I Heard It On The NARN

Here’s Gary Gross’s first piece on guest Cassie Fredregill’s battle with the Little Falls school board. Read ongoing coverage at Freedom and Prosperity.

Today’s Progressive Minnesota Social Media Depravity competition:
– Bronze: Keith Ellison
– Silver: Melvin Carter
– Gold, Platinum and Uranium: Peggy Flanagan

What’s the knife about, Peggy?

Here’s today’s song list:

29 thoughts on “I Heard It On The NARN

  1. I listened to Cassie’s story and my hatred for teachers and indoctrination centers, just jumped up three notches. If I were in her shoes, I would sue every damn one of those lying scum that call themselves teachers. What blatant hypocrisy!

  2. She wants to have a knife fight, or is that the tool they use to cut a kids junk off?

    If we have a knife fight, do we have to hold a shared piece of cloth in our teeth, injun style, or can we maneuver?

    Many unanswered questions here.

  3. Those were precisely my questions. Is it:

    • A printing mistake? (Ignorant)
    • A crude reference to surgery? (Inappropriate and crude)
    • A threat? (Stupid and depraved)
  4. “What’s the knife about, Peggy?”
    I hope that this is not true, but it is possible that the American far left has become psychopathic (native Irish Woman Peggy Flanagan), while the moderate left (Walz), having abandoned reason as a means for judging what is true and false, is unable to contain the psychopaths in their own party.
    Anyone who thought that the DFL, given control of the legislature & governor, would govern as moderates has suffered a rude awakening. They may have thought that their daughter was a girl, but now she is labeled a “cis girl” by the politicians they voted into power.

  5. That link to Gary Gross’s piece is bad.

    In a religious context (and what else is leftism if not religion?), the more extreme one is, the more one is considered to be pure or true to the religion. For example, this is why the actions and perspective of Muslim extremists always win favor.

    I don’t think Flanagan is smart enough to have figured this out – she is mindlessly pushing this extremism because she gets no pushback. IOW, she keeps winning, so why stop?

    Wally, however, has figured it out and is cynically using it to his benefit.

  6. I wonder when a prominent person first appeared at a public function dressed like an 80IQ sperg looking for a blunt?

    I wonder when everyday Joe’s and Jill’s started appearing in public dressed like plumbers?

    It was sometime during the mid 1960’s…

    Ever see the recording of the Beatles on Ed Sullivan show? They wore suits and ties…it was an important event to them, and they dressed accordingly. Just a couple years later, they were wearing clown suits.

    Many rational adults at the time recognized the corrosive effects drugs and leftist ideology was having on young boomers and upon society at large, but none thought to connect the New Left to the people behind it all.

    Today, dressing and behaving in a dignified manner is reserved for very special occasions by very few people.

  7. Google “spring break; news.

    It’s all Negroes raping White girls. and killing each other.

    Explain, White Knight, Bikebubble.

  8. In 1960, a carload of young black’s headed South for Spring break would not have made it past Virginia.

    In today’s context, explain how that was wrong.

  9. Explanation is easy. You’re obviously getting your news from those KKK members who feel so comfortable around you, beceause when I looked, that wasn’t all I saw. Yes, “if it bleeds, it leads”, and a couple of incidents in Miami led. Scroll down, you see a lot more.

    Come on, “Sheets”, you can do better than this.

  10. Would you allow your daughter to go to Miami, or Ft. Lauderdale, or Panama City Beach during Spring break, Mr. Bubble?

    If not, why not?

    Lake Havasu AZ is becoming the new hot spot for kids on Spring break. You probably didn’t know that, because kids having wholesome fun doesn’t make the news.

    There just isn’t any mayhem going on down there…I wonder why? Just can’t seem to put my finger on it…


  11. Bigman, NAXALT is a weak excuse, a diversion that uses a small truth to obscure the bigger picture. When you’re discussion populations of tens of millions, it becomes a question of macro socio-political dimensions.

  12. Kremlin “Sheets” Tom, there are some great reasons not to go to spring break activities, starting with a general pattern of heavy drinking and carousing, going on to the consequences when people get drunk and lose their inhibitions, and finally closing with the fact that my family is pretty darned pale, and doesn’t do well with a lot of sun to begin with.

  13. It’s funny to watch you do your virtue dance, Mr. Bubble. I’m guessing you don’t get around vibrant, urban youth very often, and so feel pretty safe. But what will you do when they come to you?

    You may think “they’ll never move into my town”, but you ignore the fact that your degenerate leadership in St. Paul are working their asses off to make that happen. And it’s ignorant numpties like you that help them. Just look at what’s happening to Fridley, Bloomington and Edina, to say nothing of Brooklyn Park.

    You’re a White man, Mr. Bubble, and do not deserve peace and tranquility; you must be made to pay. And pay you will if you don’t leave first.

    I look forward to witnessing your epiphany, and hope it doesn’t come at a tragic cost to a family member.

  14. Your guess about how often I make contact with racial and ethnic minorities is every bit as accurate as your guess about my age, which is to say, not at all. I just differ with you and your KKK friends about what the root causes are.

  15. Of course, Mr. Bubble.

    It’s me and the KLaN, up to our usual tricks. It’s SysTEMiC rAYciSM that turns blacks into violent, murderous animals whenever and wherever they congregate in numbers. It’s SLaVErY that makes Cub food market on Broadway hire armed guards. They sing about beating the living shit out of women because it’s a cultural thing; we wouldn’t understand. Throwing chairs at the poor slobs selling them fried chicken is jus’ keepin’ it real. Sneaking up behind old people and knocking them the fuck out is righteous payback. It’s poverty that forces them to treat their neighborhoods like garbage dumps. They destroy public schools because education is White privilege. They kill one another because the White man is keepin’ the brothers down.

    BLM and Wakanda forever, Mr. Bubble! ✊🏾

  16. I liked that explanation better when I heard it in Gee Officer Krupke: I’m depraved on account I’m deprived.

    Same excuse, just catchier tune

  17. So, “Sheets”, there’s no other explanations for differences in crime rates besides “deprivation” and “race”? Really?

    Worth noting is that since 1964, the sociologists (and Daniel Patrick Moynihan, as well as Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams) have been telling us that failure to thrive in academic/work settings, as well as crime, are correlated pretty tightly with not race, but with whether a person’s parents were married during a child’s upbringing.

    But I’m sure you’ll just stay with whatever newsletter you’re getting from your KKK buddies, Kremlin Tom.

  18. Bikebubba, the reason that the elites have seized on “equity,” rather than “equality,” as an ideology is because when you account for every means of actual legal discrimination, American blacks still end up at the bottom of the pile.
    Take college admissions, since they are the most studied & have the best data.
    Adjust for family income. You still get a totem with East Asians at the top, then whites, then Hispanics, then blacks.
    Adjust for family status, like applicant was raised by stable, married couple or single mom. Same ranking.
    Adjust for being the first in family history to attend college. Same ranking.
    Adjust for having a relative who is “justice involved.” Same ranking.
    The reason why the elites are pushing equity (equality of results) rather than equality (equality of opportunity) is that There is no feature, other than “blackness” that explains why black people do poorly compared to East Asians, whites, and Hispanics.
    Obviously there is another explanation for this, and it is promoted by the commenter currently using the nic “Vlad the Impaler.”
    What is your explanation, Bikebubba?
    My own explanation is that we are using the wrong metric. Black people Americans are human beings, made in the image of God as much as any other group you care to define, and as deserving of respect as any other human being. Insisting the 12.4% of bank managers or physics professors because blacks are 12.4% of the US population is as stupid as saying that no blacks should ever be bank managers or physics professors.

  19. My father took a hike when I was 13, Bikebubble. Somehow I managed to finish high school with a high GPA, join the Navy, get a college education and have a lucrative career in engineering. I never was cited for anything more serious than a misdemeanor; never spent time in jail. I never hit an elderly person for fun, never threw a chair at a fast food cook, never sold drugs, never shot anyone, never jumped on a car, never stole anything. The same is true for my 4 siblings. I also didn’t have kids before I was married, and my kids are well adjusted, educated and prosperous adults.

    How could this be, Bikebubble? Daniel Patrick Moynihan *snicker*, Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams said my failure was inevitable.

  20. In polls, Americans typically support discrimination in college admissions based on social background for anything other than an immutable racial characteristic.
    The quandary is that college graduates typically make up the people with the highest social status. If you use any metric other than race to select the people who graduate from college, you will end up with a society where the educated elite is mostly East Asian with a large minority of whites and a scattering of hispanics & blacks.
    So you can have a society where the elites are selected by merit and almost entirely East Asian and white, or you can have a society where the elites are selected by an explicitly racist process.

  21. Black people Americans are human beings, made in the image of God as much as any other group you care to define, and as deserving of respect as any other human being.

    All undeniably true AIUMMP. And blacks are not to blame for their lower than average IQ. However, they are 100% responsible for their behavior. Being poor doesn’t mean you *must* become a violent sociopath. For the majority of the history of the US, the vast majority of White people lived on very low incomes. *Everyone* was poor in the 30’s, but we did not see mobs of Whites burning and looting in every major city. White kids didn’t routinely assault their classmates; assaulting a teacher was completely unknown.

    Lack of impulse control and inchoate violence are manifest symptoms of low IQ individuals. When seen in people with IQ’s of 100 or better, it’s a sign of a mental deficiency like sociopathic or psychopathic mental illness. But it is an almost immutable component, of a solid plurality of black people.

    I didn’t make this shit up; it’s been documented many times. Leftist reprobates know this, but the mayhem suits their purposes for now, so they not only allow it, they encourage it. Numpties like Bikebubble are also part of the problem.

  22. Since I am on a rant, the acceptable discussion of the IQ difference between men and woman is a farce. The bien pensant view is that the difference is slight, therefore the sex difference in occupations must be sexist.
    But the differences are most pronounced on the wings. Flatten the IQ just a bit for women and you have a much higher number of men than woman with IQ’s > 140 (& also < 60).

  23. That means that men and women could both have an average IQ of 100, but number of men and women with IQ’a > 140 & < 70 could be very different.

  24. Lack of impulse control is a characteristic of both the black and the PWT population of the US. So is the inability to consider the medium and long term consequences of actions.
    Most people, black & white, who end up as felons have a history of misdemeanors addressed in court. Even getting probation rather than hard time can ruin your life. Yet a number of people continue to commit crimes until they are finally imprisoned.
    This is the normal state of man. Impulse control & consideration of medium & long term consequences must be taught. Easy when young, more difficult as age progresses.

  25. The social sciences are obsessed with the normal distribution (aka “the bell curve”). Any deviation from the normal distribution is considered an error by society that needs correction. You can find normal distributions in physics or chemistry if you do your experiments very, very carefully, but they are impossible to find in any reasonable sample size where human behavior plays a part.
    Now imagine a society where deviation from the normal distribution is considered the result of improper behavior that needs to be corrected by force of law.
    If there are fewer people making > $50k/yr than people making < $50k/yr, government must act to fix this.

  26. The only thing a society has the right to correct by force are behaviors that threaten the stability and safety of society, or the members of the society.

    Being antisocial isn’t a crime. Actively working to harm society through theft, or violence, or coercion is.

    Negroes crave the society of White people. But they are not driven to join White society. Their eagerness is driven by self-serving motives that are inherently destructive to themselves and everyone around them.

    This is not conjecture; this is fact.

  27. Rhodesia and SA are claxons and flashing red lights for White people. But when you say “hey look! Flashing lights and claxons!” to an 80IQ, woke public school grad, they will purse their lips and tell you Science™️ disputes alarms, and shut up, bigot!!

    The Chief of the Zulu nation has publicly called for the return of White rule, and Rhodesia has been begging White people to return since the day blacks took over.

    Displaying their big brains, Whites whispered “no”. Look up ” Orania”; it is the future of Weimerica.

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