Outsourcing Incivility

I was going to give the President kudos for making this observation while on the Letterman show during the media’s Obamapalooza this past few days…:

Addressing suggestions that recent criticism of his health care reform efforts has been grounded in racism, President Obama this afternoon quipped, “I think it’s important to realize that I was actually black before the election.”…

…Mr. Obama said the notion that racism is playing a role in the criticism, which has been voiced by former President Jimmy Carter and others, is countered in part by the fact that he was elected in the first place – which, he said, “tells you a lot about where the country’s at.”

Well, that’s cool. 

But the kudo-ing is somewhat tempered by the knowledge that the President can afford to take the high road.  He’s got all sorts of flaks, minions and stooges who are on the payroll to do all the dirty, uncivil, defamatory work for him:

Andy Stern, President of the Service Employees International Union, issued the following statement today regarding recent attempts of right wing extremists to silence working families by attacking progressive individuals and community organizations:

“This is a moment of profound change for this country–from kitchen tables to town halls to the floor of the Senate, this nation is engaged in a vigorous and heated debate about how we rebuild our economy, solve our national healthcare crisis and restore the American Dream.

“As has always happened when progressive change is in the air, the backlash gets fierce, ugly and anti-American. This time is no different. Right now, there is an insidious and coordinated effort on the part of the extreme right to target individuals and grassroots community groups as a way to silence the voices of women and men who have suffered the most under 8 years of right wing policies.

“These extremists will attempt to shut down and shout down anyone with a different point of view.

Why, yes, that’d be Andy Stern of the SEIU, whose goons actually did silence people at last month’s Town Hall rallies.  But don’t dare call them un-American, mind you.  As someone who (unlike most DFLers) is a former union member, I’m ashamed at Stern’s disingenuity.

And of course, Jimmuh Cartuh, Babs Boxer, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are still roaming around trying to defame all who dissent.

But hey – at least the President said the right thing.  Right?

13 thoughts on “Outsourcing Incivility

  1. Pingback: The Greenroom » Forum Archive » Outsourcing Incivility

  2. The union thugs support Creigh Deeds – candidate for VA governor – Virginia is a right to work state and will stay that way – with all the bad press unions are receiving, union support to Deeds is tanking the independent support needed to win in NVA, a vote rich area of Virginia outside DC

    Our goal needs to be application of RICO statutes to the unions, vice pro-life activists 😉

  3. Former steelworker here.
    “Right now, there is an insidious and coordinated effort on the part of the extreme right to target individuals and grassroots community groups as a way to silence the voices of women and men who have suffered the most under 8 years of right wing policies.”

    How? Where? When? And what right wing policies have they suffered under? I never thought I would see cases of projection so strong that a statement like that could be made with a straight face.

  4. Outsourcing incivility?

    The clown, were he a believer in capitalism, would be at this moment writing a business plan to submit to VCs by morning. After all, he’s been doing this for the last 7 or 8 years so he should have this perfected.

  5. Well, that’s where a majority of the country is. You guys voted for the old white dude.

    For totally non-racist reasons, of course. Still, it’s fun to call him Obammy and dress him up like a pimp or a witch doctor, eh far-right non-racists?

  6. 2006: Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. 2009: Dissent is racist. Change you can believe in!

  7. Almost as much fun as dressing Bush up like Hitler or a monkey. I remember Clownie condemning that incivility. Oh wait. He didn’t.
    Gotta love those double standards.

  8. I can’t wait for a cartoonist to have the balls to draw Obama as a monkey and then have enough guts to say, “it’s not racist, people drew Bush as a monkey so its equal oppertunity offending.” Of course this will probably never happen. We can dream though

  9. The powerline guys are highlighting this list of Obammy’s foreign policy screwups:

    Then there is the catalogue of Mr. Obama’s embarrassing moments on the world stage, a list which includes: giving England’s Queen Elizabeth II an iPod with his speeches on it; giving British Prime Minister Gordon Brown a collection of DVDs that were not formatted to the European standard (by contrast, Mr. Brown gave Mr. Obama an ornamental desk-pen holder made from the oak timbers of Victorian anti-slaver HMS Gannet, among other historically significant gifts); calling “Austrian” a language; bowing to the Saudi king; releasing a photo of a conference call with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which the president was showing the soles of his shoes to the camera (an Arab insult); saying “let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s”; saying the United States was “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world”; suggesting Arabic translators be shifted from Iraq to Afghanistan where Arabic is not a native language; sending a letter to French President Jacques Chirac when Nicolas Sarkozy was the president of France; holding a town-hall meeting in France and not calling on a single French citizen; and referring to “Cinco de Cuatro” in front of the Mexican ambassador when he meant Cinco de Mayo. Also of note was Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton giving Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov a “reset” button with the Russian word for “overcharge.”

    Neither the Times editorial or the the Powerline post mention that international relations was Obammy’s major field of study when he was an undergrad at Columbia.
    I’m sure he applied that razor-sharp intellect and deep understanding to his study of constitutional law.

  10. Hi Mitch – The argument that the President can afford to be civil because he has minions to do his “un-civil” bidding seem’s to ignore, just a little, the reality that he’s not being uncivil not because he doesn’t have to be, but because he really believes what he’s saying.

    Perhap’s it isn’t a calculated strategy, but the guy is genuinely handling this issue with class. Whether you agree with his politics or not, I think he get’s points for this one. He stayed out of the dirt, by choice….some think it’s a good example.

  11. I agree, it’s a good example.

    Too bad that troglodyte scumbag at SEIU isn’t smart enough to follow it.

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