Chanting Points Memo: 2+2=Fudge, Winston

MNDFL chair Brian Melendez sent this out to the faithful yesterday:

The more Minnesotans hear from Tom Horner, the clearer it becomes that he is just another Republican insider, and his only plan is to continue Governor Pawlenty’s failed policies.

Insider?  A guy who hasn’t darkened the doorstep of a GOP caucus since Arne Carlson was in office?

By that standard, Mitch Berg is “just another Libertarian Party insider”.

As far as that bit about “continu[ing] Governor Pawlenty’s failed (sic) policies”?  Let’s take a brief march back through time:




GOVERNOR PAWLENTY:  Nope.  No new taxes!


GOVERNOR PAWLENTY: Ixnay on the Axestay!


GOVERNOR PAWLENTY:  You shall not pass…taxes!


TOM HORNER: We need over two billion in new taxes!

I’d think even Brian Melendez could detect the pattern, here.

Tom Horner wants to raise sales taxes on almost everything we buy, which will hit middle-class families twice as hard as others. And while Minnesota’s middle-class families are struggling, Tom Horner’s priority is to cut taxes for big businesses.

As opposed to Mark Dayton – who’ll raise taxes on everyone, directly or indirectly – and Tom Emmer, who …won’t!

With less than five weeks left until the election, we wanted to make sure all Minnesota’s voters know exactly what Tom Horner stands for.

Who is Tom Horner? Just another Republican.

Read:  “Internal polling shows he’s taking a lot more Democrat than GOP votes”

5 thoughts on “Chanting Points Memo: 2+2=Fudge, Winston

  1. As you’ve pointed out Mitch, the idea of expanding the sales tax to everything, will indeed hurt the lower income families, in more ways than one.

    To illustrate my point, I invite any reader to take a trip out to Hugedale on a Saturday afternoon and just cruise through the parking lot. Note all of the WI, IA, ND, SD, IL and Canadian license plates! With the assistance of my brother, we did just that about a month ago, only making a stroke count of out of state plates. We went through only the West ramp by Macy’s and counted 108 vehicles, top to bottom. You can probably do this at any of the Dales or shopping malls. The majority of these people are buying clothing that they can’t get at home and saving the sales taxes that they pay there.

    The domino effect from just clothing sales alone, will be; a significant reduction in shopping traffic, hotel rooms rented, restaurant receipts, tips, and ultimately. JOBS!

    If the cry baby waiters that attended Emmer’s town hall think that dropping the minimum wage was a bad idea, then they wouldn’t even look at either Horner or Dayton, because we all know that the Demonrats have been testing the waters on this for years.

  2. If the cry baby waiters that attended Emmer’s town hall think

    Well, THERE’S your problem right there!

  3. Horner is independent. Horner is a Republican.
    Horner is independent. Horner is a Republican.
    Horner is independent. Horner is a Republican.
    Horner is independent. Horner is a Republican.

    The DFL must be getting dizzy by now.

  4. Read: ”Internal polling shows he’s taking a lot more Democrat than GOP votes”

    No shit, on the bus every day to school I have seen many lawn signs with people supporting their local DFL House/Senate candidate or even congressional candidate and have a Tom Horner sign also. I have yet to see a lawn where they have GOP signs and a Horner sign. To quote Shakespeare, “Me thinks ye doth protest too much” when it comes to the DFL calling Horner a “Republican”

  5. I’ve noticed (and you predicted this), that the letters to the editor have started….saying that “Horner just another Republican”. The idea is that the writers want DFLers to think “Oh geesh, and I was going to vote for him. Better not then”.

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