13 thoughts on “Every Time…

  1. The woke deny that there can be legitimate democratric constraints on their agenda. Their rejection by the voters merely confirms their belief that the American people are racist and sexist, and is in greater need of having its institutions — all of them — broken down and rebuilt according to their design.
    “Wokism” is a totalitarian religion. It is an entire world view that explains EVERYTHING. People just don’t give those up.

  2. Kendi recently was mocked for his tautological definition of racism: “I would define it as a collection of racist policies that lead to racial inequity that are substantiated by racist ideas.”
    Despite its circular reasoning and its incorrect use of the word “substantiated,” this definition is enshrined in many “anti-racist” training texts.
    The reason Kendi was unwilling to define racism in terms that do not refer back to itself is because that would imply that there was a reference frame outside of racism that could contain it. Racism defines things, it is not defined by them. This is the essence of totalitarianism.

  3. Do a google search on Kndi’s definition, Night Writer, and you will see how deep the rot is in our public institutions and private companies. It doesn’t matter that his words are nonsense.
    What sense of the word “substantiate” do you think Kendi is using?
    I see that in some versions, Kendi used “veiled” rather than “substantiated,” which doesn’t mean anything like “substantiated” and makes even less sense in context.

  4. I wear the labels reprobates hang on me like a suit of armor. Not only do they make me impenetrable, they keep me warm.

  5. The dhimmicraps aren’t wrong, the public is. They need to dissolve the public and make a new one.

  6. Kendi’s arguments are as thin as truck stop toilet paper. And only about half as effective.

    ….and about ten times more abrasive. I’ve got no idea whether he’s simply pulling a fast one, knowing his “definition” is nonsense”, or whether he’s actually got no idea that he’s talking nonsense, but that’s where it is. Same basic thing with Ali. There are simply some people for whom facts and evidence don’t seem to penetrate.

  7. What if we restate the argument this way:

    “The US is a racist and classist society. Only White people can succeed, and not all of them, only those from approved social groups, which is why Harvard isn’t full of hillbillies. A few Token Negros are allowed to succeed, mostly to amuse the White overlords with sports and entertainment, but no Black person can achieve any position of prominence in medicine, law, academia, or business solely on their own merits. Whites haven’t allowed it in the past and will not allow it in the future. Therefore, the entire structure of US society must be smashed so it can be rebuilt more fairly. No, not equality of opportunity, that will never truly exist; not equality of outcome, that shifts endlessly as conditions change; only supremacy will do. The new society must be one in which Blacks hold the position atop society which Whites formerly occupied. Only then will historical injustices be redressed. Only then will US society be fair.”

    Now what do you think of the idea?

  8. Hey Joe,

    Once our racist, classist, misogynist, homophobic society is destroyed, can I get a job in the new society or are those jobs only open to the Democratic donor class?

    Scratch that, if the entire Democratic donor class is put up against a wall and shot, do I have to be a leftist activist to get a job?

    Wait a minute, if all the leftist activists are shot along with all the lefty journalists, college professors and NGO grifters, who do I talk to about a job?

    I’m not looking for anything high profile… cause I don’t want to get shot.

    Maybe something in road inspection in the far north of Canada… far away from where they are shooting people.

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