Out There With All Those 19 Year Old Cooks

The Twin Cities media did its darndest to make the story go away.

But Tom Behrends – retired Command Sergeant Major in the Minnesota in National Guard unit, and the man who replaced former provisional CSM Tim Walz in that position when our current governor abruptly left the guard to run for Congress, a departure that just happened to coincide with a deployment to which he had committed – is speaking out again.

And this time he’s really angry.

The riots of 2020 – especially the burning of the third precinct – confirmed everything Behrends tried to warn us about:

“Allowing that to be burned down was just like having the Alamo be burned down. It was like, you defend that to the last man,” Behrends said of the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct.

“If he would have went to Iraq, he’d still be hiding under his desk over there because that’s just, you know, just the cowardice that I see portrayed with him,” Behrends added.

Walz’s August 2020 description of National Guard members as “19-year-old cooks” added to Behrends’ anger.

“I would take any 19-year-old cook before I’d go to war with him,” he quickly replied.

“I don’t know how he could even utter such a statement. I mean, it’s just absolutely sad,” he added.

And beyond all that? Waltz is still referring to himself as a retired Command Sergeant Major.

“He was saying that and there were campaign letters coming in the mail saying that. They said, right on therehe’s a retired command sergeant major. Just tooting his own horn, hanging on the coattails of people that actually are command sergeant majors that went through all the process and put all the time in,” Behrends said…Documents show the Army corrected Walz’s service record. He was reduced in rank to an E-8 master sergeant after retirement.

And yet there it is:

The media is going to memory hole this story – just like they did before:

A spokesperson said this has been in the news before and pointed Alpha News to a past story where Walz said “normally this type of partisan political attack only comes from one who’s never worn a uniform.”

Like stories about Mark Dayton‘s physical and mental health – which reported on in the most cursory way possible, nine months before anyone was paying attention to the 2010 election – nothing that reflects badly on a DFL politician will be allowed for the next 60 days.

You should read the whole thing, and pass it around, since God knows the Star Tribune and MPR aren’t going to do it.

7 thoughts on “Out There With All Those 19 Year Old Cooks

  1. claiming rank hes not entitled to is stolen valor but hey im sure his incursion into enemy territory is seared in his memory like the other liars

    walz highest medals are army commendation and army meritorius service not for bravery but typically given as an end of tour going-away gift in other words he was awarded medals for having done nothing but done it very well sounds like his entire time in congress and govenor a poser

  2. You’re right Bigman. Stolen valor is an especially low form of theft. It’s plagiarizing honor.

    But leftist reprobates see it as a legitimate tactic, because they have no concept of honor in the first place.

  3. Army commendation and army meritorious service medals are handed out for managing to stay out of the stockade for the term of at least 1 enlistment.

    If doing so through all enlistments was required, Walz wouldn’t have received one since he buggered off before his last term of service was over.

  4. I’m going to go full out on Walz.

    Apparently, he was pretty fond of those cooks. If we recall, he was obviously overweight when he bailed on his unit and started campaigning. He sure didn’t gain all that weight from eating at home.

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