Learned Behavior

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

I’d bet a brand-new nickel the guy who drove his pickup into the
Christmas Parade was not protesting the Rittenhouse verdict by mowing
down White people.  I doubt he follows civic events closely enough to
realize the parade was happening.  He drove down that street running
over people like an entitled ass who isn’t required to follow any of the
rules of civilized behavior because . . . he’s not.  As a Black man in
America, he’s a member of The New Nobility, a class above the law, not
subject to it.

Junior Level, of course.  This particular nogoodnik isn’t a jet setter
flying to the climate change summit.  He won’t be invited to any
birthday parties on Martha’s Vineyard or Hollywood awards events.  But
he’s minor nobility just the same.  Imagine if 200 years ago, Lord
Brooks had driven his carriage through a group of peasants dancing in
the lane, killing several of them.  The commoners would have been
outraged but the Powers That Be would express their hope his horse
hadn’t chipped a hoof while trampling those filthy vermin. That’s why
certain Black men believe they can loot stores, jack cars, rob people,
drive like crazy, shoot from car windows and beat their women.  It’s
learned behavior.  They’ve learned it’s okay for them to do.  You see it
on the highways around the Twin Cities every day.

But now, suddenly, after a string of wrist-slaps for years of crimes,
Brooks is charged with five counts of intentional murder. How completely
unfair.  That’s like giving a puppy a treat every time he poops on the
floor until one day he poops on the rug and you bash his head in.  How
was he to know?

If you’re looking for a greater social commentary in this incident,
that’s the lesson.  Stop treating criminals like nobility.

Joe Doakes

If you remove consequences from doing something, people will do it. Whether it’s shoplifting or having babies out of wedlock or putting money in investment bubbles.

11 thoughts on “Learned Behavior

  1. At least one of the batshit crazy lefty media bimbos actually blamed the CAR, for the incident. Sure didn’t look like a Tesla to me.

  2. Of course criminality is learned behavior but let’s discuss the limitations of punishment.

    For a guy like Darrell Brooks, the punishment is the reward. Being convicted and jailed for no matter how long is a marker of status.

    The more severe the sentence, the more street cred they earn.

    The more violent the crime, the more respect they command.

    Speedy trials and harsh punishment, only accelerates the process.

    In other words, we have spawned a subculture where the punishment/reward system is flipped on its head.

    To sentence a car-jacker, robber or rapist to two, three, five or ten years is ridiculous. The sentence should be jail until civilized.


    People like Darrell Brooks are not only criminals, they are influencers who spread the virus of violence and upside/down rewards through the community.

    They need to be taken out of the community, either for an indeterminate time, or in the specific case of Darrell Brooks, why incur the expense of warehousing his ilk?

  3. I was shocked! Shocked, I say, when I learned a human was behind the wheel of that SUV. I thought it must be a Terminator from the future or a rogue robot.

  4. Most of these radical prosecutors were elected in cities and counties that use “ranked choice” voting.
    Get rid of ranked choice voting, and you will get rid of radical prosecutors.

  5. if we are intent upon populating the moon and Mars we will need first wave settlers to build the necessary infrastructure in what is a harsh and unforgiving environment. Take a page from the Transports of the late 18th & early 19th centuries. Give bad actors from our feral underclass the choice between death here and life working mining the asteroid belt or building habitat on the moon and Mars..

  6. Mars, yes; Luna, no. Do not give your enemies the high ground. Remember your Heinlein.

    As for crime, some guy on the internet did the math and concluded 1 in 60 young Black men is a murderer, an even higher percentage are career thieves and robbers. Our societal problem is not disparate impact discrimination, it’s under-incarceration. We can’t afford to build enough prisons and staff them with public employee union guards. We can’t execute all the criminals. What to do? Export them, agreed. But where?

    The former Soviet Union had a well-developed network of prison camps in Siberia. They have the infrastructure and trained workforce of guards and administrators. China needs workers for sweatshops. They have experience with a minority population, the Uyghurs. Here’s one situation where outsourcing our problem makes sense.

  7. There’s a reason they the Progressives hate Heinlein.

    From “Starship Troopers”:

    Mr. Dubois then demanded of me, “Define a ‘juvenile delinquent.’”

    “Uh, one of those kids—the ones who used to beat up people.”


    “Huh? But the book said—”

    “My apologies. Your textbook does so state. But calling a tail a leg does not make the name fit. ‘Juvenile delinquent’ is a contradiction in terms, one which gives a clue to their problem and their failure to solve it. Have you ever raised a puppy?”

    “Yes, sir.”

    “Did you housebreak him?”

    “Err . . . yes, sir. Eventually.” It was my slowness in this that caused my mother to rule that dogs must stay out of the house.

    “Ah, yes. When your puppy made mistakes, were you angry?”

    “What? Why, he didn’t know any better; he was just a puppy.”

    “What did you do?”

    “Why, I scolded him and rubbed his nose in it and paddled him.”

    “Surely he could not understand your words?”

    “No, but he could tell I was sore at him!”

    “But you just said that you were not angry.”

    Mr. Dubois had an infuriating way of getting a person mixed up. “No, but I had to make him think I was. He had to learn, didn’t he?”

    “Conceded. But, having made it clear to him that you disapproved, how could you be so cruel as to spank him as well? You said the poor beastie didn’t know that he was doing wrong. Yet you inflicted pain. Justify yourself! Or are you a sadist?”

    I didn’t then know what a sadist was—but I knew pups. “Mr. Dubois, you have to! You scold him so that he knows he’s in trouble, you rub his nose in it so that he will know what trouble you mean, you paddle him so that he darn well won’t do it again—and you have to do it right away! It doesn’t do a bit of good to punish him later; you’ll just confuse him. Even so, he won’t learn from one lesson, so you watch and catch him again and paddle him still harder. Pretty soon he learns. But it’s a waste of breath just to scold him.” Then I added, “I guess you’ve never raised pups.”

    “Many. I’m raising a dachshund now—by your methods. Let’s get back to those juvenile criminals. The most vicious averaged somewhat younger than you here in this class . . . and they often started their lawless careers much younger. Let us never forget that puppy. These children were often caught; police arrested batches each day. Were they scolded? Yes, often scathingly. Were their noses rubbed in it? Rarely. News organs and officials usually kept their names secret—in many places the law so required for criminals under eighteen. Were they spanked? Indeed not! Many had never been spanked even as small children; there was a widespread belief that spanking, or any punishment involving pain, did a child permanent psychic damage.”

    (I had reflected that my father must never have heard of that theory.)

    “Corporal punishment in schools was forbidden by law,” he had gone on. “Flogging was lawful as sentence of court only in one small province, Delaware, and there only for a few crimes and was rarely invoked; it was regarded as ‘cruel and unusual punishment.’” Dubois had mused aloud, “I do not understand objections to ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment. While a judge should be benevolent in purpose, his awards should cause the criminal to suffer, else there is no punishment—and pain is the basic mechanism built into us by millions of years of evolution which safeguards us by warning when something threatens our survival. Why should society refuse to use such a highly perfected survival mechanism? However, that period was loaded with pre-scientific pseudo-psychological nonsense.

    “As for ‘unusual,’ punishment must be unusual or it serves no purpose.” He then pointed his stump at another boy. “What would happen if a puppy were spanked every hour?”

    “Uh . . . probably drive him crazy!”

    “Probably. It certainly will not teach him anything. How long has it been since the principal of this school last had to switch a pupil?”

    “Uh, I’m not sure. About two years. The kid that swiped—”

    “Never mind. Long enough. It means that such punishment is so unusual as to be significant, to deter, to instruct. Back to these young criminals—They probably were not spanked as babies; they certainly were not flogged for their crimes. The usual sequence was: for a first offense, a warning—a scolding, often without trial. After several offenses a sentence of confinement but with sentence suspended and the youngster placed on probation. A boy might be arrested many times and convicted several times before he was punished—and then it would be merely confinement, with others like him from whom he learned still more criminal habits. If he kept out of major trouble while confined, he could usually evade most of even that mild punishment, be given probation—‘paroled’ in the jargon of the times.

    “This incredible sequence could go on for years while his crimes increased in frequency and viciousness, with no punishment whatever save rare dull-but-comfortable confinements. Then suddenly, usually by law on his eighteenth birthday, this so-called ‘juvenile delinquent’ becomes an adult criminal—and sometimes wound up in only weeks or months in a death cell awaiting execution for murder. You—”

    He had singled me out again. “Suppose you merely scolded your puppy, never punished him, let him go on making messes in the house . . . and occasionally locked him up in an outbuilding but soon let him back into the house with a warning not to do it again. Then one day you notice that he is now a grown dog and still not housebroken—whereupon you whip out a gun and shoot him dead. Comment, please?”

    “Why . . . that’s the craziest way to raise a dog I ever heard of!”

    “I agree. Or a child. Whose fault would it be?”

    “Uh . . . why, mine, I guess.”

    “Again I agree. But I’m not guessing.”

  8. There’s a former Illinois Democrat party officer, White woman of course, name of Mary Lemanski, who blamed karma for mowing down those grannies and kids. She called out the kids in particular.

    See, Wisconsin let White Supremacist Kyle Rittenhouse off for killing 2 White guys and literally disarming another. So naturally, a black Supremacist HAD to serve some street justice.

    It’s not just feral Negroes we need to be concerned with. It’s mentally ill Whites, too.

    Thankfully, they self-identify, so we can know the enemy among us.

  9. BTW. Mary Lemanski Was shitcanned from her Democrat party gig shortly after her social media tirade. But (and trust me here), not because she said the wrong thing, but because she said it out loud and in public.

    10/10 every degenerate in her social and political circle; White, black, mulatto, agreed with her observation…but you’re not supposed to be so blunt about saying it.

    They’ll resurrect her after the dust settles.

  10. To the original comment by Joe, agreed, and it’s scary that in white and black communities alike, more and more kids are being born to unwed parents. That’s the key predictor for crime.

  11. See, Wisconsin let White Supremacist Kyle Rittenhouse off for killing 2 White guys and literally disarming another. So naturally, a black Supremacist HAD to serve some street justice.
    This ideology will be familiar to anyone who has studied the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century. In the end the commies were as racist as the nazis, ethnicity became a proxy for social class. Ethnic Russians were once the backbone of the Czarist Whites, ehile the Marxist -Leninist leadership was dominated by Jews and other non-Russians. By the 1950s Ethnic Russians controlled the CPUSSR and they actively discriminated against other ethnicities, esp. Jews.

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