
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Gun control advocates snicker that men own guns to compensate for having small genitals, and that 20,000 men commit suicide by gun each year because they won’t seek mental health treatment.
Item 3 on President Obama’s list of new proposal says anybody who does seek mental health treatment loses his right to own guns.
In other words, men who seek help will be castrated.
Amazingly, this is not encouraging men to flock to mental health treatment centers.  Perhaps this newest proposal is ill-considered?
But it’s for their own good!  We must take away their guns so they don’t get into trouble!
Uh huh, that’s what they told the tomcat on the way to the vet.
Joe Doakes

If you wanna run with an analogy, why not commit to the bit?

3 thoughts on “Compensation

  1. How about a compromise. People who drive Prius or shop at Whole Foods shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

  2. In general, liberals spend far more time talking about genitalia than conservatives do. Again we have a ‘lack of introspection and examination of the source of values’ from the Left.

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