He Was Just As Sloshed as Schlegel

Jon Bruning is mounting a primary challenge to Chuck “The Suckup” Hagel in Nebraska.

Scott Johnson has a campaign slogan that all of us Philospophy 352 grads can get behind:

Those familiar with the Dialectic may understand that this particular Hagel requires an antithesis so that the Republican Party can achieve synthesis. In this case, Jon Bruning is the necessary antithesis. Support Jon Bruning!

Nebraska Republicans will need wider cars for the bumper stickers, of course.

10 thoughts on “He Was Just As Sloshed as Schlegel

  1. Speaking of bumper stickers… have you noticed that, at least in the past ten years or so, the amount of text printed on a bumper sticker has steadily increased making it nearly impossible for anyone else to actually read it from another car?

    Mostly notibly left-leaning bumper stickers… but that may only be due to the fact that there are so many lefty stickers in the Twin Cities (because of all of the lefties… and commies).

  2. There’s nothing Nietzsche couldn’t teach ya ’bout the raising of the wrist…

    …a lovely little thinker but a bugger when he’s pissed!

    If you can’t read this bumper sticker, thank your public school teacher.

  3. Yes, it’s actually kind of fun coming up on a car with 2 or more bumper stickers and identifing their politics before you can read the stickers. The more writing, the more to the left.

    And the more bumper stickers on the car, the way farther to the left.

    It’s like they expect me to read their stickers, slap my forehead and say “gosh, that wity slam on conservatives makes sense. Now I see how wrong I’ve been my whole life”.

  4. And why is it you always see the flaming lib (usually paired with a Democrat candiate sticker) on FOREIGN made cars? Doesn’t that make you union thugs mad to see the American Autoworker treated this way by the people YOU support? But knowing the motto of the Democrats…it does make sense: Do as I say, Not as I do.

  5. I only own foreign cars, but not because I hate America. I only own foreign (Japanese) cars because I want my car to last for more than 100-150K miles.

  6. We saw the quintessential car described in the above posts outside a Caribou coffee shop in Bemidji, MN (liberal college town o’ the northland) recently. It was a small foreign-made car (Saab or some such), rusted and dirty and crappy…and absolutely covered with bumper stickers…each bearing some far-left “witticism” or plea or demand and each one stupider and more obnoxious than the next. The bumper was covered, the back window was covered, some of the back side windows were covered. Inside the car was messy and the ashtray was overflowing (lovely smelling I’m sure!). When we went in we tried to figure out who the owner may be…we settled on a scraggly, gray-haired woman screeching on her cell phone while doing something on a laptop. The type that you know is involved in “theatre arts”…..and has cats. Lots of cats.

  7. Mitch predicted: “Nebraska Republicans will need wider cars for the bumper stickers, of course.”

    Also for their big fat midwestern Republican asses.

  8. angryclown, that comment has “moderately bright but spoiled nine-year-old” written all over it. 😉

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