17 thoughts on “A Matter Of Choice!

  1. “A very high percentage of the people who come in on a regular basis are going to support what we said.”
    I bet it’s 100%. Well maybe 99.999%
    The free publicity (hat tip Trump, eh Urban Bean?) will likely result in a bump of the Progressive’s traffic in the shop, but given what lousy tippers they are and as the Soviet interpreter ‘Sonya’ noted to PJ O’Rourke in his story “Ship of Fools”: “Progressives,” she sighed. “Everything must be made perfect for them.”; they aren’t the easiest people in the world to transact with, I imagine ‘Urban Bean’ hangs a pro-Trump sign out to get the Trumpalos who can be talked into a $8.00 cup of coffee ($10.00 with tip) coming in to the joint not long after.

  2. To paraphrase Bernard Sanders:
    “You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 coffee shops when children are hungry in this country,”

  3. With the new Minneapolis paid sick leave law, I expect Urban Bean will be laying off a few workers in the future if they want to stay in business. So it makes perfect sense to exclude certain customers. What a business plan!

  4. In Minnesota, it is illegal to refuse service to someone because of what they are wearing. In 2014, the THEMADONE motorcycle club successfully sued a Northern suburban bar under the statute (which I don’t have at hand). The fine is $500 per instance.

    If someone could round up a few dozen Trump hats, I see a great way to raise a couple thou to donate to the NRA and Second Amendment rights groups.

  5. I haven’t got a Trump hat, but for that cause, I would not only get a hat, but I would get a t-shirt, too!

  6. I suppose Sanders’ $15 minimum wage would shutter a lot of marginal coffee shops.

  7. You know, I had another thought. I have six friends that are veterans and they support Trump. I know that they know at least five more. We should round up about 15 to 20 veterans, have them wear an indicator that they are veterans and have them wear an item of Trump gear. Then, we make a public outcry that Urban Bean hates veterans. Brilliant!!

  8. “Hey! You! Guy in the Trump hat! We don’t serve your kind here!”
    “It’s ironic.”
    “Really? Then this one is on the house!”

  9. Mitch, since when do private establishments have any obligation under “freedom of association” to allow anyone, Trump or otherwise, to gather for political rallies in their midst? The only protection they’d have is anti-discrimination protections but unless you’re going to assert they weren’t allowed in because they were white, old, or overweight (that’s a nebulous protection under ADA but I’ll give you it), then there’s no protection there either. Conflate public vs. private as you may but I think you’re the classic “pseudo-private property rights” reactionary. Your private property deserves protection but no one else’s. If I run a candy store and some fat old angry white guy walks in wearing a “F*#$ Obama” T-shirt, I get to kick him out if I want to. No ifs, no ands, no buts, and it has ZERO to do with freedom of association. That’s just a BS argument.

  10. Pen, your dual talents for missing the point by almost geometrically-impossible angles, and finding unwritten meanings utterly absent from actual text, have struck again.

    Mitch, since when do private establishments have any obligation under “freedom of association” to allow anyone, Trump or otherwise, to gather for political rallies in their midst?

    Who said anything about “rallies?” They’re talking about kicking out individual customers.

    If I run a candy store and some fat old angry white guy walks in wearing a “F*#$ Obama” T-shirt, I get to kick him out if I want to. No ifs, no ands, no buts, and it has ZERO to do with freedom of association.

    Er, Pen? What you’ve described is precisely a case of free association.

    Given how often you find “Meanings” to things that don’t exist, I sometimes wonder how much of the anger that seems to exude from your writing is actually aimed at things that…well, aren’t.

  11. Penigma: exactly. Now you can come alongside and urge the state to allow a conscientious objection to baking cakes for same sex mirages!

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