A “made-up metric if there ever was one.”

…in other words, (again) “You Lie!”.

The White House is about to start singing the praises of the accelerated socialist government expansion stimulus program citing the “saving” or “creation” of 1 million US jobs.

The network news media have let the administration get away with using such a fictional metric for months now.

Basically it is a number pulled out of their butts via extrapolation, as if all the slated stimulus “dollars” had already been spent.

More reliable sources have pegged the jobs impact of the stimulus thus far at between zero and 30,000 jobs saved or created.

Predictions for 2010, widely calling for another tough year for unemployment throughout, have left the Obama Administration preemptively scrambling to find justification for their already lengthy record of failed policies.

Their plan is not surprising.

Smile, deflect and lie.

4 thoughts on “A “made-up metric if there ever was one.”

  1. Predictions for 2010, widely calling for another tough year for unemployment throughout…

    The press is really going to be struggling next year when the “jobless recovery” kicks in full force, and the GOP if it has 0.1% of a brain will hammer the Dems on it.

    Why do I say the recovery will be jobless absolutely and without qualifications?

    Simple: even a V shaped recovery has a lot of elasticity in the labor market right now. The average number of hours worked is down to about 30, meaning that there’s a tremendous reserve of workers out there waiting to take up the slack for any growth in demand. It’ll be a LONG time before hiring kicks up again since it’s easier, cheaper, and far lower risk to give more hours to your employees than hire new ones.

  2. I see from the link that the Obama administration is now going after the Associated Press.

    I suppose by the end of his first term they’ll be going after high school newspapers over their cliam that the Winter Formal was “well attended”.

  3. They’re going after the AP, the Wall Street Journal, CBS, Edmunds, Fox……as I noted on my blog, Obama evidently never learned that you don’t do well to argue with men who buy ink by the barrel.

    And this “stat” surprises me, as I saw this morning that Fox reported Obama was claiming only 650,000 jobs saved or created. I guess 350,000 people got hired–or at least had firings stopped–this morning.

    Or Obama’s performing a rectal data extraction, which would be my best guess.

  4. When CBS News – as in the tank as you can get – questions your numbers, you know there has been some serious fudging going on. I wonder if “The Won” saw Katie Couric questioning his numberology and thought ala LBJ, “if I’ve lost Couric, I’ve lost America?”

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