59 thoughts on “Metaphor Alert

  1. I hope MP Michael Chong runs for the leadership again. Sadly the Conservative party will never make him leader.

  2. One of the supporters of extending the Emergency Powers Act said it was necessary because although the trucks had stopped the blockades, they might come back. Emergency Powers must be continued until protesters are unable to come back. No time limit.

    That whole ‘free speech’ thing? Yeah that’s not in the Charter anymore.

  3. We have a lot of interest on local chat forums from Canadians looking to relocate, looking for info on jobs and housing. FUCK KKKanadeh! It has just become a third-world shithole. Congratulations! As bad as things are getting over here, at least we have a 2nd amendment to back us up and a couple of free states. I think I’m going to burn my Kanadehan passport. I have to give it a proper burial because the Canada of my youth is no mas and I want nothing to do with the shithole and sewer it has become. Papa Trudeau is smiling in his grave, seeing his namesake succeeding in his Malthusian vision he had been fighting for while he was in power.

  4. Seems like a fellow would have well advised to buy hard currency like silver and gold….

  5. Chong’s argument is “We didn’t need martial law to crush the life out of them. We were doing fine without it”.

    rAT: I hope MP Michael Chong runs for the leadership again.>/i>

    Take a guy’s wealth, property and means of replacing both, and you’ve got a very dangerous fellow, indeed. The degenerates know this, which is why they carefully choose who they crush to spread fear in the widest area possible.

    When the general population acknowledges they are living at the pleasure of degenerates, who might change their minds at any minute, you have the makings of civil war. Canada is closer than it has ever been, and the US is closer than it has been since 1861.

    This is not going to end like 80IQ, reprobate nitwits like rAT think it will.

  6. I think one of the most valuable things the Canadian situation has done is wake normies up to the fact that no, the police are “not on our side”; the police are not your friends.

    Here’s a 30 something Canadian military vet identifying cops as a criminal gang…he’s 100% correct.


    This is something I’ve been teaching people for 20 years, and now, lo and behold, they’re listening. I’m never mistaken.

  7. Canadian MP: ‘Honk Honk’ Is ‘Acronym for Heil Hitler’

    As if you needed more proof that democracy, free speech and freedom of association in KKKanadeh are but a passing memory.

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