“Six Rounds Is All You Need”

A woman in Detroit shows why magazine limits lead to dead innocent civilians:

DETROIT, MICHIGAN — Around 3am Tuesday morning, 5 men entered a Detroit home, however they became quickly aware that they picked the wrong house.
The 34-year-old woman inside the home is a concealed carry permit holder, and she wasted no time firing on the suspects. The suspects ended up exchanging shots with the woman, and she suffered a gunshot wound to her leg.

Of course, being a news media story, it is entirely focused on irrelevancies – she was in her house, so her carry permit was irrelevant.

The real point is this; sometimes thugs are the obliging enough to come to you in ones and twos.

One thought on ““Six Rounds Is All You Need”

  1. Sniff…..I love it when a story has a happy ending. (if only it hadn’t been happier with a few of the perps assuming room temperature)

    It’s also striking that the perps felt comfortable coming into a front window. Says something ugly about Detroit, really.

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