Plain Sight

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Despite passionate denials by the Pollyanna Pair — Dog Gone and Penigma — I remain convinced that Brussels and Paris are linked. They are small unit actions in an slow-motion war being waged by fundamentalist Muslims against the West. The incomparable Fernandez explains why it’s worse than I thought.

In the six months since the Paris attack, Belgian authorities searched the Muslim-dominated neighborhoods where they believed accomplices were living. Authorities couldn’t find the bombers because they were being hidden by their neighbors.

The Brussels bombers were not lone wolves acting against the wishes of the Muslim community. They were supported and protected by members of the Muslim community. When Dutch householders hid Jews from Nazis, we applauded. But when Belgian Muslims hide suicide bombers from law enforcement, we have a different view.

Digging out the remaining co-conspirators and future martyrs will be arduous if the Belgian government even has the stomach for it, must less the money and manpower to answer the question: When will we know we’ve got them all? How far down does the tap root go? When will we be safe?

Geert Wilders, candidate for Prime Minister of the Netherlands, says if he wins he’ll crush Islamic terrorism, close the national borders and de-Islamize The Netherlands. Sounds like a new buzz-word has been coined, more catchy than Reconquista 2.0. One could pass it off as racist hatemongering except Wilders presently lives under a death sentence because of a fatwa issued against him by Imam Feiz Muhammad.

Now the really big question: are there embedded terrorist cells here, in the United States? Maybe even in our own Minnesota Muslim community? The San Bernardino attack and US Attorney Luger’s recent indictments suggest there may be. What are we going to do about it?

Joe Doakes

What are we going to do?

Where “we” means “our current ruling class?”

I’m going to guess “vigorous virtue-signaling”.

23 thoughts on “Plain Sight

  1. “What are we going to do?”

    What else, we send in DG & Penigma to work things out. Given their combined persuasive talents things should be fine in no time! Ah hell, why abuse the poor Muslims, just send in DG.

  2. Aw Joe. Pen and I have not made passionate denials that the two terrorist attacks were not linked. You are so bad when it comes to facts.

    We may have cautioned that it was incorrect to assume they were linked until investigations showed who was responsible – but that is not the same thing as a denial, passionate or otherwise. It always seemed both possible and likely the attacks were from the same group; but it was not the only possibility, and groups sometimes take credit for the attacks of others.

    I am not familiar with your source, but I have used better sources on a regular basis.

    For a source in English on the attacks you might try the BBC; they have an excellent documentary on the factual details. BBC1, Panorama, Inside Europe’s Terrorist Attacks. There is some interesting information in particular on the type of explosive they are making and how that helps to track down the locations where they operate.

    The Belgies are already doing an excellent job of digging out the terrorists; you are an idiot if you don’t think they have the political will to do so, but without selling their national soul to bigotry and Islamophobia hate peddling.
    After all, they’ve already experienced what that kind of thinking is like from their history with the Nazis trying to peddle fear of the Jews.

    Before you get too thrilled with ol Geert Wilders, a fascist nutjob, you might want to ask yourself if you wish to be in the same company as Anders Breivik, the mass shooter in Norway, another big fan.

  3. If any of you have any friends in law enforcement, at a level of Sergeant or above, you may get them to admit that there are at least two cells in the Twin Cities.

    I have some acquaintances in the FBI office here. Obviously, they can neither confirm nor deny anything they are doing, but their demeanor changes when asked the question, leads me to believe that they are watching, too.

    I’m still concerned about a mosque in Bloomington on Old Cedar Avenue between 90th and 86th Streets. Too close to a major symbol of American life (MOA) and within stinger or even RPG range of the airport or planes heading south for my liking.

  4. This what you want to look at. The data on US Muslims begins on page 139.
    Only 45% of US Muslims believe in evolution. 19% believe that suicide bombing is sometimes justified.
    ” Just 1% of U.S. Muslims and a median of 3% of Muslims worldwide say suicide bombings and other violence
    against civilian targets are often justified, while 7% of U.S. Muslims and a global median of 8% of Muslims say such attacks are sometimes justified to defend Islam. “

  5. Doakes and Bosshoss, you seem to be swallowing the anti-Islam koolaid that is part of the problem.

    Doakes has left out how very much assistance the Muslim communities, especially mosques, provide AGAINST terrorism, both here and in Europe, including in the two attacks. It is precisely that attitude that you display that alienates young Muslim men because of bigotry that is both religious and ethnic based. It is hostility and suspicion, lack of jobs, lack of being inclusive that is a large part of the problem.

    It is because of cooperation from Muslims that the round of arrests have taken place in Europe. Were there a few relatives who hid terrorists? Yes, but not many. It is because of the cooperation of Muslims that the European intelligence agents have found explosive components, as well as learned so much more about what they are using – hydrogen peroxide based explosives that are difficult to make, difficult to store, and which have a very strong and distinctive odor. It is by NOT using torture, (that failure of a method that you righties love because it makes you feel good to hurt other people no matter how useless the results) that has produced the useful intelligence for Europe.

    Gee, I have a family member, a chief of police in one of the metro districts, and no, I’m not getting any sense that there are two cells active in the twin cities. Quite vocal though, those folks in law enforcement, about the dangers from the right wing heavily armed militia crazies.

    Of course the demeanor of FBI agents changes when right wing crackpots get on their anti-Muslim hobby horses with questions; it’s because you are a bunch of bigots who are part of the problem here. Hate and fear from you begets hate and fear in others in response.

    Seriously, do any of you idiots KNOW any Muslims personally? Ever ATTENDED a mosque – they do interfaith outreach, in attempts to counteract the fear mongering ignorance you propaganda pushers circulate.

    We NEED Muslims, we need the help of people from these cultures, not the least of which as translators. But it is the right wing nuts who want to prohibit them from serving in our armed forces. Making these people second class citizens, in ghetto like neighborhoods turned into police states, and unable to travel because of fears of not being allowed back into their home country FUELS TERRORISM. It does not make us safer from it.

    I expect we will see more attempts at terrorism, not because Muslims are evil and conspiring against us, but because as ISIS is losing ground, and going broke, it is one of the few last gasp tactics left to them when they are having trouble finding the money to buy weapons or pay their soldiers in the Middle East. The head of NATO opined that their attempts to expand into Libya have been the best thing to actually bring conflicting groups at war with each other together AGAINST a common enemy so far, and might be the one thing that successfully unifies that part of the world again as a country.

    It is because of the outreach and inclusion of our government that we are less in danger of terrorism – thank you Senator Franken, as one example. It is rubbish like this that only shares a selectively negative account, not an accurate or fair one, that is part of the problem not the solution.

  6. I think it is instructive to put numbers to BG’s percentages with a caveat that US breakdown extends to the globe (actually, I believe that US muslims are more western than in rest of the world, so numbers likely are higher):

    2,080,000,000 muslims in the world. 936,000,000 muslims believe in evolution. 395,200,000 believe that suicide bombing is sometimes justified. 62,400,000 of muslims worldwide say suicide bombings and other violence against civilian targets are often justified, while 166,400,000 of muslims say such attacks are sometimes justified to defend Islam.

    So, there are 166,400,000 (that’s 166 million and 400 thousand for DG and Pennis) muslims in the world sympathetic to radicalized islam who would aid and abet ISIS, Taliban, Al Qaida etc ad nauseam. Good luck eradicating this host. We are indeed fighting for our existence as a free society – and we are not winning by not recognizing we are being boiled alive and surrendering under the pretense of political correctness.

    But then according to Mr. Faceplant, all we need to do is love muslims and peace will descend upon for an eternity.

  7. The Iranians continue to test fire ballistic missiles with the words “Israel must be wiped from the face of the earth.” President zipperhead says the Iranians shouldn’t do that because it makes businesses nervous.
    WTF? Seriously?

  8. see what’d I tell you, DG will have things working great in no time! All we have to do is SUBMIT.

  9. “Doakes has left out how very much assistance the Muslim communities, especially mosques, provide AGAINST terrorism, both here and in Europe, including in the two attacks.”

    Itemize it. Put a figure on it, Dog Gone. No anecdotes. Data as real as the dead bodies in San Bernardino.

  10. I’ll say it; the blind squirrel found at least the shell of a nut.

    Most of the intel that law enforcement DOES get about terrorists comes from…inside the Muslim community.

    How much? Well, law enforcement isn’t going to say, and for obvious reasons.

    A counterterror consultant I’ve had on my show a few times confirmed this, while also confirming that the amount, to say nothing of specific instances, are going to be hard to find.

  11. Geert Wilders – the “fascist nut job” living under a death sentence issued by a Muslim cleric – has not yet been elected but mass deportations of Muslims from Europe are beginning just the same. The reason is that slowly, haltingly, a few leaders are beginning to realize that the invasion and occupation of one’s country by a foreign host is the functional equivalent of conquest, whether or not the invading host brings swords or guns or tanks. Add terrorist attacks against innocent women and children made by units of the invading host and it cannot be more clear that the world is at war; not formalized war contemplated by Westphalians with uniformed soldiers marching in straight lines, but war on the West as it was waged by Muslims until the Battle of Tours and the Reconquista beat them back. No make-work jobs program or feel-good outreach will solve the problem. Europe will find another Queen Isabella, another Charles “The Hammer”, or it will perish. And then it will be our turn.

  12. But it is the right wing nuts who want to prohibit them from serving in our armed forces.

    Your job for today, your stinking mess of flea poo, is to tell that to faces of Cahill, Caraveo, DeCrow, Gaffaney, Green, Kruegar, Namalka, Hunt, Pearson, Seager, Velez, Warman and Xiong families.

    American lives do not matter to you, you fucking blind bitch. Sorry Mitch, but that comment took the cake. The disdain for the Constitution and the American Experiment is so palpable, the desire to submit is so overwhelming, that it is very hard to understand what drives these people. It is not rational thought. It is not logic. It is not humanity. It is not morality. What?

  13. I find it hilarious that witless reprobates of dg’s ilk don’t realize they would be the first to be thrown out a window if their muzzy pals ever took over.

    She It said: Seriously, do any of you idiots KNOW any Muslims personally? Ever ATTENDED a mosque…

    Which is mendacious puffery, of course; she’s never been in a mosque either. But I challenge it to attend one, and by all means tell the muzzies how much you love the abortion and the sodomy. Call them bigots when they object.

    Remember, pics or it didn’t happen.

  14. DG,

    Seriously, do any of you idiots KNOW any Muslims personally?

    Quite a few, actually.

    I’m pretty sure you don’t.

    Ever ATTENDED a mosque

    No, and I doubt I ever will. It’s a matter of theological preference, not personal bigotry.

  15. What about the dangers of the “right wing heavily armed militia crazies”. I mean, we can take Dog Gone at her word that “they” must have done something wrong, right? Killed a bunch of people? Destroyed some property? Chose the wrong Rorschach pictures? Any evidence? I’m sure there must be a big, long list of wrongs because she is so very vehement.

    Or maybe it’s just another false equivalence distraction that she firmly (and insanely) believes.

  16. “Gee, I have a family member, a chief of police in one of the metro districts, and no, I’m not getting any sense that there are two cells active in the twin cities. ”
    I can’t believe she went the full Penigma. Nobody should go the full Penigma.
    Good times.
    Speaking of Pen… Hey Pen? How’s the Supreme Court Justice pal of yours who opines on what areas of the law lawyers you disagree with are legally allowed to opine on? Or the former Fed Governor, Alan Blinder, you claimed to hang around at the water cooler with?

  17. DG says all she needs to say when she notes that she’s not familiar with a source, but she uses better routinely. OK, if you’re not familiar with the work or credibility of a given source, how on earth can you say you’ve got better? You might as well say that you’ve never tried Guinness, but you’re sure that Milwaukee’s Beast is better.

    And the idea that the Belgian police are doing great regarding this is silly. The perpetrators of the most recent atrocities had been convicted of having a firefight with police and of a string of carjackings, but were free and unmonitored. Think this would have happened in Texas? Would the guy who had a firefight with police have even still been alive had he done it in Dallas?

    Best they can in a seriously warped society that doesn’t punish attempted murder and carjacking? Maybe. Maybe. There are also allegations of turf wars among police districts stopping investigations, so I wouldn’t be too sure about that.

    And no cells here in MN? Yes, that would explain why we’re one of the top states for jihadis going abroad for fun and mayhem; they’re just googling it and deciding to blow themselves up in Somalia instead of getting a job at Arby’s or something. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

    Let us know who the chief of police is, and we’ll work to get him replaced. He’s obviously not thinking straight.

  18. OK, if you’re not familiar with the work or credibility of a given source, how on earth can you say you’ve got better?

    It’s a faith-based statement.

    After many, many years, I’m thinking seriously about changing my comment policy.

  19. Several questions for DG. “We need Muslims…” Really, we don’t. But you never say why. “In the military…” Really? Ft. Hood ring a bell? Your friend in law enforcement tells you about “the dangers of rightwing heavily armed crazies.” Please inform us of the rightwing crazies he considers more dangerous than Muslim crazies. Please tell us why Geert Wilders is a “fascist”. You say being anti-Muslim is part of the problem, “that hate and fear begets hate and fear.” How does that naïve statement jive with the fact that Belgium was extremely tolerant and accommodating of these people, in that it has a huge Muslim population? Does your tiny brain entertain the thought that anti-western may be the problem? If, as I’ve read, Muslims kill more Muslims than Westerners, how could “not being accommodating” be a problem? I’ve probably missed some, but just in this piece I’ve seen you list “rightwing crazies, rightwing nut jobs, fascists, you idiots, crack-pots and right wing nuts.” Does that cause you look in the mirror and ponder if being anti-right wing is part of your problem? Or that you have a hard time debating without name-calling? All these should be simple for you to answer, but only if you don’t run and hide as you usually do.

  20. Dog Droppings,

    There are estimated to be over 270 million guns in the hands of American citizens, most of them are legally owned.

    It is also estimated that just over 86% of union members own at least one for hunting. Of these, at least 75% usually vote left wing. And, if we look at gun violence over the years, the majority of the perpetrators either were left wing wackos themselves or, in Adam Lanza’s case, his mom most likely was.

    Your ignorant and biased attitudes toward anyone with a different opinion, keeps you from realizing that if there was going to be a problem, it would have occurred by now.

    You lefties never want to acknowledge your own culpability for all of the problems you love to blame Republicans for. If your pathetic family roots in this country are more than 100 years old, your family members used guns for some reason. In fact, one or more of them may have killed another person with those guns. Consequently, you are all low life hypocrites!

  21. There are times that I believe that DG thinks that Islam describes a race and not a religion.

  22. A few weeks ago, Pakistan’s largest province passed a new law called the Punjab Protection of Women Against Violence Act. The law institutes radical measures that say a husband can’t beat his wife, and if he does he will face criminal charges and possibly even eviction from his home. It proposes setting up a hotline women can call to report abuse. In some cases, offenders will be required to wear a bracelet with a GPS monitor and will not be allowed to buy guns.

    A coalition of more than 30 religious and political parties has declared the law un-Islamic, an attempt to secularize Pakistan and a clear and present threat to our most sacred institution: the family. They have threatened countrywide street protests if the government doesn’t back down.

    Note that the threatened protests are not due to the law being <un-Pakistani, but un-Islamic.

  23. well at least we have proof that Islam is incompatible with the 21st century.

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