
It’s about time for President Trump to suggest that Congress repeal Title IX and eliminate Girls’ Sports on the grounds that since Boys can compete in Girls sports simply by declaring themselves Girls, having a separate sports system is a wasteful, duplicative, expensive boondoggle. 
We’ll just have one system, winner take all. True, boys will win everything forever, but that’s where we’re headed anyway so might as well jump right into it.
The money we save can be used to build The Wall.
Joe Doakes

Joe, of course, is aware of Berg’s 21st Law: “When it comes to “progressive” policy, yesterday’s absurd joke is today’s serious proposal and tomorrow’s potential law.”

And satire, like Joe’s sarcastic note, is closer to the news than the news is

2 thoughts on “Redundant

  1. Curious.

    We know human biology is a construct of white supremacy, and therefore is BS. We also know that re-arranging one’s junk turns mere humans into super humans. Why aren’t F–>M trannies kicking ass in their sports?


    Rede my bleg.

  2. Elite sportsball is going to be a sham forever because the effects of steroids last for months, but the actual substances break down in a few weeks. No way you can police that. You can only reduce the incentives to devote your life to sportsball.

    (start by stopping stadium subsidies)

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