Debateable Impressions: The Lady’s Not For Turning Away

Up next:  Carly Fiorina.

What the conservative pundocracy says:   She does well in debates, but is having a hard time keeping excitement going – and last night’s performance was good enough for no more than holding steady.

What I say: Every time I see Carly Fiorina talk, I get more impressed.  Trump and Carson are sucking all of the “anti-establishment” air out of the room – and it’s a shame, because I think Fiorina has the best potential as a chief executive among the three “antis” on the list (along with Trump and Carson).

Verdict:   The debate didn’t give her a huge boost, but in a just world she’ll remain a contender.

3 thoughts on “Debateable Impressions: The Lady’s Not For Turning Away

  1. I like her, but I fully acknowledge that her performance at HP will be a HUGE target for the MSM/Democrat alliance. Yes, I know, it’s not fair to judge her for trying to turn around a massively dysfunctional company with a horrible board (look at what they’ve been doing since she left), but I have to acknowledge that her history will hurt her.

    Sad to say, she needs to run for Senate or Congress or get something positive and high profile to offset her HP history or she’ll never be a viable candidate for President.

  2. I like her as well but she’s got two glaring weaknesses: First, HP is the most important thing on her resume and I don’t think she can overcome the narrative that she laid off a bunch of people (especially tech workers), was ousted by her board and when they got rid of her, the stock price went up. Yes she can argue that she made difficult choices to strengthen the company in the long run but it’s harder to defend her record than attack it in a 30 second sound bite and that’s the political landscape we’re in. The other, is that she was rumored to have been the “other woman” before her current husband divorced his first wife. The last thing we want is a candidate who reminds swing voters of how sympathetic they felt towards Hillary Clinton during her husband’s affair.

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