“Terribly Sad”

Can you imagine the tone if the two “idealistic young lawyers” in this story had worn MAGA hats?

I’m sure those young lawyers will do just fine pleading “moment of madness’ in court.

Mr. Spoor (a prog lawyer who has the most wonderfully occoponymous name, if you speak any Dutch at all) says that young people are prone to doing stupid things (true), and that we should have some forgiveness in our hearts. Throwing a firebomb shouldn’t rate 35 years in federal prison.

But forgiveness without atonement is meaningless – and I wager a shiny new quarter that the overentitled, over-schooled, under-educated wannabe Che Guevaras in this story feel no remorse whatsoever.

Regret over being caught? Sure.

Remorse? That’s for plebes.

21 thoughts on ““Terribly Sad”

  1. A moment of madness might cause you to punch someone in the face. Spontaneous, unplanned, sudden.

    Acquiring an empty bottle, filling it with flammable liquid and wick, remembering to stuff a lighter in your pocket, carrying the bomb to the riot, lighting and throwing it into the police car, is not a “moment” of madness.

    The lawyers committed premeditated arson. Richard Spoor should just be committed, period. He’s plainly delusional.

  2. That article illustrates all that is wrong with the American left–they are acting as if because they thought the motivations were good, that excuses actions that could have left multiple people with horrific, painful, disfiguring burns or worse.

    And let’s be blunt; you have to have a certain degree of intellect to pass the bar, and if I were a juror, you would have to work really hard to persuade me that they didn’t know the likely consequences if their bomb attack were successful.

  3. bike, this is exactly why these reprobates should be thrown in jail for a max term without a chance for a parole. They knew exactly what they were doing and will do it again given a chance. And why would they get another chance? Because they will be let off with time served and will be allowed to practice law. I can bet you a shiny nickel they will suffer no consequences. Not a one. Zero. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Because they had been taught in school that laws are for little people, not the elite like them.

  4. Maybe Spoor meant it was terribly sad that the police car was unoccupied?

    As for youthful indiscretions, ask Sarah Jane Olson about trying to wire a bomb to an LA cop car in the 70s.

  5. JPA: exactly. And we wonder why we get so much violence at demonstrations after letting the perpetrators off the hook….huh, let me think about this a minute, tough thing to figure out, not.

  6. Two young and idealistic lawyers …

    They were in their 30s. That’s not “young” by any legal definition since its well past the age of majority. As lawyers, they can’t plead that they were ignorant of what they were doing. Psychologically, by that age your personality is set for the rest of you life for all practical purposes. That means that we shouldn’t expect these two to suddenly “grow up” and reform. 35 years for an adult doing that is just fine, thank you.

  7. Can’t improve on what’s been written already, but would remind readers that fifty years ago three idealistic men bombed a building in Madison they thought was unoccupied but wasn’t. A grad student working late at night died. One of the men was never caught. The other two served a few years in jail. Let’s not repeat the mistake of excusing terrorism.

  8. ” three idealistic men bombed a building in Madison”
    I had an English professor in college that brought this up in class, defended the death because “the grad student was probably working on defense department research”.

  9. You can’t be an officer of the court if you are convicted of a felony.
    So their careers would be over, in a just world.
    You cannot argue with the woke. They do not think normally. All they see is power relationships, There is no reason, just power.
    And the way they see power is warped. They are like that dick head Aiyes, the son of the head of consolidated edison, privileged by his birth in ways most people cannot imagine, who plotted to blow up a dance hall full of enlisted men in order to improve the “fairness” of the world. They are literally insane.

  10. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.07.20 : The Other McCain

  11. Anybody care to wager?

    Depends on what you mean by “excused”. Since it’s a federal charge – not the pathetic Multhomah County Attorney – I don’t imagine they’ll skate.

    Will they do 35 years? I’d bank on them pleading guilty to a much lesser charge for a lot less time.

  12. I always find it funny to hear a person born into relative privilege, privilege he doesn’t seem acknowledge very often, complain about “over-entitlement.” You had two parents in home, you didn’t grow up hungry, you were in a safe, stable public school, I can’t speak to whether you were helped with your education. I fit the same mold, but I don’t think the people who are protesting are snow-flakes, I think you are. They are often poor, minority, grew up in a single-parent home, around violence, hungry, in poor public schools, were pulled over and harassed by police simply because of the color of their skin. And YOU feel like you should critique’ them for protesting… yeah. Ok. Throwing a bomb is NEVER NEVER ok, is shooting a judge? How about blowing up a clinic? Shooting a doctor? Blowing up a federal building, taking over a Federal nature facility? Were those people “over-entitled” in your mind? They were in mine. How dare someone show up on a court-house step wearing an AR-15? What’s the message, that you’re going to take-up arms against the government if you don’t get your way? (yes, that is the message, along with the message that “you’d better not F with me or I’ll shoot you – a message we’ve seen repeated around the country).

    We have a collapsing economy, a President and party who think that most people are sitting around happily not working (of the unemployed) and think that letting 10M people be evicted is a good thing, it will “incentivize” people to go back to work at jobs which might kill them. It’s not that people would LOVE to work at a job that was safe and paid a fair wage, no, no, you hate your fellow Americans and think THEY are lazy, while you are good. Just like the above, they are bad, you are good. Walk a mile in their shoes. Yet you focus on this claptrap, worries about left-wing “terrorism”, but act blind to right-wing terrorism, which is, according to the ADL, 17 times more common that left-wing terrorism. Worry about THAT, not the massive crisis facing the country.

    Good job, keep that up, that’s helpful.

  13. golfdoc
    are you referring to the Sterling Hall bombing (8.24.1970) – 3 captured and sentenced (Armstrong, Armstrong & Fine) and one (Burt) still at large?

  14. Excused = house arrest, no jail time, or time served if they had already been in jail awaiting bail, etc. And clean record. I am willing to wager any plea bargain will involve clean records so they can go work for ACLU. Fed charge or not, does not matter. Swamp is real deep.

  15. Even though she pleaded guilty Kathleen Soliah/Sara Jane Olson/Sara Jane Peterson never expressed remorse for the murder of Myrna Opsahl or for the bomb under the police car, don’t expect these two to ever express anything other than outrage that they were caught. Killing Class Enemies is wholly justified for these folks, they expect to be hallowed Martyrs For The Cause™.

    Bud Light? Really? How déclassé!, What is she, watching her weight?

  16. Pig Bodine: Yes, I was referring to the Sterling Hall bombing. The grad student killed had nothing to do with the Math Department Army project, not that it matters. Karl Armstrong opened a natural food store in Madison after his prison sentence. I hope he eventually dies of a painful, lingering disease.

  17. NW, this in NYC. Only low cal beer is allowed. Why do you think these reprobates are revolting? No access to real beer!

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