Doakes Sunday: Strategery

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Hard-line Muslim clergy require women to cover themselves so they don’t tempt men to sin by displaying their feminine wares.  The implication is that women are wicked temptresses willing use their looks to ensnare souls.  That may be true, but what’s the further implication?  That Muslim men have such little self-control, such poor judgment, such short-range vision that glimpsing an ankle or a smile will destroy their will and with it, their society.  Therefore, to protect these defenseless, helpless, socially retarded men from the consequences of their own vain stupidity, women must remain hidden.


Thinking about the photos we see of Muslim men celebrating – chanting slogans, burning flags, shooting guns in the air, I concede the mullahs are correct:  given the slightest excuse, Muslim men will act like exuberant children with an attention-deficit disorder. Therefore, President Obama is wrong to say the only alternative to the Iran Deal is war.  The United States doesn’t need to go to war to defeat Iran, we need to stage the world’s largest panty raid.  Steal all their women’s clothes and the regime will fall overnight.


Joe Doakes

“That’s illogical!”, you might respond.

But in the world of Obama foreign policy, illogic is logic.

It all makes sense, if you stop thinking too hard.

One thought on “Doakes Sunday: Strategery

  1. Let’s not even get into what Muslim men can do to women that show anything that they deem offensive or wrong.

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