22 thoughts on “I Hope Neil Young Will Remember…

  1. One way to measure the effects of misinformation is to do public polling. Start with some real data, not value judgments, and measure public opinion against these facts.
    Polling, for example, shows that people greatly overestimate the number of unarmed black men killed by police. Polling also shows that virtually all political demographics grossly overestimate their chances of ending up hospitalized or dead if they get covid.

  2. Once again, I find it absolutely hilarious that the same people, like Young and Mitchell, that railed against the government or attempted to kill government officials, like Bill Ayers, Bernadine Doorn, are now part of the same group of oppressors. They are darlings of the DemoCommies.

  3. My wife caught COVID a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately, we had a source and already had a supply of ivermectin on hand for this eventuality. She started taking one tablet twice a day. It took a couple of days for her tests to be confirmed, and her doctor called her with the results. He also asked if she was “taking anything”. She told him “ivermectin”, and he asked how much she was taking. She told him, and he responded, “Well, I can’t tell you to take it or not take it, but if you’re taking it – that’s the right dose!” The disease ran its course in about a week, and her symptoms were pretty mild; tired and achy for a couple of days, and then just tired. She didn’t lose her sense of taste until after she was feeling better, but it’s coming back. (I’ve been fine, thanks for asking.)

    Early in the plague days a friend of mine got hit pretty hard. It took several days for him to get in and get tested because of demand. He said he didn’t feel as if he was going to die, but he almost felt as if he wanted to. He was at the lowest point when diagnosed, and his doctor gave hydroxychloroquine and zinc. He went home and slept the rest of the day, and when he woke up he felt as if it had “broken”. It took him over a week to recover fully and get his strength back, but he knows when the turning point was. I also recall that our Senator Vanilla Fluff initially credited hydroxychloroquine for helping save her husband’s life – until the handlers got to her and it was never mentioned again.

  4. Can you imagine the hue and cry if Young or Mitchell thought they were being censored in the 70s? (Actually, I don’t have to imagine it, because I was there in the 70s). And didn’t Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins warn of a “chill wind” blowing through this nation after they were “canceled” in 2003 for their lefty beliefs – and didn’t the media all rush to defend them and decry this intolerance of other ideas?

  5. Polling shows that people greatly overestimate the number of black people lynched in the entire history of the US – especially when compared to the number of black people killed by armed black people on an annual basis.

  6. Fascists like Young and Mitchell think that facts are for little people. And only facts they approve of are the real, everything else is disinformation because THEY said so. Facts like this summary from EudraVigilance – through Jan 15, 2022, there were almost 38,000 deaths and over 3,250,0000 adverse reactions to the 4 popular jabs. This is just EU and does not count any other jabs. This is disinformation according to the fascist hadbeens.

    Think of it this way – students at Kent State are having their revenge, with full power of current WH usurper, Big Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Money, FBI, CIA, IRS and all other goobernment alphabet soup acronyms behind them. Back in 1970 they were against the goobernment – now they are against you, wanting the goobernment to control every aspect of your lives. The hypocrisy, the irony, the schadenfreude.

    NW, glad things are on the upswing!

  7. ^ This makes literally no sense. Hydroquinone and Ivermectin are made by a pharmaceutical company, and they actually have a higher profit margin than vaccines. Why is putting one in your body enriching the pockets of Big Pharma but not the other? Do you perform the same checks before taking a different brand of acetaminophen…

  8. I missed something. Who objects to enriching drug companies?

    I thought the objection was to a specific treatment which doesn’t work as claimed but has harmful side effects being ignored. What did I miss?

  9. JD, you did not miss anything. Although I would disagree that harmful side effects being ignored. They are being covered up – a huge distinction, at least to me. Because as soon as you publish/talk about the facts, the fascists in the media and the brainwashed hadbeens will label it misinformation™ until such time as they cannot ignore it or info becomes politically expedient to them.

  10. The Triggernometry podcast has been kicked off of youtube because one of its hosts dared say that cloth masks are useless, the same thing that Fauci was saying not that long ago.
    The lights are going out, the dark curtain of fascism is coming down.

  11. As someone else noted

    These musicians are willing to pull their music from Spotify over Joe Rogan

    But so far none of them have said anything about Apple’s links to Chinese human rights violations


  12. All this it does is amplifies the opinions you don’t like and drives people to more ideological partisan platforms making the problem worse.

  13. I don’t believe that social science supports the idea that by suppressing “misinformation” government increases compliance with its policies.
    Yet so many people assume that they can better achieve their goals by shutting people up.
    People are complicated. If you ask a person why they don’t want to get vaxxed, they may cite some conspiritorial nonsense they heard on the television or read on facebook, but that doesn’t mean that what they heard on the television or read on facebook actually caused them to believe that they shouldn’t get vaxxed.

  14. One of the problems you have when you try to discuss “misinformation” is what the term actually means. Merriam-Webster isn’t much help, it defines “misinformation” as “incorrect or misleading information.” Communication is so contextual, so much is assumed and left unsaid, that nearly all speech includes “incorrect or misleading information.” There is no bright line with information on one side and misinformation on the other.
    This NY Times opinion piece about Rogan’s show and the effort to suppress it makes it clear that the problem the left has with Rogan is that he gives a speech platform to people that they don’t like: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/01/opinion/joe-rogan-spotify-misinformation.html
    Gavin Mcinnes and Alex Jones are cited as being examples of people Rogan should not have interviewed, no matter what they had said.

  15. Kinlaw, that phenomenon is related to the posting of URL’s. It comes and goes, no idea how or why.

    Also, I’d be remiss to ignore rat’s latest witless exhibition of stupidity.

    Now we are to imagine, sitting in the oak paneled comfort of his office in his luxurious, lake front home, rat leafs through the 2020-2022 P&L statements Pfizer, J&J and Moderna send him, and compares them with those from the hundreds of small companies that manufacture generic Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. After running the numbers in his head (he rolls like that, because he can), he exclaims, swirling a glass of ‘49 Domaine Leroy Richebourg Grand Cru, “Ha! No difference at all! I’ll go short”.

    Hahahahahaha! You are a real specimen, rat.

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