Currency Affairs

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Women’s group wants to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.  Time for more women on the money, and besides, he was Bad because he enforced the Indian Removal law passed by Congress, which modern Liberals claim was genocide but which Conservative scholars claim averted genocide (if the Indians hadn’t been relocated West, they’d have been wiped out by Eastern Whites).

The women recommend Rachel Carson instead, the “a marine biologist who wrote the hugely influential environmental book ‘Silent Spring.’  That was the book that urged the ban on DDT, the most effective way to kill tsetse flies.   Millions of Blacks now suffer from malaria.

Or Margaret Sanger, who opened the first birth control clinic in America because society needed to kill mentally ill and defective babies.  Which tended to come from families that lacked proper nutrition and health care.  Mostly Black.

Or Betty Friedan, who wrote “The Feminine Mystique” to launch the modern feminist movement by ridiculing stay-at-home-motherhood, saying “. . . housewives are mindless and thing-hungry . . . housework is particularly suited to the capabilities of feeble-minded girls.”

Is it just me, or is there a bit of elitism going on here?  The $1 Susan B. and Saca-bucks aren’t large enough denominations, gotta be $20?  Maybe we can bring back the $1,000 after Hilary gets her email account sorted.

Joe Doakes

I’m sure it’s all in the works.

14 thoughts on “Currency Affairs

  1. You’ll get no argument from me if you replace Old Hickory with Tammy Wynette. Otherwise, no deal.

  2. Friedan is a malevolent self-loathing troll rapidly heading down the road to a well deserved obscurity.

    But between Carson and Sanger its a tough choice which one has responsibility for the greater body count, especially for exterminating blacks.

    Maybe DG could drop by with a couple thousand words to “enlighten” us.

  3. kel, I didn’t see She-devil on the list, I think that’s an appropriate description !!

  4. Joel:

    I have two nightmares. It’s 2017 and Hillary Clinton is President. This movement of course will say it has to be Hillary on the $20 bill instead of Old Hickory.

    Walter Hanson
    Minneapolis, MN

  5. I think it’s cute people still talk like we’re going to have an election rather than a coronation. I wish I could open a Betfair account because I would go all-in on Hillary. The logic is simple: Yes, Americans really are that stupid

  6. Remember how everyone thought Hillary! was an inevitable juggernaut in early 2008?
    It’s a joke, Emery. Jeez.

  7. “Feelings aren’t good or bad . . . feelings just are!”
    Hillary & Team Clinton are very good at projecting an aura of inevitability. Didn’t work in 2008. There are some powerful figures on the Left — let’s call it the “Bill Ayres” wing of the Democrat party — who hate the Clintons and everything that they stand for. I would not be surprised if Granny Clampett Elizabeth Warren is the Democrat nominee in 2016.

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