Loose The Hysterical Ninnies Of Hell

Justin Perpich – scion of the Iron Range political family, but otherwise just another Metrocrat progressive fop – writes:

So the next time some progressive demands “why can’t we have ‘commonsense gun control'”, answer “because your side lacks common sense”.

Bonus: “Why are ‘red flag laws” without due judicial process a terrible idea?” Answer: Because people like Justin Perpich (and many, many like him( are not alone.

12 thoughts on “Loose The Hysterical Ninnies Of Hell

  1. Liberals looked at 1950’s “Leave It To Beaver”-style American life, and hated it. They decided it must be completely reversed. So they have spent decades shredding the social fabric. No-fault divorce, abortion on demand, entitlements instead of charity, porn as speech, gratuitous violence as entertainment, mocking authority, disrespect for the law. So now we have feral youth – mostly inner city black but a few suburban white – and suddenly, Liberals have an excuse to do even more damage.

    They’re like a person who decided to paint the floor, but has painted herself into a corner, and now concludes the only solution is to knock down the wall.

  2. I’m sure that after turning in your guns to people like this
    After today there is no longer any room for nuance. The President is a white nationalist terror leader. His supporters – ALL OF THEM – are by definition white nationalist terror supporters. The MAGA hat is a KKK hood. And this evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.

    they will they’ll stop hating you and totally respect your other rights.

  3. The only way to beat Trump in 2020 is to come off less crazy than he is. I predict Trump will win by a landslide.

  4. The notion that over-utilizing the police will make them less effective seems to be totally lost on Perpich, doesn’t it?

  5. Red Flag laws are a terrible idea because they will soon be weaponized as will the current batch of undetectable weapons laws.

  6. My favorite part is the “white male” bit. Isn’t that profiling?

    And ignores scumbags like the Seung-Hui Cho and Christopher Dorner.

    I would suggest a rewording of Perpich’s post:

    “report to the FBI and local law enforcement, because they have nothing better to do than waste time investigating the more-than-99% who will never commit a crime with their firearm. It’s better to manage to the extreme exception rather than doing something productive. Put these people on the FBI’s radar so they can be distracted away from actual threats. It’s quite sad I don’t understand how statistics work.”

  7. Suppose we put a high barrier to entry to firearm ownership. That doesn’t really affect me. I am a healthy guy who earns a decent income and has no criminal record. So I can pass whatever test they create. I can go to a range and qualify for marksmanship, pass a written test, put up an expensive bond, get a half dozen personal references, whatever it takes to get a firearm.
    If you raise the barrier to entry for firearm ownership, who will not be legally able to buy a firearm?
    Poor people. People with a criminal record. People who are unable or unwilling to follow arbitrary rules and instructions.
    I’m sure that if you restricted firearm ownership to people who have made over the median income for the last three years, the level of gun violence in America would plummet.
    Is that what we want?

  8. ^ It works as a heuristical / ontological proposition. It can even be somewhat under ‘median income’. Having an income and hence a job is a very decent indicator for having the responsibility to properly own a firearm.

  9. I’m sure that if you restricted firearm ownership to people who have made over the median income for the last three years, the level of gun violence in America would plummet.

    I dunno, MP. The vast majority of gun violence is committed by people who are not supposed to have them.

    The trick of “gun control” is restricting ownership to only law-abiding people. The way that most laws are implemented, the law-abiding folks lose their guns and the criminals get them.

    It’s like saying we ought to restrict opiods to only people who need them. Great idea, to bad it didn’t work.

  10. I’m sure there’s pictures of wipepul with AR’s on Fedbook.

    But I’ll bet my next paycheck there’s a hell of a lot more pics of young Negroes with a 9mm in one hand and a fan of $20’s in the other.

    There’s some chance that the white guy could go nuts and kill people with his rifle. But stastically, there’s way more chance that Negro youth will use his 9. And it’s also stastically probable that he will hit at least 1 innocent person.

    Perpich is an excellent example of what I’m saying about reprobate leftists. He doesn’t give a shit about people getting shot in the first place and up on the range, he doesnt have to worry about being collateral damage during a drive-by. He’s pushing an agenda. A racist agenda, mind you.

    All that being said, if you’re on Fedbook, you should seriously consider not being on Fedbook. If you’re posting pics of yourself holding any sort of weapon at all on Fedbook (or anywhere but your wall at home), you should have your head examined.

  11. They’re like a person who decided to paint the floor, but has painted herself into a corner, and now concludes the only solution is to knock down the wall.

    I like that analogy, Joe. But it doesn’t fit here, IMO.

    The plan was always to knock down the wall.

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