The Why We War

I write a blog, and do a talk show, that covers a fair amount of politics.

People jump from that to assuming I looooove politics.

It’s not true. Truth be told, I hate ’em.

But just because you’re not interested in politics doesn’t mean they’re not interested in you.

Charles Cook lays it out as well as anyone in this bit here.


If, like me, you believe without irony, exaggeration, or caveat, that the United States of America remains the last, great hope of mankind, then you have no choice but to fight those who would “transform” it. If, like me, you believe that America was exceptional before its Founding, was exceptional at the time of its Founding, has been exceptional throughout its 250-year history, and remains exceptional to this day, then you have no choice but to resist the entreaties of those who consider its run thus far to have been a pernicious lie. If, like me, you believe that the world benefits enormously from American leadership — and that, if and when we reach the point at which another nation is in the driving seat, we will regret it enormously — then you have no choice but to try to keep it on top. And if, like me, you believe that the American system of government — which represents the only remaining ossification of core Anglo-American ideals in the world — is a work of astonishing genius that must not be tinkered with for temporary political gain, then you have no choice but to defend it to the hilt. I cannot prove this, but I suspect somewhere in my bones that we will get just one shot at America — one — and that if it goes, then so does the classically liberal order that has done wonders for the world.

And in my little, D-lister way, I feel the same. .

7 thoughts on “The Why We War

  1. “But Mitch, I’m not trying to CHANGE America, I’m trying to IMPROVE it. Surely you don’t claim America is perfect. Nothing on Earth is perfect. Everything could stand improvement, including America. And it desperately NEEDS improvement. The mistakes of our past haunt us today and limit all our tomorrows. We must bite the bullet and remedy those errors to move forward into a brighter, better future for the benefit of all. And here’s how we must do it . . . .”

    . . . said everyone, ever, who wanted to reshape America to fit an agenda. It was wrong of them – all of them – to try to impose their agenda on us. They should be ashamed. What we must do instead is enact MY idea, which is . . . .

  2. I don’t see way through without nastiness.

    The degenerates are too deeply embedded; they’re in the woodwork. We’re gonna have to tear the house down to rid ourselves of the roach infestation.

  3. More blather from Hayduke.
    He is wandering around, lost in his funhouse of broken mirrors.
    Schizophrenia is mental disorder that describes the inability of the mind to put things in their proper categories.That which is non-threatfull is seen as threatfull, and vice versa. Random events are given significance, while orderly events are ignored.
    We have entered a period were our educated elite have gone insane. They believe that a man can put on a dress and become a woman. They believe in racial guilt. They believe that truth is another word for power.
    Act accordingly.

  4. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 11.02.21 : The Other McCain

  5. Looks like all the FOB (friends of Brandon) shit the bed last night, but it’s not necessarily over. The reprobates could find the necessary ballots in a trunk, or under someone’s bed.

    Even if they steal VA and NJ, they cannot deny that everyone hates what Brandon’s string pullers are doing.

  6. There is deep panic on the Left, and it all goes back to Joe Biden’s inability to lead the country. He makes unforced error after unforced error. I truly believe that his wife is calling the shots (controlling who he meets with), and she is no politician and is probably as dumb as Joe is.
    In a way, Joe’s fumbling is covering for Pelosi, who is also way off her game. With no political capital left, Slow Joe is crippling Pelosi’s legislative agenda.
    The “slow motion train wreck” cliche is apt.

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