I Expect Another 30 Year Old Sexual Harassment Claim Against A Prominent Republican To Dominate The Headlines


That’ be Al Franken  – then an Air America host – and Leanne Tweeden, a radio newswoman from Los Angeles.

Expect to see breaking news that Arne Carlson called a page “toots”, combined with demands that he resign, any moment here…

QUESTION:  Any bets on whether all the DFLers who were saying “Always trust accusers!” last month will be humming a different tune this week?



85 thoughts on “I Expect Another 30 Year Old Sexual Harassment Claim Against A Prominent Republican To Dominate The Headlines

  1. penny, since you clearly do not understand the difference between allegation and caught in the act engaging with you is a waste of time.

  2. So some good might come out of this. People might begin to open their eyes to individuals instead seeing the world as pigeon holes.

    Or maybe, just maybe, shut their fucking righteous partisan traps until allegations are sorted out in court. You know, innocent until proven guilty – what a concept! JD, you surely know how to rile up a guy in the morning, not that there is anything wrong with that.

  3. SO given Emery’s (non-responsive) subsequent response, he IS saying “she was asking for it”

  4. People would then ask, ‘why should we believe some women and not others?’.

    Because some women could be lying? What happened to Herman Cain’s accusers?

    What about the Duke lacrosse team? Eighty-eight members of Duke’s faculty and staff signed a written statement condemning the actions of the fraternity members on allegations alone. Not a single one apologized when it came out that Mangum was revealed to be lying. And an overzealous district attorney (Mike Nifong) was disbarred and imprisoned for his part in that witch hunt.

    Ever heard of Sabrina Erdley? She wrote the now-discredited Rolling Stone article about a gang rape at UVA.

    We should investigate every credible claim of assault or harassment made, especially against celebrities and public officials, but do so with a skeptical eye. Unfortunately, too many people out there equate accusations with proof, and they’re willing to form social media lynch mobs that bear a strong resemblance to Salem witch trials: Innocent until proven guilty has been supplanted with the inverse.

    Personally, I will reserve judgment on the accused rapists and harassers of the world until they admit guilt or their guilt is proven by something more substantial than the possibly-self-serving testimony of accusers.

  5. OK, it’s on a C17; what’s the statute of limitations for sexual assault in the UCMJ?

    Notice that about half a dozen other people have come out to accuse Franken, and people have been circulating a picture of Franken clearly grabbing another actress’ breast.

    And for Emery, though I’d agree that molestation of the kind Franken demonstrated can be a way of conditioning people to accept things like being naked on screen or in magazines, it’s still worth noting that most of those so afflicted won’t tell you that they consent to just any overweight, aging bad comedian grabbing their femininity. (sorry to destroy your hopes)

  6. Journalism, Soros, the DNC, and Clinton have proved ***what*** about Trump being a sex assaulter?

    The tax cut is bogus because government is, in aggregate, overpriced dysfunction. There will be no growth fairy.

    Embrace corruption and rent seeking. This is our new system.

  7. What the photo shows is tastless and demeaning towards women, but not a grope. Unless you want to assume that the groping actually occurred before or after the photo? But that doesn’t make sense either, because doing so would have woken her up. He is not groping her in the picture. He clearly did not “grab” her “breasts.” His fingers are not touching the flack jacket.

    Here is the story:
    Woman says photo proves Franken groped her while she was asleep. Photo does not show Franken groping her.

    None of this is good for Franken and whatever moral highground he may have thought he could claim. But it also raises the question of whether every act of demeanment towards women is disqualifying for public office, because this one is highly debatable.

  8. Woman says photo proves Franken groped her while she was asleep. Photo does not show Franken groping her.

    What is definition of “is”, eTASS? Pushing your latest “grope” talking points you just received from your dear leaders? You are really and truly pathetic, cupcake, especially in light of comments about the unwanted tongue insertion which you refuse to acknowledge. Photographic evidence suggests it was highly likely, unlike apparently a bogus yearbook signature, a mere uncritical mention of which you jumped all over, hook, line and sinker. Your rank hypocrisy abounds, but you are too stupid to realize it and prove it with every post. So keep on digging, cupcake.

  9. Moore! The woman must be believed. Women never lie. The seriousness of the charges demands a resignation, investigation and prosecution.

    Oh, wait, the accused is a Democrat?

    The photo must not be believed. Women lie all the time. The insignificance of the charges do not warrant resignation, investigation or prosecution. Moore!

  10. The Fed guesses the interest rate to help us.

    Politicians generate non-public goods and government actuarial systems to help us. Politicians central plan (guess) IRS ***government forced*** rates of taxation to maximize the affordability of everything and our quality of life.

    It’s like GOSPLAN only…the same.

    Submit. Be grateful.

  11. Don’t play the game of converting the inferences you want to draw from anything I actually said into something I “implied.” I said what I meant, and said nothing about a “victim” or “blame.”

    There’s no reason to doubt that he did this. It’s not nice but it isn’t predatory. There’s even less reason to doubt that Roy Moore is a pedophile and a sexual predator, a danger for children and society.

    On top of all that, we have a president who bragged on camera about sexually molesting many woman. Franken at least apologized right away while Moore is still fighting the accusations and claiming that the woman are lying.

    We all know what is happening but half the country is acting as if pedophiles are saints and comedians with inappropriate jokes are immoral. Sick society.

  12. Has it ever occur to you, eTASS, that Moore is innocent, while we have photographic proof of Frankenstein, and not just one? You are the one who is sick and immoral.

    PS. for all the moral indignation and grandstanding, eTASS refuses to acknowledge claim of unwanted tonsil exploration by Frankenstein. eTASS is probably waiting for the latest round of talking to show up so he has something to regurgitate.

  13. Emery, Franken apologized because there is photographic evidence of what he did.
    Bill Clinton knew how his semen stain had gotten on Monica Lweinsky’s dress. He still insisted on a DNA test. If the lab had said the sample was spoiled or otherwise unworkable, what do you think Clinton would have done? Fessed up?
    These are Democrats. What they want to do and the morally correct thing to do are indistinguishable to them.
    Just a year ago you voted to put Bill Clinton back in the White House.

  14. Has Emery used the newest excuse?

    The jury’s still out on LeeAnn Tweeden and Al Franken but here’s some pictures from her FB and IG pages. Hardly the bespectacled frump she portrayed on TV today. LOL. She’s a Playboy Playmate, a gun fanatic and a tRump supporter. You decide.

    She was asking for it. In so many ways.

  15. I, personally, doubt that Franken is a sex abuser. His seems more like a case of arrested development. How many, after all, sex predators stare, grinning, into a camera?
    Franken may be a tiresome bore — but that is about it. Moore — I’m not so sure. But, regardless, this whole “He said/She said” crappola is pretty getting old.

  16. Tweeden says on Brietbart today that Franken was the only sexual harasser after being in Playboy.

  17. Emery, I cannot understand how in 2016 you could vote to put Bill Clinton back in the White House, and in 2017 say that Trump’s salacious braggery (there is no evidence he did what he claims he did) disqualifies him for his office.
    Please explain. You sound like a loony.

  18. Moore — I’m not so sure.

    On what evidence? Have any court cases been filed? Have there been a discovery? In Frankenstein case, we have an actionable photograph, in case of Moore, what actionable items do we have? You seem to be skirting the question, eTASS. Allegations until discovery and proven in a court of law are just that – allegations, but you have already passed a judgement on Moore while vehemently defending Frankenstein. Against my better judgement I will give you benefit of the doubt that you actually know the difference between the word “allegation” and “fact”.

  19. His seems more like a case of arrested development.

    And yet you elected him to Senate. Congratulations! Jeez, I can’t paint you more a fool than you can do it yourself. Keep it up, cupcake.

  20. Here is another nail in the coffin – via Breitbart. I guess arrested development excuses stalking as well. And libturds have the gall to call out sTrumpet’s temperament in question? After they elected this clown!

    In a story published Thursday on her news website, Mediaequalizer.com, Melanie Morgan wrote that she was an ABC Radio host at the time of an alleged incident in August 2000, when she appeared alongside Franken and other guests on the ABC show Politically Incorrect.

    Morgan wrote that she and Franken got into an argument about politics; specifically about budget numbers from the White House Office of Management and Budget. Morgan said it was an ordinary political discussion, but Franken “obsessed over it.”

    “He approached me backstage, angrily called me out on those numbers and insisted he would prove he was right,” Morgan said. “He wouldn’t leave me alone, he kept following me. As a woman, his presence and proximity to me felt very threatening and intimidating.”

    Morgan added that Franken’s “creepy behavior” continued for the next several days, after he obtained her home phone number from the show’s producer and allegedly began calling her repeatedly.

    “I had thought that was the end of the story and was shocked when he started calling my home, badgering me repeatedly,” she said. “I became fearful and called Carol to complain and asked her to tell him to back off. But he made another call after that. I thought that he might end up stalking me at my home in Northern California, it was that bad.”

    Morgan also accused Franken of refusing to stop until she threatened to call the police on him.

  21. TL;DR,
    Roy Moore, Al Franken and Donald Trump walk into a bar …

    Trump says, “I am going to go buy that beautiful woman a shot of Trump vodka.”

    Franken says, “I am going to go tell that beautiful woman a joke.”

    And Moore says, “I am going to go ask that beautiful woman if she has a daughter.”

  22. Regarding Moore, the first accuser’s story is at least partially false–she claimed to have a phone in her room when she hadn’t–and a further accuser’s claim that he’d been banned from a mall in Gadsden is also being refuted. That claim was dubious from the start because the woman said she’d gotten him banned, but couldn’t remember why. Um, yeah, that’s compelling testimony. Moreover, Moore notes that the alleged yearbook note bears striking resemblance to his signature from the complainant’s divorce decree–part of which he didn’t even write. So where Moore’s accusers can be tested against real data, they’re falling short.

    I’d have much favored Luther Strange in that Senate seat, and was frankly bummed to see Jeff Sessions leave it, but we’ve got to be fair to Moore.

  23. No one seems to have come up with any evidence that Trump sexually assaulted anyone.
    If a credible accusation was made against Trump, the accuser would be supported by all the Democrats and half the Republicans. They would give her an f’n ticker tape parade.
    Well, I guess Trump did call that Venezuelan chick a fatty. That’s all they’ve got.

  24. I just looked up one of the Trump accusations, and remembered that it was more or less that he’d done a bunch of things on an L-1011. However, a look at the 1st/business class seats of such a plane made it clear that a lot of the steps he was alleged to have taken would have been unnecessary on such a plane.

    OK, do you believe the testimony, or do you take a look at the details vs. the known physical reality and draw conclusions? Like it or not, lawyers hammer this hard, and they should.

  25. Scott Hughes: I think every Senator who has ever touched a woman in an unwanted manner should be removed from the Senate immediately and replaced with a woman. Then we’d have 99 women Senators and Lindsey Graham. :^)

  26. Seen on Powerline:

    When it comes to winning elections, Democrats have no scruples and Republicans have no clue.

  27. The extremists on both ends of the political spectrum make the most noise, get the most press, pull the best ratings.

    Nothing sells better than outlandish statements and behavior. The press, having a need to feed the media beast 24/7, eat it up and amplify it for better effect and ratings. And it becomes a viscous feedback loop. Outlandish statements begets more press, begets better ratings.

    Trump’s supporters follow him because he gets his facts wrong, but he gets his myths right. He tells the morality tale that works for them. If politics is to get better, we don’t need better myths. We need smarter people.

  28. Feint with your left, punch with your right.

    Monday: Trump tweets some inane crap; MSM hamsters dissect it, lefty dimwits howl their impotent rage at the sky.

    Tuesday-Friday: Dissection, howling continue. Trump quietly removes the leftist reprobates turning the wheels of government, promulgates new work rules for feds, seats conservative justices. MAGA in motion.

    Saturday – Sunday: Golf and fine cigars with friends at the club.

    Monday: Trump tweets some inane crap….

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