My Telethon

The usual suspects in the media are soiling themselves over this story – Americans who are going to Iraq to help teach Iraqi Christians how to fight against the ISIS butchers who are shooting, beheading and burning them alive.

Mainstream Christianity has not been an especially martial faith for the last 500 years or so. Mainstream American Christianity in particular fairly wets itself at the thought of individual self defense; I can see an ELCA Lutheran congregation in Edina shooting steam out it’s ears at the thought of arming and training fellow Christians against those who, you know, are killiing the men, raping the women and selling the children into slavery (when they’re not burning them alive).

The Jews – and for that matter, Irish Catholics – haven’t had the leeway to be as stupid over the centuries.

My million dollar idea for today: a national telethon of Christian radio stations to raise money for the Christian resistance in the Middle East.

We are, indeed, our brothers keeper. Mercy and forgiveness are wonderful qualities – when your children, and Our children, aren’t under immediate threat.

3 thoughts on “My Telethon

  1. Refuse to convert to Christianity and we’ll UnFriend you.

    Refuse to convert to Islam and they’ll behead you.

    As a long-term strategy, our plan sucks.

  2. In the end the Christ wins, Joe Doakes. There are some Christians who call Mohammad a prophet. Obviously he was not. Christ is the living word, the alpha and the omega.
    It’s funny what religious people say about other religions these days. Ecumenicalism reigns supreme. Shakespeare has Shylock say:

    Yes, to smell pork; to eat of the habitation which
    your prophet the Nazarite conjured the devil into. I
    will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you,
    walk with you, and so following, but I will not eat
    with you, drink with you, nor pray with you.

    But a century after a Shakespeare, Jews were allowed to sit on the London exchange.

  3. One wonders what the State Department will do to these Americans who so love their neighbors. I am guessing it will not be as gracious as those who went to Spain to fight Franco and the Nazis.

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