15 thoughts on “Everything You Always Wanted To Know…

  1. Of course the polls are worthless; they imply Trump actually has a chance.
    Some nights I regret not having cable news, last night was not one of them.

  2. I cringe everytime Jeb Bush talks, because he actually makes sense. I want him to do poorly. We don’t need a wealthy full time politician from a political family. It takes away much of the criticism of Hillary. And if it Bernie……then Jeb reminds me a Romney. A nice guy, a moderate, who may not be able to beat someone who he should blow away.

    But his line from his original announcement. “I am for the Little Sisters over big brother”. And yes, someone fluent in Spanish may help. And I see the media has started their crusade against Jeb. Suddenly he is “having a bad week” with “numerous gaffs”. I read the “gaffs” and I don’t get it. What was wrong with that?

  3. It’s about time someone told us we live in a crony capitalist banana republic. I for one was glad Trump was up there. Added some gritty reality to the gauzy semi-promises and platitudes of a “debate”

  4. I can’t support Jeb, even if he were the best candidate (I don’t think he is), because the United States of America does not need a “royal” or presidential family. In fact, none of the next generation from any branch of the Bush family tree should be considered.

  5. Jeb performed just like the establishment, status quo politician he is. He’s not a bad fellow, just not the man America needs after 8 years under an anti-American, Islamic Manchurian candidate.

    Trump is a clown, but he is adding value to the GOP effort by forcing the candidates to take positions they might not want to take on issues they’d rather not address.

    The surprise for me was Ben Carson. Excellent performance; agreed with everything he said, and appreciated the way he said it.

    Christie, Paul and Kasich need to make a hole for Carly Fiorina.

  6. I believe Fiorina can win against Hillary or Biden. I don’t think that any of the others can, however much I agree with them.

  7. You can vote for an old white woman, and old white guy, or an old Jewish guy. Or you can vote GOP!

  8. Let me engage in a little handicapping of the Dark Side . . .
    The Dem nomination belongs to Hillary. She has the drive, she has the money, and she has a high level of support from Democrat power brokers. The talk about Sanders and Biden is spit balling by Dems and socialists who would like to see Hillary pulled further left or embrace Obama’s policies more tightly (which amounts to the same thing). Obama does not like the Clintons. He wants Hillary to embrace his policies more tightly, which may explain why Biden is now nipping at her heels. If Obama really doesn’t want her, he can probably shoot her down. He owns the attorney general.
    Sanders won’t get support from the big money guys. They know his economic ideas would be death even for the crony capitalists. Biden will never be prez, he’s too old and has too much baggage. There are reasons he was never a serious contender for the nomination. If we had an honest press, he would be widely known as the Democrat version of Todd Akin.

  9. What does Ms. Fiorina have to bring?
    The media loves a horse race and always pretends there is one. The reality is that the party leadership decides. My guess is that Bush will be the GOP nominee and Kasich will be his running mate. Republicans need to win in Ohio which they have lost by 2-3% for the last two presidential elections. Kasich could mean a 3-5% bump in Ohio. In contrast to Christie in New Jersey, Ohioans still like Kasich. Fiorina should be considered as a possible member of the Bush cabinet.

    One of my father’s favorite quotes:
    Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.

  10. “My guess is that Bush will be the GOP nominee and Kasich will be his running mate.”
    I’m just guessing, of course, but I don’t think Bush or Kasich can win against Hillary. Not with a ticket that is basically a repeat of 2012. But the Republicans aren’t called the stupid party for nothing. They are getting to be more like Britain’s Tories every day.
    With Bush, you would hear a lot of talk about strengthening the border, but it would never happen. You would hear a lot of talk about defunding PP, but it would never happen. You would hear a lot of talk about cutting spending, but it would never happen.
    I’m not saying that its impossible for Bush to win — anything can happen, especially if Obama unleashes the AG on Hillary — but no one who votes for Bush should expect anything other than mediocrity.

  11. I think Fiorina likes to fight, Emery. It would take a miracle for her to get the presidential nomination, but I could see veep happening. She would relish the position of attack dog.

  12. Personally, I’d like to see Kasich get the nomination (and win the election). I just don’t think it’s possible, absent some amazing runs of luck.

  13. Whoever the GOP candidate is, he or she will be under constant attack from the MSM. That is why I am gloomy on the chances of any Republican winning against Hillary. 2008 was real eye-opener. Biden is a confessed plagiarist and a gaffe machine. His plagiarism goes back to his college days. He can’t help it, he is addicted to stealing words and ideas the way Bill Clinton is addicted to sexually exploiting powerless women. Biden was Senator from Delaware when Obama tapped him for VP. Delaware is about the same size as Hennepin County with about as many people. When he was senator, Biden’s biggest campaign contributors were mesothelioma trial attorneys. If you aren’t from Delaware, you probably knew none of that until you read this comment. Compare that with what you know about Sarah Palin.

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