
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Mel Brooks poked fun at racists in Blazing Saddles with the line:  “We’ll take the Blacks and the Asians . . . but we don’t want the Irish!” Well, maybe not the Asians, either.

Joe Doakes

Affirmative action penalizes Asians in higher education.

And yet, outside Vietnamese and Koreans, most of them vote Democrat.

Eventually, America’s ethnic minorities will figure it out.  Hopefully while there’s still time to fix things.

7 thoughts on “Unfashionable

  1. Asian households had the highest median income in the United States at $74,300 in 2014. The median income for non-Hispanic white households was $60,300, for black households $35,400 and Hispanic households $42,500. US Census report, hat tip: Hindrocket on Powerline.

    Asians had the highest? UNFAIR! Slam the doors of college. Shun them in the workplace. 100% tax on incomes above mine. We must drag them down to the lowest level of sloth and indolence to make things fair . . . for the children.

  2. Read the linked article. It quantifies how ACT/SAT scores are adjusted based on where your ancestors came from. So if you have a kid who is kind of a marginal student, all you have to do is have him self-identify as a black to give him an edge in college admissions. If you get called on it, ask the inquisitors to prove that your child isn’t black.

  3. Once again the political and cultural elites have put us (meaning Americans) in a very tough spot. If you base college admissions solely on merit (like the SAT), you will end up with a cohort of college graduates who are overwhelmingly asian and white. The country is not overwhelmingly white and asian. The higher education system, working with the federal and state governments, has been working very hard for fifty years to eliminate the achievement gap. There is no light at the end of that tunnel.
    Some people want to get rid of the SATs (and especially LSAT). Typical educratic solution; if the parents don’t like their kids flunking out, everyone kid gets an “A”. The problem is that high SAT and LSAT score are very good indicators of who will finish a degree program. By giving admission bonuses to sought after students (which are functionally equivalent to admission penalties for non-sought after students), you could end up with freshman and sophomore classes way over represented by Blacks and Hispanics so that the junior and graduating classes have the correct ethnic mix.
    Public colleges are publicly funded. Taxpayers are rightly upset if it turns out that tuition rates are higher, or educational resources are reduced because the college is spending a lot of resources on students who they know will have a hard time graduating because they know their SAT scores are too low for the coursework.
    And theire just seems something very unfair and sordid about it. Two kids from identical backgrounds, one asian, on hispanic, both in the same chemistry class. The asian kid goes to her instructor and says she’s worried that she’s not going to pass. Instructor tells her to study more. Hispanic kid tells the prof he’s worried about passing. Instructor schedules him for one-on-one tutoring sessions with a grad student three times a week.

  4. “If you get called on it, ask the inquisitors to prove that your child isn’t black.”
    The system is not transparent, Chuck.

  5. The higher education system, working with the federal and state governments, has been working very hard for fifty years to eliminate the achievement gap. There is no light at the end of that tunnel.

    One of the more frustrating things about the way intelligentsia/academia/beltway/the left (PTR) looks at the problems of minorities, is that they look at EVERYTHING else, but the one thing that seems to be a big contributor to the problem: The minority community(ies) themselves. If there is a racial gap in education or welfare or whatever SJW cause you care to use, it MUST be because of not enough money being spent, or institutional racism or some other nebulous concept. It’s never “maybe there are just more black people who aren’t willing to work/achieve and who don’t care and want more from government.”

    Never placing responsibility or blame with the person. Typical MO for the left.

  6. Bill C wrote:
    “. . . it MUST be because of not enough money being spent, or institutional racism or some other nebulous concept.”
    The word they use today is “structural racism.” It can’t be proven to exist or not exist. It is a phrase derived from literary criticism. “Structural racism” can even look an awful lot like plain-old racism:
    “Why do people who identify as Black do worse on the SAT and the LSAT than people who identify as Asians, whites, or Hispanic”
    “Because they identify as Black!”

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