
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Larry Correia writes the Monster Hunter series, which are pretty good SF.  He’s also a Gun Guy, truly one of us.  His column about Paris:

I like this line, talking about the Obama administration failures in the Middle East:

“. . . the western world was literally cheering Putin getting involved. How badly do you have to f**k up that your allies are happy the Russians moved in instead?”

Joe Doakes

Correia’s a sharp guy.

And the answer to the rhetorical question is “Badly.  Very badly.”

9 thoughts on “Counterintuitive

  1. Work with Russia to transition Assad out of power. France just threw the door open by joining them. Democracy is not the end goal. Stability is.

    Allowing Russia to continue to have influence, not that we could stop it, in Syria gives them a reason to help create stability. Who cares if this makes Putin look more like a statesman. Russia has bigger issues that Putin can only distract his people from. Influence in Syria does not strengthen Russia.

    Finally and foremost: Hold the next Republican debate in Raqqa

  2. Gonna help Emery out here. Influence in Syria makes the Saudis nervous, cuts oil production, raises oil prices, makes Russia wealthier, makes Russia able to mess more with Europe.

  3. I honestly and regretfully believe that (almost) our entire military is only suited to WWII-type solutions like Desert Storm. Perhaps it is self-recruitment, our culture, or our genes, but these folks can’t spell subtle or even civilian leadership (Iraq and Afghanistan). They (we) focus on hardware and even lie about looming enemies to justify atrociously expensive hardware without a clearly defined mission. We have left the Iraqis and the Afghans with a lust for hardware as a panacea. The first excuse the Iraqi generals (who fled) had for Iraq’s performance against ISIS was a lack of hardware. Too bad that they ran a used tank dealership for ISIS.

    If we were serious about ISIS we would…..
    Logistically support the movement of two divisions of Iranian troops into the Isis Corridor in Iraq and into Syria. We would support them with logistics, air and intel. And we would complete the Shia hegemony project begun by Wolfowitz and Cheney.
    Not because we love the Shia, but because Iran is a much more capable and predictable regional hegemon that ISIS or our erstwhile Arab allies.

    For those who want to weave the Kurds into this, we would do our best for them.But using the might of Iran against ISIS would be primary. Not pretty. But it has a chance of (A) working and (B) holding.

  4. BB, Stop coddling the Saudis. They need to get serious about fighting the Wahhabism they have promoted for decades and stop promoting their Sunni vs Shia conflicts.

  5. That’s right, EmeryTheAntisemiticSoci@list, 1.5B mulsims in the world are all waiting for a signal from Saudis to start reformation. It is that simple and will happen overnight.

  6. EI: agreed. The trouble is that we’ve not laid the groundwork (ANWR, Keystone XL, etc..) for a nation that can tell the Saudis to pound sand. Yes, we need to figure out how to share the love with both Moscow and Riyadh.

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