5 thoughts on “Today’s Equivalent Of Flat-Earthers

  1. “BUT, HEY AND WAIT A MINUTE!” the progressive left shrieks, “HE’S A NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATE”

    And they are correct to say that – but then so was William Shockley.

    Did that give credence to his eugenics and race/IQ theories?

  2. Oh there’s still a lot of flat Earthers out there sad to say, and either they are really dumb or the king of trolls on Facebook.

  3. Krugman’s economics textbooks are models of market economics orthodoxy. The difference between Krugman the economist and Krugman the NY times columnist is so large that there are persistent rumors that his columns are actually written by his wife, far-left social activist Robin Wells.
    I don’t think that this is correct. I think the truth is that Krugman has looney, hate filled opinions that he can’t put in a textbook, but he feels free to air in non-academic environments.
    In 1962 Francis Crick was the co-winner of the Nobel prize in physiology for his work discovering the double-helix structure of DNA. Crick also has, shall we say, eccentric ideas about eugenics and race.
    Krugman is the Francis Crick of economics.

  4. “BUT, HEY AND WAIT A MINUTE!” the progressive left shrieks, “HE’S A NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATE”

    Ah, the appeal to authority. One of my favorite logical fallacies.

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