24 thoughts on “I’m Old Enough To Remember…

  1. If it weren’t for Parliament and the British media, we wouldn’t know what a disaster we have in the White House.

For 20 years, politicians, elites and D.C. military leaders lied to us about Afghanistan.
    What happened last week was inevitable, and anyone saying differently is still lying to you.

  3. Biden FINALLY orders US troops to rescue Americans in Kabul after telling commanders last week he feared a ‘Black Hawk Down’ moment and banned them from sending soldiers out of airport

    US Special Operations rescued 16 Americans from an unspecified position two hours outside of the Kabul airport early Monday morning, according to the Associated Press. On Monday, Pentagon press officer John Kirby revealed that there was one other rescue mission by helicopter Monday, but did not offer further details.

    Those missions require the approval of a four-star officer, a source told AP, and are approved on a case-by-case basis.

    But Biden is only said to have greenlit such missions after pressure over British and German allies mounting their own.

    What a cunt

  4. Well, now pedo Joe is putting the Taliban to work in their new uniforms.

    These are #Taliban’s Special Forces from Badri 313 Unit! Armed with American made weapons are now guarding #Kabul airport on request of #US Government! These are just a bunch of former suicide bombers in US made costume.


    I don’t see how this can get much worse. Oh, wait….


  5. That rip on Biden was too much for the mod bot…it’s OK, I’ll wait

  6. They needed a poll to tell them what to do as always. No sense of right or wrong in the dhimmicrap camp, just politics.

  7. Twat is really sticking to his script — totally on brand. Not one sentence about the 70k evacuated in yet another one of Twat’s doomsday write-ups.

  8. Still trying to blow life into that Afghanistan White Wash, I see. I doubt President Uncommon Courage fully appreciates how hard you and yours are working to turn that pile of shit into “really good shit” – thanks for Firesign Theater for that.

  9. e·vac·u·ate (ĭ-văk′yo͞o-āt′)
    v. e·vac·u·at·ed, e·vac·u·at·ing, e·vac·u·ates
    a. To withdraw or depart from; vacate: The coastal areas were evacuated before the hurricane made landfall.
    b. To withdraw or send away (troops or inhabitants) from a threatened area: The Coast Guard helped evacuate the citizens after the flood.
    c. To relinquish military possession or occupation of (a town, for example).

    I think b. and c. fit the description of Biden’s disaster. A competent leader re-deployed in a controlled, rational manner. Unfortunately we have an utter moron at the wheel, so we’re dealing with chaos.

    Oh, and by the way…Biden has trashed the relationship with our closest ally in a way no other American head of state has ever come close to.

    “Contempt”….the shame of it.
    “Parliament holds Joe Biden in contempt over Afghanistan”

    “Joe Biden’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal was condemned as “catastrophic” and “shameful” on Wednesday as the Houses of Parliament delivered an unprecedented rebuke to a US president.”


    I wonder if it makes pedo Joe happy to know there are still some extremely low IQ, unprincipled scumbags out here supporting him? Or does it depress him?

  10. What happened last week was inevitable, and anyone saying differently is still lying to you.

    So it was inevitable that we’d withdraw from Bagram without warning our allies, and without giving our allies and citizens a chance to be evacuated?

    No, Emery, those were decisions made at the highest levels, including 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  11. bike, don’t forget stockpiling and turning over military tech – it was inevitable and a lie it could not and shoudl not have been handled differently. But c’mon man, that NEVER happened you see. Move along sheople…

  12. And making that technology available toe the Russians and Chinese for reverse engineering, and exposing Afghan girls and boys to systematic rape by Taliban “soldiers”, and creating huge new supplies for heroin, and making both Afghanistan and Pakistan into terrorist havens–maybe some of the “stans” to the north as well.

    Heckuva job, Biden.

  13. I picked my car up from the mechanic today. It ran great on the way home, but you know what? One day my car won’t work so well. One day it is going to break and the repair will be more than the car is worth.
    It’s inevitable.
    So I set it on fire.
    And while watching it burn, I saw the neighbor’s car in his driveway. It’s a nice car, almost new. And I had a flash of insight: I realized that the day would come when his car, too, would break, and like mine, the repair would cost more than his car was worth.
    It’s inevitable.
    So I set his car on fire, too.
    As the flames were leaping up to the sky, I thought about my neighbor and his family. Nice guy, nice wife, coupla kids cute as buttons. And, sure, they were young and healthy, now. But one day they would die. Whether by illness or accident — maybe even murder — one day they would all be dead.
    It’s inevitable . . .

  14. I don’t know why people are complaining about getting modded.
    I never get modded.

  15. no bike, the word of the day is “inevitable”.

    To paraphrase Inigo Montoya, they keep using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.

    And to paraphrase Dr. Montoya a bit more, I fear that we are creating a generation of Afghans who going to be able to say in the future “Salaam. My name is Inigo Muhammed. You allowed my sisters to be raped by the Taliban……”

    Ain’t gonna be pretty…..

  16. So why did Burns meet with the taliban on Monday?
    To buy them off is my guess, to bribe them to allow free passage of Americans and Afghans of interest into the airport.
    Whatever Burns offered them wasn’t enough.
    If anyone has a different idea about what down between Burns and the taliban negotiators, I’d love to hear it.

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