The New Democrat Strategery

2018: afraid that the hyper-progressive Erin Murphy/Erin Maye Quade ticket will lose the governor‘s office, the coterie of progressive plutocrats that bankroll the DFL prop up retrofitted “moderate“ Tim Walz as a sort of Danish-monarchy-style figurehead for the hyper-progressive troika of Peggy Flanagan, Ryan Winkler and Melissa Hortman (all of whom are essentially mouthpieces for Aleta Messinger And Michael Bloomberg). With the help of the invariably subservient Minnesota media, they retain the governors office.

2020: Fearing the electoral consequences of nominating socialist Bernie Sanders, progressive cabal appropriates elderly, addled Joe Biden as their “Moderate“mouthpiece and, in effect, Trojan horse. They win a bitter election, and go on to drop all “moderate“ pretenses even before the inauguration.

2024: I don’t want to keep seeing the same hands, here.

19 thoughts on “The New Democrat Strategery

  1. And there are people that genuinely think Trump has America’s best interests at heart.

    That’s both tragic and hilarious.

  2. I never cease to be amazed when people claim Trump is an existential threat yet refuse to even moderately budge on policy issues to help move some of his supporters away. Immigration is a great example.

  3. Emery, you ignorant twit. You are projecting again. DemoCommies have never had the best interests of the country at heart. It’s all about the Benjamins and power over peons like you that blindly follow them.

  4. Pedo Joe proposes to have taxpayers pick up to $20k in student loan debt.

    Typical response on TwitR:

    “This does NOTHING for the poorest borrowers, Black Woman in particular. It’s a slap in the face and won’t even cover my interest (which will continue to grow). Cancel it all!!!”

    “$10,000 should cover roughly 14 seconds of interest accrual on my loans. Yay!!!”

    Tell me you borrowed $100k, sat on your fat ass for 5 years while skating through an Urban and Black Studies or Gender Studies degree without saying it.

    Enough talk about face slaps; let’s get to the action part.

  5. Isn’t it obvious?
    radical leftists are determining Democrat Party policy across the board.
    Open borders extremists are setting policy for DHS.
    Anti-gun extremists are setting policy at BATF.
    Pro-abortion extremists are setting policy at every federal property.
    Radical leftist racialists and radical LGBQT activists are setting policy in every cabinet department.
    This is all incredibly easy to document. Every federal agency publishes a mission statement that explains what it does. It’s all there in black and white. Here is an example:
    It is therefore the policy of my Administration that the Federal Government should pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality. Affirmatively advancing equity, civil rights, racial justice, and equal opportunity is the responsibility of the whole of our Government. Because advancing equity requires a systematic approach to embedding fairness in decision-making processes, executive departments and agencies (agencies) must recognize and work to redress inequities in their policies and programs that serve as barriers to equal opportunity.

  6. I’d be remiss in not observing that the MidWest HQ of our enemies is located in Minnesota. I like Mitch, but his Milquetoast approach to dealing with degenerates is doing real harm. He’s controlled opposition.

    You can’t vote yourselves out of this mess, lads. The zips aren’t “in the wire up there”; they’re stringing the wire….around you.

  7. re: FDA failure

    “The Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis says that some of the toxic elements found inside the AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Moderna vaccine vials were not listed in the ingredient lists from the manufacturers.
    The following metallic elements were found in the vaccines:
    • Alkali metals: caesium (Cs), potassium (K)
    • Alkaline earth metals: calcium (Ca), barium (Ba)
    • transition metals: cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti)
    • Rare earth metals: cerium (Ce), gadolinium (Gd)
    • Mining group/metal: aluminum (Al)
    • Carbon group: silicon (Si) (partly support material/slide)
    • Oxygen group: sulphur (S)
    These substances, furthermore, “are visible under the dark-field microscope as distinctive and complex structures of different sizes, can only partially be explained as a result of crystallization or decomposition processes, [and] cannot be explained as contamination from the manufacturing process,” the researchers found.

  8. Biden gave us a great example of “whataboutism” yesterday, re his ruinous, poorly thought out, legally unjustified student loan bailout yesterday:
    “Is it unfair to people who paid their student loans or chose not to take out loans?” a reporter asked Biden.
    “Is it fair to people who, in fact, do not own multibillion dollar businesses, to see one of these guys give them all the tax breaks? Is that fair?” Biden snapped back. “What do you think?”

    First of all, Biden is admitting that what he is doing is not “fair.” Second, you could stick just about anything you might think the federal government is doing that is unfair in place of his response:
    “Is it fair to people who are not federal employees to pay for the generous retirement plan of federal employees while paying for their own retirement as well?”
    “Is it fair for people who will never own a home to subsidize the mortgage payments of people who own multiple homes?”

    This is the Low IQ Joe who graduated 76 out of 85 at a third tier law school. This is the Slow Joe who promised that we would see no “Saigon moment” in Afghanistan hours before the US was forced to helicopter out its workers at the Kabul embassy.

  9. Aluminum has long been used as an adjuvant in vaccines, to increase antibody production.

    The rest of that trash is new. Who knows? Maybe those pranksters at Pfizer just wanted to see what chromium would do in human bodies for the hell of it.

  10. Back when the left were anti-vaxxers, about, oh, five minutes ago, the aluminum in vaccines was supposed to be the agent that caused autism.

  11. Pig brings up some good points.

    I was directed to this web site by a couple of friends. One of them retired as a Senior Grade military intelligence officer and the other manages millions of dollars for institutional investors. It lays out a pretty compelling story and associated timelines on the WuFlu from development by the CCP labs to coming events. If nothing else, it should definitely get you thinking and should piss you off.

    Pay special attention to Biden’s Executive Order number 14067.

  12. Minnesota GOP governor nominee Scott Jensen triples down on comparing COVID policies to Nazi Germany

    I’m starting to think that picking candidates that completely lack self-awareness is a bad idea.
    Phil Scott and Larry Hogan have demonstrated how Republicans can win statewide in blue states, but MNGOP primary voters are determined to ignore those lessons and vote like they’re nominating someone to run for governor of Alabama.

  13. Well, now that they have perfected and institutionalized the steal, it does not matter who or what they nominate – progressive libturd cabal figures they will rule forever.

  14. The Jensen campaign is like watching a slow-motion car wreck. It’s almost like he doesn’t want to win….

  15. Pig, if you use a fine enough probe, you will likely find all those elements (and more) in the water you drink. Quite a few of the elements, especially transition and rare were likely leftovers from catalysts. Just because they are detected does not mean they are at a level that is dangerous, nor reportable. Go after Big Pharma for the right reasons, without context and more info the list you posted is meaningless.

  16. So, Emery, you are predicting a Walz win over Jensen?
    Keep you track record on election predictions in mind.

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