We’ll Take Our Chances Mr. President

Desperation, thy name is Obama. Earlier this week the President pleaded if we don’t pass health care reform now, no President will ever try it again.

Today, with virtually every federal agency in financial disarray or on a trajectory of financial collapse, the President implies this time it will be different.

President Obama told ABC News’ Charles Gibson in an interview that if Congress does not pass health care legislation that will bring down costs, the federal government “will go bankrupt.”

Mr. President, sir, we have no doubt that you will see to that whether we reform health care or not. The truth of the matter is, the federal government, by any measure applied to any non-public entity is insolvent already.

When private entities reach the end of the fiscal road, they don’t have the benefit of raising debt ceilings and taxes. They die a quick death – that is unless the government decides a bail-out is in order – then they die a slow, painful death. Either way, the competition eats their lunch and steals their talent. Of course, the federal government has no competition, no one to keep it accountable (any more).

As for a bankrupt federal government, the tipping point was probably reached some time ago. We will never pay off our national debt and inevitably it’s weight will come crashing down on our economy making 2009 look like the good ol’ days for millions of Americans.

Indeed, Mr. President, I have to agree with you. The federal government will go bankrupt if we don’t pass health care reform legislation.

But if we do, it will come a lot faster.

15 thoughts on “We’ll Take Our Chances Mr. President

  1. You’re absolutely right. There is nothing left for us to do but retire to our respective homes, batten down the hatches and wait for the Chinese to come for their money. They will cull the weak and only the strong will survive.

  2. Your comment does not surprise in the least, save a mention of Obama making your house payment or paying for your health care while you cower next to your water heater.

    As it stands, the Feds will come for what little you have well before the Chinese do.

  3. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll join the Feds now, so when we come for you I’ll get a piece of what little you have now. Do you have a PS3 yet? I just can’t do with the PS2 anymore, the lack of internet connectivity is way too restrictive.

  4. There is a tempest on the horizon, and there will be a reckoning. Invest in Liberty, or suffer Tyranny.

  5. Sounds Biblical.

    Perhaps, but you don’t have to go back that far.

    Heatlhcare is to the US what “punctual trains” were for other, more recent societies.

  6. The phrase “Making the trains run on time” is a bit of an idiom when discussing certain styles of government.

  7. I looked it up. Apparently the “certain style of government” you were referring to is fascism. I assume you are being extremely hyperbolistic, which, being a fan an common perpetrator of hyperbole, I could not condemn without being a hypocrite. Otherwise you’d be implying that Obama’s (or Pelosi’s, if she’s the new Cheney) ultimate goal is to dissolve the constitution, expunge congress and insitute martial law to oppress dissenters. And that would just be silly.

    [grammar freaks: for three bonus points identify which of the commas in this comment do not belong.]

  8. I looked it up. Apparently the “certain style of government” you were referring to is fascism.

    At an extreme, sure. But to a lesser degree, the “make the trains run on time” metaphor is intended to illustrate an extreme in the tradeoff between “service” and “freedom”. Would adopting Obamacare be on a par with trading “dead Jews” with “punctual trains?” No. But just because a swap of liberty for “service” isn’t the most absurd (or horrendous) exteme doesn’t mean it doesn’t bear resisting, if liberty is what you value.

    I assume you are being extremely hyperbolistic, which, being a fan an common perpetrator of hyperbole, I could not condemn without being a hypocrite.

    I’m neither indulging in hyperbole nor being a Jeremiah; “make the trains run on time” is not an uncommon metaphor.

    Otherwise you’d be implying that Obama’s (or Pelosi’s, if she’s the new Cheney) ultimate goal is to dissolve the constitution, expunge congress and insitute martial law to oppress dissenters. And that would just be silly.

    If you knew anything about the “Fairness” doctrine – which Pelosi and Reid support – and take your First Amendment seriously, you wouldn’t be quite so sanguine.

    [grammar freaks: for three bonus points identify which of the commas in this comment do not belong.]

    All of them. When in doubt, break up into new sentences.

    Now, for three points, which overuse of adjective endings converted one of AB’s words from “rhetorical excess” to “observes a philosophy that values rhetorical excess?”

  9. I’m neither indulging in hyperbole nor being a Jeremiah; “make the trains run on time” is not an uncommon metaphor.”

    “Making the trains run on time” is a direct reference to fascism. Outside of that usage, it is very uncommon. It was recently picked up by conservatives because “socialism didn’t have the same rhetorical kick to it:


    Once accusations of “fascism” become bland, conservatives will move down the line to claims of Obama being a “Nazi.” Apparently that one person at Bachmann’s TEA Party rally got the memo a little early.

    [And for the three points, “hyperbolistic.”]

  10. apathyboy Says: What exactly do you mean by “reckoning?” Sounds Biblical.

    A settling of accounts.

  11. AB-“They will cull the weak and only the strong will survive.” You do believe in Darwin`s theory, don`t you?

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