Trump Card

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Hilary has a group of die-hard crones and Pajama Boys who support her no matter what, but there aren’t enough of them to put her over the top. She needs someone to frighten voters away from Republicans, into her camp.

Trump frightens “moderates” and Mexicans. He sucks all the media attention away from normal Republican candidates (and from Hilary’s scandals). 

Trump is Hilary’s dream opponent.  

She’s really lucky he’s running. As lucky as winning at cattle futures. As lucky as Vince Foster dropping dead to derail the Travel-gate and Whitewater investigations. As lucky as classified emails disappearing from her toilet server. As lucky as foreigners donating millions to her Foundation in exchange for later unspecified favors. It’s amazing one woman could be so lucky all the time.  

Unless it’s not luck . . . .


Is he suggesting…?


8 thoughts on “Trump Card

  1. I’m certainly not Mexican, perhaps I’m really not that moderate either….

    …cause little frightens me more that the possibility of even one term of a Hillary presidency…

  2. Juan Bush is her dream opponent. A politician so stupid he thinks he can throw away the votes of his base voters.

  3. I don’t know, Joe.

    I know several Hispanics that were born here and others that became citizens that agree with Trump. During my time in Texas, the legal Hispanics, including my Administrative Assistant and Office Manager, hated illegals. Imagine if we priveleged “whites” referred to illegals as wet backs? This is how legals referred to illegals.

  4. Joe:

    If Donald is willing to call Bush low energy he can call Hillary a law breaker.

    On top of that he can point out she did something her contract to work for the government was broken and if she had done the same thing for Trump Industries she would’ve been fired.

    Trump can say, “Hasn’t see heard of computer hackers? Didn’t she care that she was helping to expose the information to a computer hacker? John Kerry has said that he is worried people are reading his emails. Was she worried that her emails were going to be read?”

    Keep in mind the American people know this and just need it to be put into the media in a way to get it out there. Trump can do that.

    Walter Hanson
    Minneapolis, MN

  5. Don’t miss the forest for the trees.
    Hillary has been wrong about virtually every foreign policy decision she made as senator and SOS. She supported the Iraq War, then said she was wrong to support the Iraq War. She opposed the surge, and the surge turned out to be successful. She agreed with Obama on complete withdrawal from Iraq, and that left us w/o the boots on the ground to fight Isis. Remember the famous “reset” with Russia?
    But I suppose there is a document buried in the State Department archives that proves that Hillary’s advocacy was essential in increasing schooling of peasant girls in Elbonia from 3.5 year to 3.7 years. And got the Elbonians to give them condoms and “access to reproductive services”, as well.

  6. Any legal immigrant (including 3/4 of my immediate family) agrees with Trump on immigration.

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