Never Forget

Yesterday was the date of a horrific atrocity.

No, not some people kicking Ilhan Omar off of something. The 21st anniversary of the – words fail – supernaturally brutal murder of Daniel Pearl.

You should read Yid With Lid’s entire piece on the subject, which writ larger is the fiction of the notion that “Antizionism” isn’t in fact antisemitism. Pearl’s murder showed this to anyone who isn’t too blinded by bigotry to see it.

Twenty-one years and one day after Daniel Pearl was brutally murdered, Rep Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was tossed off a committee because of her putrid public Antisemitism and regular use of anti-Jewish canards on Twitter. Omar was tossed because of her hatred of Jews, but many in congress, the media, and their supporters are claiming it’s political.

If you ask people why Daniel Pearl was murdered, they will give several reasons but leave out the Antisemitism part. Because the key lesson was never learned.

May God teach the people in the world to recognize that Antisemitism is real and pervasive.

“Never Forget”, they used to say.

75 thoughts on “Never Forget

  1. Witless wonder Emery Emery links to politico’s reporting on the presser with Gen. Glen Vanherck that I linked to directly in my 12:01 comment . . .

    The military did not detect previous flights of Chinese spy balloons over the U.S. that took place during the Trump administration, a top general said Monday, due to a “gap” in the Defense Department’s ability to track certain airborne objects.
    Gen. Glen VanHerck, head of North American Aerospace Defense Command, cited the issue as the reason that at least three spy balloon flights were not briefed to senior Trump officials at the time.

    So according Politico, the reason the supposed “three spy balloon flights” were not briefed to Trump’s defense people is that they didn’t know about them. But they know of them now? How? Vanherck won’t say. Where were they? When did this happen? Vanherck won’t say.

  2. Some twitter wag has suggested that GOP members of congress each bring a white balloon with them to tonight’s Biden SOTU speech.
    Even more lolz, very much deserved for the nations worst president.
    I am guessing Biden is going to get a high dose of Ritalin to get him through the speech. What to watch for: more slurring of speech, more incoherency as the speech progresses. Sundowning is a real thing.

  3. ⬆️ This balloon has involved all sorts of hot air. I love the SiTD commentariat on a subject like this. Everybody becomes an instant defense expert, balloon flight dynamics expert, rocketry expert, any sort of expert they need to assume in order to make whatever hare-brained approach they want to make.

  4. I love the SiTD commentariat on a subject like this

    Well, who are you, Mr Oh-So-Above-It-All? You’re here almost every fucking day trolling your witless jibes.

  5. Wind Emery up and watch him spin!
    All he has left is mindless repetition of cliche’s (which are a substitution for thought).
    There is no one more ignorant of the topics he chooses to comment on than Emery.

  6. Unlike Emery, what I do is link to data and comment on it. Emery just spews garbage. He has no demonstrated expertise on any topic, that is why he is frequently wrong, never in doubt.
    That is why I refer to it as gibberish, it is the written equivalent of a punch-drunk boxer windmilling. There is intent to land a blow, but no ability to land a blow.
    A few months ago, when Elon Musk announced his bid to buy Twitter, I speculated that the reason Musk did this is that his life’s goal is to go to Mars, and Musk believes that only a culture that promotes free speech can produce a culture wealthy and innovative enough to do so. On a Spectator podcast released today, Doctor Jay Battacharia gave details of his hour long interview with Musk and it confirms my speculation. Battacharia asked Musk directly about the reason he purchased Twitter. Musk wants a technological & space faring humanity, and he believes that this can only happen if people have a right to free speech.
    Emery still believes that Musk’s purchase of Twitter was mistake because it is a money loser.
    What a moron.

  7. Emery, what you’re saying here is that participating in the launch of ozone sounding balloons constitutes no knowledge of how weather balloons work. In the case of UMMP, his career was spent in a lab close to where the same thing goes on.

    From a scientific perspective, the reality is that if you want to know what’s going on in various strata of air, you have to have something go through those strata of air, and you don’t need a busload or planeload of instruments to do it. You get pressure, temperature, sample things like ozone (that’s the “Dobson” sensor) and oxygen and carbon dioxide, and you’re good. Combine that with a basic radio, and you’re golden.

    Now if your goal is to make a detailed map of the area and locate the likely sites for ICBM launch, then it makes sense to have a fairly slow moving balloon with a busload of sensors fly at 12 miles up. But not for weather.

    Back to the topic, one of the key factors here is that it helps to observe the obvious. Daniel Pearl was not murdered because he was a total Zionist who was serving in the IDF (he never did as far as I can tell), but because he was Jewish. We ought to learn to observe the obvious here.

  8. The Chinese have spy satellites. So do we. By convention we can’t shoot down satellites & neither can the Chinese. Aircraft we can shoot down (and a balloon is a type of aircraft).
    If you want to find out where our missile silos are, you can do that with a spy satellite. If you want to intercept communications you can do it by driving around in a truck filled with equipment. Who is going to stop them?
    A lot of interesting things happen in the boundary between the troposphere and space. I suspect the “Chinese Spy Balloon” was intended to examine US response to intrusion & model the atmosphere at 60,000′ over the US.
    But of course I could be wrong. It would be great to know what the military has learned from examining the wreckage of the balloon and & payload, but I doubt if they will tell us.

  9. Given how shitty the Pentagon’s information has been about these supposed these now-six overflights of the US by Chinese Spy Balloons during the Trump administration, I suspect that the new GOP majority in the House will demand an investigation & questioning of military & intelligence people, all of which will go nowhere.
    And all because Biden’s people wanted to deflect the blame for Biden allowing a Chinese Spy Balloon to transverse the US.
    Another example of the deep failure of Slow Joe’s reverse-Midas administration. Everything he touches turns to shit.

  10. So there were “supposed” Chinese spy balloon overflights during Trump’s term. Bully for you Woolly…

  11. The Ukraine hawk rand corp has finally discovered that a long war with constant escalation will eventually become a direct Russia-NATO war & very possibly nuclear war. Welcome to the party, pal. This is actually a big deal, Rand is calling for negotiated peace & cannot be accused of being “pro Putin.”:
    Here’s what Rand says about the “goldilocks scenario” of peaceniks overthrowing Putin:
    Therefore, Kyiv would probably need regime change
    in Moscow in addition to victory on the battlefield to avoid
    living under the constant threat of reinvasion. 30 Some ana-
    lysts contend that Russia’s poor performance in the war,
    mounting casualties, and mobilization could cause political
    instability and lead to Putin’s overthrow and replacement
    with a new regime that would stop fighting, come to terms
    with Ukraine, and pose a diminished threat over the long
    term. 31 However, there is little historical evidence to sug-
    gest that regime change in Russia would necessarily ensue
    following battlefield failures. Leaders of personalist regimes
    like Russia’s have often remained in power after a military
    defeat. 32 Moreover, there is no guarantee that a new Rus-
    sian leader would be any more inclined to make peace with
    Ukraine than Putin is. As Shawn Cochran writes, “it is
    difficult and probably pointless to predict the outcome of
    any wartime change of leadership in the case of Russia’s
    war in Ukraine. At a minimum, however, the West should
    not assume a change of leadership would result in an end to
    the war, at least in the short term, as Putin’s war could very
    well continue without Putin.”33

  12. Digging and scratching through the internet, it seems the supposed three “trump balloons” are said to be have been of a different type than the balloon shot down the other day, and were not identified as being of Chinese origin before they vanished. Whatever, I’ll believe it when I have records of times & places & discussions, real data that did not originate in some Biden appointee’s imagination.

  13. Wind Woolly up and watch him spin! Woolly is an idiot. Witless wonder Woolly — frequently wrong, never in doubt. Woolly is retconning (again) today.

    Does that crow taste better after the second serving?

  14. Regarding the notion of this leading to nuclear war, I would guess that before Putina risks the death of tens of millions of his countrymen, he’d start to risk his air force to attack Ukrainian targets. As things stand, what I see is that his air force is not flying, and a huge portion of combat casualties are the convicts whose lives were thrown away by Wagner. In the same way, Putin’s build-up of his army is predominantly men from the remote districts, very often ethnic minorities.

    More or less, Putin is sparing his crown jewels like his Air Force, his Navy, and the men around Moscow and St. Petersburg. His power base. And that suggests that Putin’s hold on power is not as strong as some think, and that he’s not really willing to sacrifice the lives of a billion people, including tens of millions of his own, for Ukraine.

  15. Mr. Cliche is back again.
    You can never quite tell what Mr. Cliche is commenting about, because he never quotes or uses links.

  16. Russia’s Deficit Hits $25 Billion as Energy Income Slumps

    This suggests that if the war goes on past 2024, that Russia will be on its knees financially having burned through all its foreign reserves, and be left with simply printing money. It’s military production capability of high tech goods will be closed down finally from the sanctions, just as Western arms production really begins to scale. Let’s hope that it ends earlier of course, but war is fundamentally about resources and popular will. There won’t be much of either left by 2025.

  17. “There won’t be much of either left by 2025.”
    Are the walls closing in Putin, Emery?

  18. More news on Putin; he’s working harder to get more convict cannon fodder. Notice; he’s not able to recruit people who can vote. He’s also apparently throwing them into combat without training. We are not talking about a guy who has three aces in his hand.

  19. Pretty soon ol’ Putin will be down to his last 6,500 nuclear bombs.

  20. Or however many of them have actually been maintained well enough to work, and for which a suitable delivery system exists.

    Let’s be honest here; Russia’s offensive stalled last April due to bad tires and an Air Force that couldn’t deploy. Trying to go nuclear in such a situation risks finding out that your nukes are duds (or undeployable) just as all of NATO is smashing all of your army and air force.

    Again, Putin is not emptying his jails and deploying conscripts without training them in human wave attacks reminiscent of Verdun and Ypres because he is in a position of strength. He is doing so because he knows he’s in about the same position as Tsar Nicholas in 1916.

  21. If you aren’t maintaining your nuclear weapons properly, the results will be quite spectacular & hard to hide. The US & other Western governments take Putin’s nuclear arsenal very seriously.
    You may remember that before Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, American astronauts had to hitch rides to the ISS on Russian rockets because we had no way to launch a human being into LEO.
    The reason the Russian invasion of Ukraine failed in February 2021 wasn’t because Russian military equipment is crap, it failed because NATO began to pump money & weapons into Ukraine.
    As far as I can tell, Bikebubba, you believe that we will force Putin to fight until he has nothing left but his 6500 nuclear weapons, at which point he will surrender.

  22. No, I think that at a certain point, those around Putin are going to take him out.

    And yes, the Russian space program–something that looks good on TV–is well taken care of. Army is pretty much decimated, air force is staying at home, navy is still working to get 24 year old ships like the Belgorod ready for action. Jury is still out on the nukes, and again, Putina knows that (a) the U.S. can take out a lot of those with conventional means and (b) what’s left of Russia after a nuclear exchange won’t be worth having.

    So all the signs are saying that “we’ll nuke you” is every bit as factual as everything else coming out of the Russian diplomatic corps and press.

  23. Wait a second. Russian space program just showed a coolant link on their “space bus” to the space station. So I don’t know that even that is safe.

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