Not To Say…

…that Michele Bachmann draws a crowd or anything, but this was the scene yesterday…:

…at the Patriot booth when the Representative did an interview with Michael Medved.

Yep – it’s cameraguys from all three of the local TV stations, pressed up against the glass.

By the way – in case you missed it, I’ve upped my prediction of Bachmann’s eventual margin of victory, from 8 to 10 points.

5 thoughts on “Not To Say…

  1. I love how the Farmer’s Union has the big loudspeakers pointed right at The Patriot booth. Coincidence?

  2. DiscoStoo,

    They have indeed. And to be fair, our speakers are pointed at them. Ours are at a tasteful volume, and theirs are usually playing music; our mikes are hyperdirectional and highly compressed, so I doubt anyone is the wiser.

    It all works.

    Except for our first year there, when someone walked out of the FU booth and yelled something at us. Couldn’t make out what, but he didn’t look happy.

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