The Club

Jon Stewart – the former TV host, not the former Twin Cities blogger – has a few words for the media – and they’re mighty close to the words I have for them, as luck would have it.

Stewart calls them narcissists.  I’ll stick with “whiners”:

Amanpour pushed back against Stewart’s suggestion, saying journalists react to Trump’s attacks this way because it’s “hard for us to be dispassionate when words from the White House are aggressive against us.”

“You’re not used to it,” Stewart replied, saying journalists should keep in mind the other struggling communities in U.S. before making the fight all about themselves.

“Think of the communities of color, think of Muslims, think of the black community. When journalists rise to this outrage of ‘How dare you say that about us,’ think of the lives that they’ve been leading under this and what they’ve been put under,” he said.

The problem with the media in recent years is their mission has morphed to “Afflicting those who are comfortable afflicting the media, and comforting those who comfort the media’s afflictors”.

6 thoughts on “The Club

  1. Stewart is every bit as bad. These leftist comedians aren’t funny, until they suddenly decide they’re serious thinkers making important observations.

  2. I was thinking last week that the interaction between Trump and the U.S. media seems pretty antagonistic – by U.S. standards. From what I remember of the U.K. and other parts of Europe, though, this is standard behavior, even as far back as the 70’s. I remember the first press conference I watched in the U.K. in ’79; I was a journalism major and was shocked at the give and take. Later, Thatcher and Blair were both very adept at the game, both with the media and in Parliament. Parliament already had a long tradition of catcalls and outbursts while PMs and MPs were speaking. There a “You lie!” declaration would scarcely be noticed – but might be met with an even more withering retort..

    *Snif* We’re all grown up now!

  3. Amanpour pushed back against Stewart’s suggestion, saying journalists react to Trump’s attacks this way because it’s “hard for us to be dispassionate when words from the White House are aggressive against us.”
    So who does Amanpour believe can criticize journalists?

  4. So who does Amanpour believe can criticize journalists?

    At the very least, Trump. More likely, anyone who is a Republican/conservative. Because………evil.

    Possibly, anyone who is not part of, or connected to, the “elites”.

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