MOB Party: We Can All Be Consiglieri

Last week, I announced that the next MOB party is scheduled for August 22.

Some said “the notice is too short”.

So I’ll do something unprecedented in MOB history:  Throw it open to a vote.  The choices:

August 22 (a week from this coming Saturday).

September 12 (the weekend after the state fair is over, and autum is kicking in).

Upsides to the 22nd – I need a drink.

Upsides to the 12th – more time, fewer summer distractions, weather should be good, and there’s a chance that cigar patios will be legal again.  More on that later today.

So vote early and often!

What Is The Best Night For The Next MOB Party
August 22
September 12
Let’s just crash “Drinking Liberally” and make them cry for momma.
Free polls from

Note that I’ve set this so everyone gets one vote – not a daily vote.  Joke votes will be your final answer.

18 thoughts on “MOB Party: We Can All Be Consiglieri

  1. Everyone’s invited to St. Cloud for our 9/12 Tea Party. We don’t know what the question is yet but the answer is still BEER.

    Seriously, we’ve got a great lineup of speakers that day, including Hennepin County Commish Jeff Johnson on gov’t waste, Rep. Mike Beard on energy, Rep. Steve Gottwalt on health care, Joel Rosenberg on the Second Amendment, King Banaian on the economy, Rep. Dan Severson on taxes, with patriotic music between speakers & with Dave Thompson emceeing the event. That isn’t all of the highlights but it’s a substantial hint of what it’s about.

    It starts at 10 am & is scheduled to conclude at 1 pm, though that isn’t guaranteed when you’re dealing with angry, un-American mobs getting paid by greedy insurance companies.

  2. “No need to “crash” DL. Stop by sometime.”

    What, no word on the “cry for momma”?

    I guess that happens no matter who shows up. *shrug*

  3. Stop by sometime.

    I dunno, Stoo. Have you ever noticed how many of that crowd act visibly disgusted when they’re in the same room as a Republican?

  4. “What, no word on the “cry for momma”? ”


    Mitch, you mean the same way swiftee responds to anyone to his political left? We can handle righties. The Uke stops by all the time with his dog and/or kids, and we all have a civil exchange of insults (not of the dog or kids, though).

  5. Enh. I’ve been meaning to give it a shot for a while. Weeknights are usually very very bad for me.

    One of these days.

  6. I’ll be nice to the local moonbats if DL invites Senator* Scumbag for me to mock….I want him to draw a map of the fever swamp from memory.

    Well, alright, that’s not entirely true. I might not be nice, about nonplussed?

  7. “Drinking Liberally is a project of Living Liberally, an organization which builds progressive communities through social networks and events.”

    Sponsored by Media Matters Action Network, a sister to Media Matters for America a non-profit 501(c)(3).

    Just as I thought, top down community astroturfing, with tax deductible funding.

  8. More from

    “We ask you to participate in monthly communication with our national office. We have a monthly half-hour conference call with all the City Leaders to share successes and challenges. Additionally (and more importantly), our National Liaison will check in with you each month to learn how your group is going — this is critical as we grow and strengthen our national network. ”

    They sure like the centralized control, don’t they.

  9. Disco,

    Sincerely, thanks for the invite. I may try to do it sometime. As noted before, Wednesdays are usually pretty bad nights to get away.

    But while there are certainly quite a few local leftybloggers who can carry on a civil conversation across the aisle (or even ignore the “aisle”), there are some that take things waaay to seriously, and a few I’ve met in other settings that just exude rage at the thought of being in the room with a conservative. I don’t back away with conflict, but I usually don’t go seeking out pointless ones.

    Still, maybe.

    They sure like the centralized control, don’t they.


    That was the part I loved about Karl Bremer’s rant about the MOB after the “Dirt Worshipping Heathens” bit; he described the MOB as a top-down, hierarchical organization that drove politics and content in group members – which we don’t. He was, of course, describing DrinkLib (although I’ll point out that DrinkLib has no editorial role, since if I don’t someone will point it out anyway).

  10. “top-down, hierarchical”? Why am I not on the e-mail chain? Shucks, I don’t even get a Scaife Check.

  11. I remember once hearing a talk radio host advocate getting conservative lawyers to join the local chapter of the ACLU in large enough numbers to control the chapter and start setting policy.

    It would be interesting to apply that theory to Drinking Liberally.

  12. Interesting you mention that. I heard that there were quite a number of “Citizens for a “safer” Minnesota” or “Million Mom March” meetings where gunnies outnumbered antis. It might have happened…


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