Before The Truth Gets Its Pants On In The Morning

SCENE: It’s MSNBC. A commentator is bellowing at the camera.

COMMENTATOR: Long Island Republican Congressman-elect George Santos is lying! Which means he’s no different than all Republicans!

SCENE: In a South African jail cell, three inmates are watching MSNBC

JOE BIDEN: The commentator is right. Republicans all lie.

CORN POP: Word up.

NELSON MANDELA: I”m so glad you left the leadership of the Delaware Civil RIghts movmement to come to jail, here in South Africa.

SCENE: In a classroom in Boulder, CO, watching MSNBC

RACHEL DOLEZAL: That’s right! Can I get an amen!

CLASROOM: (A few half-hearted or sarcastic “amens” ensue)

SCENE: A Hill somewhere in the Mekong Delta. Two men in jungle fatigues, M-16s smoking, stand amid a pile of slain Viet Cong and piles of cartridge cases, watching MSNBC on a black and white console TV set.

JOHN KERRY: Let me be clear. I agree with this perspective. All Republicans lie through their teeth.

RICHARD BLUMENTHAL: (Spitting a plug of tobacco into the foxhole, wiping blood off his K-Bar knife on his pants leg). Yup. All of ’em.

SCENE: At a steak house in Newark, New Jersey. MSNBC is playing on a TV over the bar.

T-BONE: Wotchuthinkabout dat?

COREY BOOKER: He’s right. All Republicans lie, all the time.

SCENE: A runway in Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina. A group of American officials, Secret Service, and a blondish woman huddle behind a brick wall as sniper five spatters the ground around them. A racket of gunfire as Bosnian troops return fire, trying to clear the airfield for the woman to get on her plane. On a TV behind the wall, MSNBC blares.

HILLARY CLINTON: Damn straight they’re all liars!

SCENE: At a Native American observance, with drums and dancers, on the quad at Harvard University, as a TV blares MSNBC in the distance.

ELIZABETH WARREN: The great spirit that is the true law professor of the universe agrees. Republicans are liars. As the first woman of color at this law school, I agree.

The drums continue to beat, as crowds of pasty white liberals shuffle past.

SCENE: At a spa in Hollywood, a man and woman lie on their backs, cucumber slices over their eyes, listening to MSNBC on a TV in the background.

HILARIA BALDWIN: Repobelicans are de woorst liahrs.

ALEC BALDWIN: I oughtta kill them all.

SCENE: At the Saint Paul Grill. Editors and Executive Producers from the Star-Tribune, KARE, WCCO-TV and the Pioneer Press are having cocktails with Ken Martin as MSNBC plays above the bar.


SCENE: in the back of a limousine, driving through the District of Columbia. Ilhan OMAR is sitting in the back with husband Tim MYNETT, watching MSNBC on a mobile device.

OMAR: I was never married to my brother.

MYNETT: Literally nobody in the world believes you were, darling.


61 thoughts on “Before The Truth Gets Its Pants On In The Morning

  1. Happy New Year’s Twat!
    Say — didn’t you once claim to loaded up on Cryptocurrency for your retirement?? Hopefully you didn’t buy at the top. 🤕

    Swiftee may yet replace Dunning-Krueger as the name for that specific syndrome.

  2. Pathological liar is correct, Blade. That is one of Emery’s many mental disorders.
    No SITD commenter has ever claimed to have “loaded up on cryptocurrency.”
    Emery is the only SITD commenter to ever initiate discussion of cryptocurrencies. He has done so quite often since cryptocurrencies collapsed, you can come to your own conclusions about what that means.
    Given his other failures to predict the market, I would guess that Emery would think that a pseudo-random string of ones and zeroes was a fine investment.
    He’ll always have his collection of Bazooka Joe NFT’s. They’ll never go below a value of 0!
    Unless he leveraged them to buy more Bazooka Joe NFT’s. Might be looking at a nasty margin call then.

  3. rAT cites Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad author, as someone he sees as an authority.

    Then he bellows some inane crap about Crypto.

    rAT copies and pastes shit off the internet, which he thinks make him look knowledgeable. The fact is, his 80IQ trips him up every time. rAT doesn’t understand shit about 99.999% of the topics he claims expertise in.

    Not Trump, not politics, not Ukraine, not finance or investing, not even skiing. RAT is pathological liar, and an idiot suffering from Dunning Kruger disease.

    “Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Author Says Bitcoin Holders Will Get Richer When Fed Prints ‘Trillions Of Fake Dollars'”

  4. I get a kick out of people who believe that they can “predict the market.” It’s all priced out by incredibly intelligent people who were born into families with immense wealth, who could afford to send their kids to the very best schools, who are insanely competitive, and who care about nothing else than MAKING MORE MONEY. Those are your companions on the field of play.
    But because you subscribe to _The Economist_ and the _Wall Street Journal_, and that super secret newsletter, that gives you an edge. Well, that plus the fact that you have the gift of intuitively sensing market moves, it’s a gift, and it is yours, alone.
    Go get ’em, tiger. You’ll make make money in a bull market and think you’re a genius.

  5. Definition of an idiot:

    An internet anon that makes ludicrous, constantly conflicting statements that leave no one doubting you are a liar IRL.

  6. The cruelty of capitalism is that the only way to increase the size of the pie, and not just your own piece of the pie, is to sell something it cost you ninety-nine cents to make for a dollar. And that is really hard to do because once someone else sees you make a penny on a ninety-nine cent investment, he’ll be willing to do the same for a 0.99 penny profit.
    Libertarians & free market economists are convinced that they understand economics. I don’t think that they understand economics at all.

  7. Cathie Wood’s Ark Investment Management has lost 50 billion in crypto. The only chance she has to get that back is to encourage gullable investors back into the ponzi. So she makes silly predictions valuing crypto at 1 million by 2030. She is pretending to know things she cannot know. Do you trust a person who has lost 50 billion in a ponzi that she continues to promote? Pervaded by corruption and greed with no real world use or value, crypto is being held up now only by the religiously faithfull like Wood. It will go to zero or stagnate into oblivion and good riddance.

    I don’t normally take schadenfreude in the downfall of companies and investments, but when it comes to crypto I make an exception.

  8. ^^Emery going on and on about the crypto, again.
    No commenter on SITD has talked about crypto as much as Emery. He has even claimed that other SITD commenters are, unlike him, obsessed with crypto as an investment tool.
    Emery even claimed that one particular commenter had written that he had gone heavily into crypto with his retirement funds. That individual had never written anything about crypto as an investment, positive or negative.
    This is what madness looks like.

  9. No commenter other than Emery has so much as mentioned “Cathie Woods” or “Ark Investments.”
    I’m not going too far out on a limb here when I say that Emery probably lost his shirt in an Ark Investment crypto fund.

  10. I was wondering why rAT was so enraptured with bitcoin.

    UMMP is right. Our little rodent took his life savings (a soggy little roll of $20’s) out of his sock drawer, filled a crypto wallet with 1/125 Eth, and now its gone.

    It’s just the kind of thing that would suck a nitwit like him in.

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