sure those without voices – Congress, the mainstream media and The People – aren’t drowned out in the flood of vitriol from [Pick any three from the following list:  the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, the current GOP majority in the House of Representatives, the Taxpayers League, Christian fundamtntalists, the NRA, extreme pro-lifers, Fox News].”


12 thoughts on “Found In The Files Of Every Single MSM Editorial Writer In America Today

  1. There is a definite “there has been a shooting involving a politician, go pull opinion ‘237B’ off the shelf” quality to the editorials of the establishment media. Yesterday’s Strib had a guest column by someone advocating the government “take back the airwaves” by re-instating the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ that appeared to have been in the can just waiting for something awful to happen. I’m not sure if it’s a testimony to the efficiency of the establishment media, having opinion ready to go as events dictate or the inefficiency of the establishment media keeping opinions in some dark, dank warehouse and pulling them out long after their expiration date.

  2. Always ready to engage in thoughtful, reasoned discourse without the vitriol, Angryclown represents the Democrat party.

  3. I’m drawing a surveyor’s symbol over a picture of Kermit the Frog in your honor, Kermie.

  4. Stop now, while the vestiges of your prior self can perhaps save your snarky legacy.

    aka his “Salad Days”.

    Things been pretty bleak on the streets, eh clown? Weeell, don’t get your dauber down; you and Jr. can still sell plasma until those test results are released.

  5. “Seflores Says: Yesterday’s Strib had a guest column by someone advocating the government “take back the airwaves” by re-instating the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ that appeared to have been in the can just waiting for something awful to happen.”

    The Strib is pulling out all the stops to avoid Chapter 7.

  6. I’m drawing a surveyor’s symbol over a picture of Kermit the Frog in your honor, Kermie.

    That means one of the kids AC has locked in the basement is crying now because clown stole her coloring book.

  7. Baddabing, lay off AC. He had to work hard to contract the disease of his favorite socialist dictator.

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