Berg’s Law: On Final Approach

Not sure how to word it, but it’s got to be a Berg’s Law in some way, shape or form:

“Democrats, knowing their key demographics are driven by emotion and don’t think critically, can say pretty much anything they want; given the media’s bovine kowtowing, they know there will be no consequences for the lie”.

Case in point:

Neither were in any danger. But given the bovine emotionalism of the typical DFL voter, Walz could have warned of Martian landings or floods of snipes, and gotten the same crowd to not onyl turn out, but angrily lash out at people who didn’t openly worry about Martians or snipes.

21 thoughts on “Berg’s Law: On Final Approach

  1. Yeah, but unfortunately, even if there were a Martian landing or a flood of snipes, regardless of what they do, they will be released by our new spiritual guru/HCA Mary Moriarty. Because…….systemic racism.

    And Guv Stay Puft will back her/him(?) all the way.

    Off topic, but I LOVE what the Bloomington PD is doing…..actually calling out the ridiculous (non)sentencing of these repeat offenders. On the local news, even.

  2. Starbuck;
    I’ve had a couple of conversations with Chief Hodges, some with officers, including my cousin who just retired from the department. Based on combined observations, he is pretty solid and not as woke of a lefty as they expected. City Manager and socialist, Jamie Verbrugge, was specifically going to hire a black person, just to prove that the city leadership isn’t a bunch of closet racists.

    On another note, we have yet another example of the blatant stupidity of DemoCommie voters. By estimate, about 250,000 morons with student loan debt, said that the promise of cancellation of those loans, influenced their votes. One would think the facts that a. Pedo Pete didn’t get it approved by congress and Evil Nancy, as well as several lefty pundits pointed out that he couldn’t just cancel the debt and b. one court already smacked it down as unconstitutional, they would have known better. Yesterday, another judge smacked it down, too.
    As Emery has proven on this forum over the years, P. T. Barnum’s old adage that “there is a sucker born every minute”, is still true.

  3. The Strib hit it on the head with the word Anxiety.

    In a world of inflation, war in the Ukraine, rising crime and political division, the voters have two choices: make a change or go with what you have.

    In this election, voters acted like untrained and unmotivated soldiers who cling to trees and hide in holes. Sure, there is all kinds of chaos, but change is where the action is taking place. so if you just stay put, you might be safe.

    Why not stay with Governor Klink or Witch Whitmer, they are what you know and their opposition wants to drag you back to the chaos of Toxic Trump and the Election Deniers who, the media tells us, are a Threat to Democracy.

    In times of inflation, war in the Ukraine, rising crime and political division, who wants to elect the nuts who invaded the capital!!!!

    And not one of them, perhaps with the exception of Kari Lake, had a positive message.

    What the Republicans failed to do – and almost always fail to do, is take Don Draper’s advice and the sell the product that says, “Whatever happens, you will be okay.”

    Let’s just take one central theme that the DFL pounds over and over into the voters head: Fully Fund Education.

    And how did Scott Jensen respond? In a Terry McAuliffe magnitude gaffe, he said, “Education is a black hole.”

    So the choice became, more funding for education or less funding for education. Unless you are a tax obsessed classic Republican, that is easy choice. You do what is best for the kids.

    Why not simply respond? “Let’s get our money’s worth before we spend more.”

    Or how about? “Every time the DFL asks for more education money, all we get is more administrators, fewer teacher, excessive compensation for superintendents and high cost consultants. I want the money to go to kids.”

    Or “Let’s spend money on math, not hate.”

    Note: in all three examples, there was a positive path.

    When the status quo seems more comfortable than change, the incumbents will always win.

  4. Real nice! Posted a comment over an hour ago that went into moderation. Now, even the “preview” disappears?! I would like to know what Askimet’s criteria is. Sheeesh!

  5. Let’s just take one central theme that the DFL pounds over and over into the voters head: Fully Fund Education.

    And how did Scott Jensen respond? In a Terry McAuliffe magnitude gaffe, he said, “Education is a black hole.”

    To be fair, Jensen said more than that, but the DFL money machine and their allies made sure that people heard that one line approximately 47,328 times. Jensen also asked the relevant question in the debate — what is the number that is “fully funded.” Walz gave an answer, but by the time he gave it, a hell of a lot of ballots were already in.

    I have lived in Minnesota for 30 years now and while Republicans have always had an extraordinarily difficult time getting their message out, the presence of Alliance for a Better Minnesota has made things much, much worse. Republicans, if they want to win, need to find a way to counteract it. The “Walz failed” approach was truthful, but it was too little and way, way too late.

  6. ^^ Shhhhh….there are some anti vax conspiracy theorists who voted for Walz too — that’s how much Jensen sucked as a candidate.

    GOP primary voters endorsed an anti-vax conspiracy theorist to run against Walz. Jenson also said he wanted to imprison SOS Steve Simon. Jensen was a train wreck for MN Republicans. This is what happens when 1/10th of 1% decides who the Republican flag bearer will be.

  7. Mr. D,

    I agree with your analysis of the DFL money/media machine, but that is not going away. The least Republicans can do is change the message.

    There was a big fight down here in our little south central Minnesota community over schools, but the fight centered on (what else is there to talk
    about other than) taxes.

    It is a losing fight – because it is framed as “for the children” and every time taxes comes up, the response is “are you against education?”

    Traditionally, Republicans have always been about taxes, taxes, taxes and perhaps a little regulation – but frankly, most people don’t give a crap about taxes or regulation. Sure, they bitch and moan when their property taxes go up, but in the scheme of their household budget it is rarely felt, because they mostly escrow. It is just an additional monthly clip in their mortgage payment that whisks right out of their bank account without their notice.

    To get people to respond to “fully fund education”, Republicans have to shift focus to put the spotlight on the quality of education, which is in free-fall. So “getting our money’s worth” and “spend money on kids, not on administrators or consultants rings a bell.”

    Things like boys in girls bathrooms and sports has some resonance, also CRT raises some awareness, but it needs to come under the category of “is this what we are paying for?”

  8. Jensen was a train wreck for MN Republicans. This is what happens when 1/10th of 1% decides who the Republican flag bearer will be.

    So who should decide, then?

    And if you think ABM would have treaded lightly if, say, Michelle Benson were the nominee… well, you don’t think that. Jeff Johnson was an intelligent, articulate, perfectly respectable Republican candidate in 2018 and the DFL machine and its allies beat him like a rented mule.

    If the Republicans ever want to win in this state again, they need to start pounding the message of DFL failure and fecklessness home every damned day.

  9. To get people to respond to “fully fund education”, Republicans have to shift focus to put the spotlight on the quality of education, which is in free-fall. So “getting our money’s worth” and “spend money on kids, not on administrators or consultants rings a bell.”

    Things like boys in girls bathrooms and sports has some resonance, also CRT raises some awareness, but it needs to come under the category of “is this what we are paying for?”

    In other words, it’s a black hole. Okay, that’s not fair, but it gets to the larger point. The arguments need to begin now. Republicans have lives, so politics are always a second order concern. For the DFL, politics is life. Those who oppose DFL perfidy can’t go all Cincinnatus on the deal, but we will, because we always do.

  10. ^^ A good case study on why the GOP needs to spend their time appealing to the metro area. They get lulled by all those outstate counties that will always vote red and show up for rallies that are mostly an echo chamber for the candidates. A fringe GOP candidate will never have a chance in the metro. Sadly for Republicans — people and not acres vote…

  11. A confidential informant has just sent me a copy of rAT’s criminal record…wew lads.

    Incest and child molestation. Just as we thought.

    Do the folks around your LAkeFRonT EStaTE know they have a pedophile in the neighborhood, rAT?

  12. A confidential informant has just sent me a copy of rAT’s criminal record…wew lads.

    Incest and child buggering. Just as we thought.

    Do the folks around your LAkeFRonT EStaTE know they have a pedo in the neighborhood, rAT?

  13. A confidential informant has just sent me a copy of rAT’s criminal record…wew lads.

    Inc3st and child buggering. Just as we thought.

    Do the folks around your LAkeFRonT EStaTE know they have a pedo in the neighborhood, rAT?

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