Power! Power! Power!

I’ve been known to mock and taunt the likes of Sarah Jeong, Alondra Cano and Nekima Levy-Pounds for their comical take on “privilege” – including the implication that a guy driving a truck 70 hours a week out in Oil Country has “privilege” over people with elite educations and lifetime political / media sinecures.

Some might think I’m being hyperbolic, or exaggerating the moral dementia of this class of “Progressives”.

Oh, silly pollyannas.   I dion’t have to exaggerate anything:

A feminist professor at Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada recently published a book chapter documenting the myriad ways homeless men allegedly perpetuate “hegemonic masculinity” while discussing their hardships.

The book chapter, “When a Man’s Home is Not a Castle: Hegemonic Masculinity Among Men Experiencing Homelessness,” was published last Wednesday by Professor Erin Dej, in a book she co-edited on patriarchy in psychiatric wards and homeless shelters.

The goal of her research, she explains, was to “assess the ways hypermasculinity is performed among men experiencing homelessness.” And to do this, Dej interviewed 27 homeless men and spent and additional 296 hours spying on them in homeless shelters.

Up next – how lab rats are part of the patriarchy.

10 thoughts on “Power! Power! Power!

  1. If nothing else, feminist academics are quite thorough in finding subjects for denunciation.

  2. “Homeless men allegedly perpetuate “hegemonic masculinity” while discussing their hardships.”
    This is the perfect Onion headline.

  3. I recently attended a memorial service for a shirt-tail relative, a white male who had spent the last 50 years of his life as a welder. It was hard work, outdoors winter and summer, heavy lifting, ladders, the works. He left the job early “feeling poorly” and died of a heart attack at 68. His kids brought his ashes home to scatter on the farm where he grew up.

    I spoke to his neighbor who drove 20 hours from rural Alabama to attend the service because he couldn’t afford to fly (and was driving home immediately after the service to be at work on Monday), a white male who works for a septic system repair service. He spends his days standing in s**t and I mean that literally. He’s studying for the CDL license test, hoping to get a good job like his cousin has . . . driving semi-truck over the road for Wal-Mart.

    I would like to learn more about these fellows’ white privilege, how they had power within the system and everything was handed to them, how nobody from polite society ever looked down on them for the work they did or the way they spoke. I’d like to know how burly men lifting steel and shoveling human waste contributes to the toxic masculinity that is destroying our world. I’d like to understand it all – because right now, it looks to me as if the people at the top of the ivory tower are contemptuously criticizing the people who built and maintain that very tower. Seems a bit . . . ungrateful?

  4. A feminist professor, once I saw that line I stopped reading and will believe anything crazy about her.

  5. Dej interviewed 27 homeless men and spent and additional 296 hours spying on them in homeless shelters.

    Isnt spying a PC term for stalking in this context? If a male professor did that to female homeless people he’d be arrested and labeled a pervert. Is this not literally “female privilege” in action according to their messed up theory?

  6. My first impulse was righteous anger.

    How dare Professor Erin Dej exploit the mentally disabled? But then I forced myself to check my privilege, who am I criticize a woman disabled by feminist ideology?

  7. I have a theory about these angry women. I believe they are all suffering chronic rotten crotch due to an unkillable, nasty strain of bacteria.

    They’ve never know the physical love of a man, and they know they never will.

    Many call themselves lesbians, but the truth is, even other women shun them. It’s all just a front.

    There are 2 paths to possible salvation for these poor wretches:

    1. A dedicated team of scientists (they will be all men, probably) to find a cure for their affliction.

    2. An elite team of men to suit up and take one for the team.

  8. ps: oddly enough, I’m writing this from Odessa, TX where I’m commissioning a plant to keep the Freedom Juice flowing.

    The work day out here on the Permian Basin starts at 5:00 am and ends at 5:00 pm…not including the 45 minute, 90mph commute to the fields.

    I’d say the work force is pretty evenly split between whypeepul and messkins; 99.9% male and heavily tattooed. None of them appear privileged. All appear worn to a damn frazzle.

    (Wish them damn welding trucks’d stop tailgating me at 90mph on I20.)

  9. “assess the ways hypermasculinity is performed among men experiencing homelessness.”

    Dej the waste of flesh has zero compassion for these men afflicted by drug/alcohol addiction, and mental issues. Seems to me she’s chasing funding dollars for meaningless dribble.

    Here’s how she defines herself from the University Faculty website: “I am a critical criminologist, using a social constructionist framework to study marginalization and exclusion. I am a qualitative researcher with a primary focus on homelessness, as well as mental health, autonomy among marginalized people, and homelessness prevention.”
    I am a critical criminologist, using a social constructionist framework to study marginalization and exclusion.


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