6 thoughts on “Meet The New Snarkmeister

  1. Mitch:

    The question is how hard will he hit Obama and other liberals. I suppose that this isn’t an encouraging sign.

    Walter Hanson
    Minneapolis, MN

  2. What’s kind of funny though was before this came to light, Salon had put out an article gleefully speculating that it would be people on the right would be going after him because he’s black and we’re apparently all obsessed with race.

    However looking at some of the comments by my progressive friends, it seems that a lot of the “outrage” has been ginned up because they’re mad that Comedy Central didn’t hire a woman to replace Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. The thinking seems to be that if they can get him booted for being “sexist” than Comedy Central would have no choice but to hire a woman as a sign of contrition.

    Let’s see how well that works out for them.

  3. Another non-journalist delivering the fake news that the Left needs to validate its bigotry.

  4. Another liberal comedian with a sledgehammer instead of a feather…..I’m sorry, but even Lena Dunham’s comparison of her dog with her Jewish boyfriend had a better touch than that. And in either case, any conservative would be (rightly) shown the door.

  5. Certain Lefty media outlets (I know, PTR) have noted he is an African American. I suppose if he is, but then so is Charlize Theron.
    The best item I have seen so far is where Noah asks for dispensation because no one should be judged for something they mistakenly said (or tweeted) one time.
    Given that his new job is really nothing but introducing clips of stupid things some Republican or someone on Fox News (Lefty cries out: PTR! PTR! PTR!) said one-time, you’d think the people who claim to see irony in everything would have noted that to him.

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