Contest: The Twin Cities’ (Unintentionally) Funniest Leftyblog

I announced this a few weeks ago.  What can I say – it’s been a meatgrinder of a couple of weeks. 

But anticipation is half the fun, now – isn’t it?

At any rate – click here to go and vote for the Twin Cities leftyblog that you are most likely to laugh at, rather than with.  Voting will be open until Wednesday morning.

4 thoughts on “Contest: The Twin Cities’ (Unintentionally) Funniest Leftyblog

  1. I was, too. Minnie Mon is just run of the mill biased and clueless, while there are other more deserving entities that make you wonder whether you’re viewing a parody site or not.

  2. I had to go Clothesline. Grace Kelly’s “letter” to A-Klo made me wonder if the cat had to jump out of her lap in response to the pure emotion.

  3. Minnie Mon is just run of the mill biased and clueless,

    The punch line with Minnie Mon is that they’re paid for that rubish. Large progressive foundations are writing checks for that bunch of twits. They got my vote.

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