Just A Touch Of Backlash

BLM harpy crashes a block party in the neighborhood that’s actually been complaining loudly enough to get the Governor’s attention.


Gets told – in the middle of “woke”, “progressive” downtown Minneapolis’s condo-land – to take it elsewhere.

The push back against the stormtroopers of the extreme left is starting slowlyi – and from some unlkely (and let’s be honest, safe to them) places rooted in left-wing privilege.

But it’s starting.

17 thoughts on “Just A Touch Of Backlash

  1. Funny that bitch Bette is so clueless. It’s people just like her that coined the term “birthing people”, in an attempt to erase and vilify mothers.

  2. A few years ago, there was a fad called “cheesing” making the rounds. It’s where you take a slice of warmed, packaged cheese product and throw it on a baby’s face, stand back and enjoy the hilarity that ensues.

    I never thought it was funny, and 10/10 would have knocked a cheeser tfo if it was ever done in my presence, but I can’t get the cartoon bubble of someone cheesing the cow in that video, where the cheese slice is attached to a Big Mac.

  3. Ilhan was booed off the stage at a Somali rap artist concert recently, though probably not for the reasons we might think. Meanwhile, Minneapolis City Council member Michael Rainville called upon Somali elders to calm down their youths. The sh*t-cyclone started immediately, with the “community” calling for him to attend a session to hear how hurtful his comments were (but no session for community leaders to hear how hurtful their behavior is). So, Rainville either flushed his political career in Minneapolis – or assured that he’d be the next mayor.

  4. But it’s starting.

    There, there Pollyanna, you keep telling yourself that whilst the water you are boiling in gets hotter.

  5. jpa, why do you come here? We get it, you think hoping we can save our country is pollyanish, right. We’re Pollyanna.

    You are a douche bag. Go hang out with emery and patsyboy.

  6. kin, my kin ended up in the early grave because they hoped invading germans would be more humane than bolsheviks because they were more cultured. I have seen the devastation soci@lism brings to a country firsthand. So excuuuuuuse me for pointing out that voting harder or taking an incident and turning it into a panacea is useless. And, even though I was not born here, I bet I have a lot more reasons to hope that good prevails over reason because I have experienced evil firsthand and I have no place left to run. Feeling douchy, kin? And one last thing, where on earth did you get an idea I would cross a street to piss on trollbots if they were burning?

  7. 1. I apologize for calling you a name; I’m sorry.
    2. So why do you insult us for HOPING we can save our country? I personally think we are past the point of no return, but that doesn’t mean I am going to lie down and be the peasant/serf the left wants me to be.
    3. I’m a trollbot?

  8. PS: seriously jpa, what’s your plan? I am not a pollyanna, I don’t think we get through this without some very bad times. By your lights should I just give up?

  9. 3. You sent me to consort with trollbots. I never said you were.

    I do not have a solution – wish I did. But “hoping ” that only if you just vote harder or equating somebody getting irate because their party was interrupted with start of something big are not solutions either.

    I am the most hopeful person there is, but I am also a realist. I hope beyond hope I will never have to see the “good old times” (mine, not yours) again – ever! But all I can see around is hope™ and no realism. We “hope” the next election will not be stolen, yet we (the powers that be that purport to be conservative (ptb)) do not even acknowledge fraud in the last one. We have genuine political prisoners languishing in DC, yet I do not hear condemnation from ptb. We have two sets of laws, yet no action against that from ptb. More often than not, when a purported “real” conservative is elected, he had proven to be an absolute dud – yes, I am talking about that weasel Crenshaw specifically. You can vote as hard as you want, but if the ptb is not willing to do anything about fraud, it will only magnify. How many times you were promised that things will be different this time if you vote harder and elect “real” conservatives? That guilty will be punished? Now count how many times you were disappointed – I bet you are batting 1.000.

    So what to do? I don’t know. I used to think that police and armed forces would not fire on civilians, but I no longer think that and it is covered in depth on another thread. We are indeed at the point of no return because as people vote with their feet, numbers are not in favor of “ballot votes matter” in elections in blue vs red states. Latest SCOTUS rulings in favor of federalism actually make that divide that much wider. So hoping your vote will matter is futile.

    US had a great run for 250ish years. In modern era that is an eternity. Everything held together by ideals collapses and falls apart eventually. Especially when there are outside and inside forces acting to destabilize it without any significant pushback. Why not the US? Do I wish that did NOT happen? ABSOLUTELY! But would I cry if it did? I would definitely shed a tear but will also be thankful I am in TX and not in MN when it happens.

    I do not intend insult when I call out that hope™ is not a solution. I hope that the energy devoted to voting harder and selecting unelectable (in MN) true conservatives is redirected. For example, to getting people to monitor elections to prevent fraud in states where elections still do matter, where votes are being stolen en-masse, ie all red states, for example. And yes, by my lights, you should give up on MN and spend your capital where it matters.

    Answer me truthfully, do you really think things will be different when red wave (if lying and cheating libturds will even let it happen) sweeps a new set of purported conservatives into DC?

  10. kinlaw, when some fellas have concluded there’s nothing left but the fight, it’s easy to get frustrated with people who want to cling to a negotiated settlement.

    I’ve concluded there’s nothing left but the fight, but the settlement crew doesn’t bother me too much, because I know that when it comes time to fight or die, most will stand on the right side.

    It doesn’t harm me to have y’all pretend that you can vote your way out of this; I am in no hurry for the inevitable. But I *will* have a laugh, none the less.

  11. I think the cities are headed for a flashpoint, warring parties on separate sides, and when it happens it will be far nastier than the Fentanyl Floyd riots.

  12. The lady keeps talking about white terrorism. Funny, I don’t see articles about that in the papers. So either the papers have lost their touch, or somebody’s making some stuff up.

  13. What’s very telling is what she doesn’t say. She questions why these people are gathering peacefully, respecting their environment by not littering or tagging, and being generally respectful to each other. So what she’s really asking is WHY her community cannot do these things without violence and destruction, a question that only her community is allowed to address (without being labeled racist), regarding problems that only her community can fix.

    Now…..if I were to go over to North and question, on a megaphone, why that community cannot exist peacefully I would be pummeled by both the crowd and the media. But we can’t talk about that. Because…..racism.

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