American People: “Show Us The Swag”

Insurance companies report that people, fresh from wondering when Obama would pay their mortgage and put gas in the car, are pawing after the free health care:

Questions reflecting confusion have flooded insurance companies, doctors’ offices, human resources departments and business groups.

“They’re saying, ‘Where do we get the free Obama care, and how do I sign up for that?’ ” said Carrie McLean, a licensed agent for The California-based company sells coverage from 185 health insurance carriers in 50 states.

McLean said the call center had been inundated by uninsured consumers who were hoping that the overhaul would translate into instant, affordable coverage. That widespread misconception may have originated in part from distorted rhetoric about the legislation bubbling up from the hyper-partisan debate about it in Washington and some media outlets, such as when opponents denounced it as socialism.

Or it might be because that’s exactly how its proponents have been pitching it all along.

24 thoughts on “American People: “Show Us The Swag”

  1. And at the same time apparently those wonderful insurance companies are reported to be looking for a way around the provisions against denying coverage to those (including children) with pre-existing conditions.
    Loopholes, any other pretext whatsoever to deny coverage, just so long as they don’t give a pre-existing condition as the reason for denial of coverage – even if it is the primary reason.

  2. It’s also been reported that those nasty insurance companies are trying to figure out how to stay in business after Obama finishes socializing America.

  3. Hey, no problem in covering pre-existing conditions. It’s kinda like offering fire insurance when the building’s already burning. You can have it; it’s just gonna cost you a bit more…

  4. Oh those damned, dirty insurance companies…trying to stay afloat when the Democrat party has an election to run….the blackguards!


    I wish I could see the faces of those numbskulls, all shiney eyed and topped off with Hopey/Changey, when they realize that not only do they not get the “free” ObamaCare, but that they will have to start paying for not getting it.

    And then they get the phone call from mom; “Dad and I need your help….the Medicare investment we’ve been forced to make for the past 40 years has gone bust!”

    And then they get the letter from the IRS: “Your refund has been confiscated, due to lack of compliance with compulsitory ObamaCare laws”.

    Change, is what is happening in America! Heh, heh, heh.

  5. one might argue in rebuttal to the swag allegation that US citizens are simply fed up at overpaying for health insurance, compared to those other industrialized countries that have better AND cheaper health care, with government regulation and intervention.

  6. from politifact fact checking Romney’s book, (Romney has an impressive number of true statements fact checked by politifact – unlike, say Bachmann, who divides hers between false and pants-on-fire false) -says-americans-pay-more-healt-care-die-soo/

    It does suggest that there has been a real need for improvement.

  7. Those nasty insurance companies that are required by law to keep something called RESERVES on hand to pay expected claims. The percentage is hefty and is mandated by law and by GAAP standards.This is usually the largest item on a company’s books. If claims are expected to go up, reserves have to go up as the business is written. No worries, though, the insurance companies can just collect more money from the consumer up front. Or, better yet, fire up the printing presses they have in the basement and print the money they need. Oh, wait, insurance companies aren’t allowed to print currency.

  8. Real need for improvement, definitely; but the direction to go is LESS government in healthcare, not more. Why not start simply by making the tax treatment equal between employer paid and personally paid medical insurance?

  9. Most of us know of people who learned quite well how to scam the welfare system. They will learn quickly how to scam free stuff from Obamacare.

    Night writer, if private business used the same accounting method as the gov’t, ever CEO and CFO in the country would be in prison. Not exagerating. The Fed’l gov’t needs to take a………maybe $50 trillion charge on future liabilities.

  10. compared to those other industrialized countries that have better AND cheaper health care, with government regulation and intervention

    Say deegee?

    Better get a firm grip on your morning Victory gin and kool-aid eye-opener; INCOMMING!

    Patients pull own teeth as dental contract falters· Survey reveals lack of access to NHS treatment


    Canadian Health Care In Crisis

    (AP) A letter from the Moncton Hospital to a New Brunswick heart patient in need of an electrocardiogram said the appointment would be in three months. It added: “If the person named on this computer-generated letter is deceased, please accept our sincere apologies.”

    Have another go at it, Dim-wit.

    Heh. Heh. Heh.


    Canada’s Private Clinics Surge as Public System Falters

    The country’s publicly financed health insurance system — frequently described as the third rail of its political system and a core value of its national identity — is gradually breaking down. Private clinics are opening around the country by an estimated one a week, and private insurance companies are about to find a gold mine.

    Dr. Day, for instance, is planning to open more private hospitals, first in Toronto and Ottawa, then in Montreal, Calgary and Edmonton. Ontario provincial officials are already threatening stiff fines. Dr. Day says he is eager to see them in court.

    Heh. heh. heh.

  12. Mitch, once again my mockery is being moderated. I’m a professional trying to do some work here!

  13. OMG…it’s a second wave, deegee!

    France Fights Universal Care’s High Cost

    When Laure Cuccarolo went into early labor on a recent Sunday night in a village in southern France, her only choice was to ask the local fire brigade to whisk her to a hospital 30 miles away. A closer one had been shuttered by cost cuts in France’s universal health system.

    Ms. Cuccarolo’s little girl was born in a firetruck.


    Just let me know when you need another lesson, deegee…I’m here all week.

  14. That widespread misconception may have originated in part from distorted rhetoric about the legislation bubbling up from the hyper-partisan debate about it in Washington and some media outlets, such as when opponents denounced it as socialism.

    Anybody else catch the bias in this last phrase? The problem isn’t that bill supporters claimed that Obamacare would cover the uninsured, but because “opponents denounced it as socialism”.

  15. Once again, deegee has dragged her alcohol fueled mummers parade in here and has been taken to school.

    Do you ever get tired of “picking yourself up off the pavement”, deegee?

  16. Dog Gone- “Those other industrialized countries the have better and cheaper health care.” Please prove why they`re better and cheaper. Facts, please.

  17. “Those other industrialized countries the have better and cheaper health care.”
    Let’s send our old people there!
    If it was that simple, there would be no argument. I care far less about how my doctor gets paid than I do about quality of care & bankruptcy protection.

  18. Pingback: Shot in the Dark » Blog Archive » American People: “Show Us The Swag” Consolidations on me

  19. “One might arg”

    swiftee, after that barrage I think Deegee might have an excuse for such behavior: PTSD. Ouch!

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