
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

North Carolina passed a law saying boys can’t shower with girls in public high schools, and dirty old men can’t lurk in the girls’ restrooms at the park.
Here is the text of the law.
Liberals are losing their minds over it. Can someone explain why?
Joe Doakes

For the same reason they lost their minds over Target in 2010; because they were told to.  Because the left need a cause to rally their troops around one of two geriatric honkies in November.

2 thoughts on “Unhinged

  1. Two things regarding the Minnpost article on the MN equivalent of the NC law(https://www.minnpost.com/community-voices/2016/04/bathroom-politics-and-transgender-discrimination-house-gop-bill-constitutio):

    1) The Minnesota equivalent of the NC law, HF 3396, specifically says “A person’s sex is either male or female as biologically defined.” The Minnpost piece says that the law would require “individuals to use the bathroom that corresponds to their birth assigned gender.” This is a lie.

    2) The comments to the Minnpost piece reveal that the readers of Minnpost do not understand what is meant by the term ‘transgender’. An alarming number seem to believe that it means a man who has undergone sex reassignment surgery or other medical treatment for their ‘disease’. In fact it does not.even mean a man wearing a dress. Transgender is a psychological orientation, not a medical diagnosis.
    Many Minnpost readers are against HF 3396 because they have been told that the law is supported by bigots. What the law says is not as as important as who is in favor of it. In other words, they are virtue signaling to other liberals.

  2. Tammy Bruce was on Fox News debating the NC law with that left wing moon bat Tamara Holder.

    Now, for those of you that don’t know who Tammy Bruce is, she is a libertarian conservative lesbian.

    She argued, correctly I might add, that no ones civil rights were being violated with the law and that people had a right to privacy and a transgendered male going into a women’s rest room, locker room or shower, we’re definitely privacy invasions.

    Of course, Ms. Lefty argued the other side, but she was out of her league.

    Of cou

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