5 thoughts on “Questions With Utterly Unsuspenseful Answers

  1. If you vote for Hillary, you are not a Republican. Full stop. I am an independent, and I won’t pull the lever for Trump (easy decision in my state), but I would never in a million years vote for Hillary. I would vote for Trump before I voted for Hillary.
    Hillary is a woman who got where she is because of her husband. She has no political skills other than arm twisting. She is fundamentally dishonest. She lies when the truth sounds better. Due to her incompetence, the Russians + Chinese have had access to top secret state department emails. She voted for the Iraq War enthusiastically, then voted to bug out when it became unpopular with her base. She was an utter failure as secretary of state. She as much as admits this, think of all the things that were going on in foreign policy between 2009 and 2013 — the Arab Spring, the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, the Syrian civil war, Russia’s attack on Georgia and its annexation of Crimea and its attacks on Ukrainian independence.
    Hillary’s bragging points about her four years as secretary of state are the number of trips she took and miles she flew, and pushing for women’s rights abroad. Huma could’ve could have done what she did as Secretary of State. Trump could have done as well as she did.
    People who think that she will be more honest than Trump are fooling themselves. People that think she will show greater competence in domestic or foreign policy are fooling themselves. People that think that she will be less devisive than Trump are fooling themselves.

  2. City Pages says that the Republican party left Uncle Arnie. When Arnie was governor, the Democrats supported the traditional definition of marriage, including passing a federal law declaring marriage is between one man and one woman. The Democrat party overwhelming voted for a national religious liberty act. Yet Arnie thought that party was too liberal for him.
    Today Arnie supports that is 10 times more leftwing than it was in the 1990s. Ohhh Arnie, the one who thought Babs Carlson would make an idea life partner, we see your schtick. Unrelated, do people still call you a “jock sniffer”?

  3. And Arnie, what do you think about Juanita Broaddick. If you brutal rapped a woman and Babs would have supported you,..well, I don’t know what my question is, I just wanted to bring it up.

  4. Every candidate the Democrat party has nominated for president since 1996 has been further to the left than the last. Every candidate the GOP has nominated for president since 1984 has been further to the left than the last (including Trump).
    You might think this means the country is moving left, but at the state level — much more small D democrat than the federal level — the country has been marching steadily right.

  5. As Lileks once said; when he was in DC, he used to descsribe Minnesota politics as “the pro-abortion, anti-gun, tax-and-spender, and the Democrat”.

    That woulda been Carlson v. Perpich.

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