Contest: Twin Cities’ Unintentionally-Funniest Leftyblog!

In a sense, I’m loathe to run this contest – it’ll necessarily drive some traffic to a bunch of blogs I really don’t like all that much. 

Still, the truth must be told It’s Friday and I need a good laugh.

What are the Twin Cities’ unintentionally funniest leftyblogs and leftybloggers?

I’m not talking about the thin film of TC leftybloggers that are actually fairly sharp thinkers and good writers.  And there are a few of ’em out there, although you have to look hard to find ’em.  (I’ve credited a few of them in this space before, so don’t come yapping at me now). 

No, I’m looking for the ones that are so overwrought they shoot steam out their ears; the ones so far gone in conspiracy theory that they make great party reading; the ones we laugh at, not with. 

I’ll take nominations the rest of today and maybe tomorrow, and run the “real” poll on Monday morning. 

History calls, ladies and gentlemen!

12 thoughts on “Contest: Twin Cities’ Unintentionally-Funniest Leftyblog!

  1. I have to think MnBlue is a solid candidate against the likes of the Wege and Lenfestey.

    Lenfestey is just depressing (and apparently depressed). The MnBlue folks are genuine tinfoil-hats.

    So now we have four!

  2. How can we leave MinnyMoni off the list? The adventures in ‘ethics policies’ and claiming to be a ‘journalist’ were a laugh riot…while Jeffy Feckie took himself to be some 21st Century Edward R Murrow.

  3. If this was one or two weeks ago, I’d suggest the extemely clumsily named “yowling from the thing over there beyond the fencepost with the cat named whats-its-name with the thing and the deal without a litterbox chasing the ball of string and euphoric about moonbattery and can’t admit they are fumingly angry about anything to the right of Stalin blah, blah, blah…”

    The name is STILL going on even though the blog is long gone.

    Now? It’s got to be the guy who does those lame “spottys”. That thing is hillarious.

  4. Pingback: Shot in the Dark » Blog Archive » Contest: The Twin Cities’ (Unintentionally) Funniest Leftyblog

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