17 thoughts on “Entitlement

  1. I would ask Mr. Mowrer what defines the “dude who was hoping to assassinate Donald Trump” a “good guy with a gun”. Is it the fact that he desired to use a gun to commit murder to promote political change? Don’t we call that terrorism?

  2. Mitch, your post here is disgusting. Have you truly run so far off the rails that you are now going to say EVERYONE on the left is depraved and wants to assassinate Trump or condone it?

    Does everyone on the right want to assassinate President Obama or condone it?

    Are you losing your mind?

  3. Pen,

    Where did I say “EVERYONE”?

    Read more carefully. You’re projecting.

  4. To be more clear, you’re accusing all on the left of condoning treason. Just to be clear.

    You said “so many”, so Mitch, to be clear, how many? What percentage? Do you SERIOUSLY think ANY meaningful percentage of people on the left condone this? Seriously. If you do, you’ve lost your flipping mind AND you’re showing the behavior that RIGHTLY makes people think people on the right are preaching hate. So, Mitch.. what is so many? Is it 1, is it 10? Are you nuts?

  5. Treason?

    Where on *earth* did you come up with treason?

    What percentage?

    You tell me.

    Do you SERIOUSLY think ANY meaningful percentage of people on the left condone this?


    ’re showing the behavior that RIGHTLY makes people think people on the right are preaching hate

    So wait; I say that a solid percent of the left would love to see Trump murdered. You say I’m out of my mind and being unfair, and THE WHOLE RIGHT PREACHES HATE.

    You’re projecting, Pen.

  6. You don’t think George Will would actually crack a grin (first time ever) and do a little dance (white boy dance) if Trump was gunned down?

  7. AND you’re showing the behavior that RIGHTLY makes people think people on the right are preaching hate.

    “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”

    Alinsky 11.

    Fukc you Peeve, and the mongrel dog your rode in on. This is about you and your feral pals cheering for, and committing violence. I notice, not once during your little diatribe did YOU CONDEMN the idea that Trump be assassinated, which is fine by me, but be man enough to own it.

  8. Treason? The word itself doesn’t mean what it used to. If it did, Bowe Bergdahl would have been lined up in front of a shed and shot. Don’t talk to me of treason when the word itself is never seriously used.

  9. If wanting to end illegal immigration makes Trump a nazi, what does interning American citizens of Japanese descent make FDR? Some kind of super-duper-nazi?

  10. Did Penigma’s Xanax prescription run out or something?

    Does everyone on the right want to assassinate President Obama or condone it?

    Hell, no, that’d make Biden president!

  11. Boss: Your comment has been logged and the Administration is not pleased with you.

  12. Geez, Pen, it ruins the joke when we have to explain it. Mitch has noticed that Social Justice Warriors love to play the disavowal game, they pick a statement from A and rush to B demanding “Why haven’t you condemned A? Does that mean you condone it?” He’s playing a riff on that attitude, turning the tables, to illustrate how ridiculous it is and how stupid it makes the Social Justice Warriors look.

    Speaking of stupid . . .

  13. peev,
    just a refresher this is the definition of treason:

    “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

    specifically how did mitch accuse “all on the left of condoning treason”?

  14. Do you SERIOUSLY think ANY meaningful percentage of people on the left condone this?

    Pen, how about you show us how many acts of violence are directly attributable to conservative/Republican/rightist protesters. Mitch has a whole blog category featuring acts of violence committed by libs/progs/Democrats.

    Given how in the tank the media is nowadays, if a Republican/conservative so much as sneezed on a lib/Dem causing them to catch a cold, it would be a racist/homophobic/sexist/Islamophobic hate crime trumpeted 24/7.

    Your kneejerk is on fine display.

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